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Lily Karter Feb 2013
I feel so numb,
but tears continue to stream down.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
Awakening with wide eyes.
I roll over, and see you peacefully lay.
I close my lids, back asleep I go.
Lily Karter Mar 2013
Frozen toes,
Icy nose.
Rested eyes,
Curled up spine.

Light the hearth,
Open a book
To read in
The warmth.
Lily Karter Mar 2013
O, how I long to lay by the sea.
The calming sound of the waves
The tides washing away my worries.

O, how I long to run in the field.
The sun nourishing my needs
The breeze enlightening my senses.

O, how I long to sit along the cliff.
The edge causing adrenaline rushes
The view relaxing my mind.

*O, I wish to be anywhere but here.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
How dare you be so vain that you don’t even acknowledge the beauty that surrounds you.

The world has so much beauty to offer you, it’s child, yet you are stuck in the mirrors reflection.

*One day you will wake up and and realize that the sweet smell of roses
have rotted the same as your soul.
Lily Karter Mar 2013
I see his face,
                   And I think like I've been blind all my life.
I hear his voice,
                   And I swear I hear angels sing.
I taste him,
                   *And I realize I have been starving.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
Where ever you go, may I be beside you.

What ever you do, may I do it too.

What ever you feel, may I feel it with you.

But I pray to god that I never weigh you down.
Lily Karter Mar 2013
“Whatever anyone does or says, I must be emerald and keep my colour.”*
(Marcus Aurelius; Meditations)

As many of you may already know by now, the above quote by Marcus Aurelius has been my motto in life. But today I raise a question for all of us to think about! What happens when one day someone comes exploding into your life and already knows that you're an emerald? You have spent your life keeping your color; despite the fears, betrayals, disappointments and hurts, then what if one day somebody falls down from the assembly of the gods and simply knows you through and through? Your color, your worth... the fact that you are emerald! The question is: how do you stop "keeping" color, when all you have left to do is simply to "be" emerald? No more fear. How does one begin to cope with the sudden loss of fear? Certainly it is the very best thing that can happen to an individual on earth, but I am startled by the realization that letting go of the battle against life and simply being alive, might actually require courage, in itself! It takes courage not only to fight; it also takes courage to believe that good things can happen. It takes courage to simply have grace, to breathe. There comes a time when you no longer need to protect yourself, and that is just as honourable, and perhaps even more honourable, than all the battles you stood up to fight!
As I read this a few minutes ago, I knew I had to share it.
No, it's not a poem, but the message and question it presents is marvelous.

Lily Karter Mar 2013
As the tree is fertilized by its own broken branches and fallen leaves, and grows out of its own decay, so men and nations are better improved by trial, and refined cut of broken hopes and blighted expectations.

*F. W. Robertson
Lily Karter Mar 2013
It's the feeling that
you aren't just sad about one thing.
You are sad about everything.
Little things.
Big things.
Everything makes you upset.
You end up crying,
And don't really know why.

You can't go to school.
You can't pursue a job.
Not because you are lazy.
Not because you're worthless
Simply the fact that
You can't handle the stress,
Or you're scared of failing.
It makes you scared to do anything,

You just stay cooped up in your room.
You sleep.
You eat,
on a good day.
You take your meds.
And you just sit.

You lose your social life.
You lose your love.
You lose your passions.
You start to believe dreams are completely
You eventually lose your feelings.

It just makes you feel like
You're going insane.
It's literally the most painful thing in the world to experince.

You want to think better.
Act better.
Be better.

The horrible part is,
You know how to fix it all.
But no one seems to be able to help.

It's really simple things
That would make you happy.
It really is.
But it's like those things are miles away.

Then the vicious cycle begins again.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
Just a simple look in my direction.
The slightest smile you give me.
Feeling the touch of your worn hand.
The warmth of you lips on mine.

The tone in which you speak to me.
And the words that you say to me.
How when we lay together,
Our bodies seem to melt into one.

They say that finding true love is hard;
But they say finding your soulmate is harder.
You wonder if it’s coincidence that our paths crossed,
Or if it was fate that our hearts seem to become locked together.

Whatever the case may be,
It doesn’t matter.

You are here.
And you embrace everything.
My flesh. My soul. My thoughts.
You have it all.
Lily Karter Apr 2013
Today, I didn't miss you.
I laid in bed, and thought of the outside world.
My favorite spot on the creek.
The hill where I want to build a house.
The type of person I want to be.
The places I want to go.
The family I want to raise.
And the man I want to marry.

But never a thought of you.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
I feel so much and

                          I don't know how to get it out .

I write.
But sometimes,

                           I can't find the right words.

I paint.
But sometimes,          
                           I can't find the right strokes.

I draw.
But sometimes,

                           I can't find the right lines.

I dance.
But sometimes,

                           I can't find the right movement.

How do you express something,
that you don't know how to show ?
Lily Karter Feb 2013
You see, falling is so easy.
They make it effortless for you to love them.
They pretend that they are
But in reality - you are just another pawn.
In their movie, they are main.
You are just someone who makes it interesting.

How sad to be the useless background noise
in such a beautiful song.
Lily Karter Mar 2013
I love your green eyes
I love the freckles that cover your face
Even the red in your beard
I love your devilish grin
And the voice that comes through them
I love every tattoo
And the story behind them
I love how you tease me
I love it when you stare into my eyes
I love the music you make
And the words you sing
I love how you make me happy
I love how you wipe away my tears
I love the long embraces
And the little kisses they come with
I love your need for adventure
I love your dumb faces
And the goofy personality they reflect
I love the music you play
And the far out movies we watch
I love falling asleep with you
And waking up with you even more
I love the breakfasts you make
I love the way you've planned our future
And that you dream about it constantly
I love all of the things that create who you are

Most of all,
*I love being in love with you.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
I believe I've missed so many opportunities
for love in my life.

Maybe not missed as many as I think,
but maybe ******* them up.

They say you never know what you have
until it's gone.

You never know how true it is
until you look back at your life.

Memories of the ones who you hurt.
Memories of the things you did wrong.
Memories of the times you weren't there.

You know, I wonder why they never give me a shot.
But at the same time, I can't blame them.

**I hate me too.
Lily Karter Mar 2013
I am done with the chains that seem to bind me to your feet.
No more broken promises.
No more lies
I wont give you a chance to deceit me again.
I was there every time you were in need.
But where were you when my soul cried out for you.
I thought what we had was true.
But I can tell you only used me for the attention.
If you cared for me,
where were you when I hit rock bottom?

It could be that I expected too much from you,
Or that you weren't who I wanted you to be.
If everything you ever did was sincere,
If everything you ever said was true,
Then this will break your heart.
And I hope it does.

You say you don't know what you want,
But I do.
You say you don't know what you want to do,
But that doesn't matter.

My heart is tired,
And I'm taking it for a rest.
I just hope if you are going to realize what happened,
I hope you do it soon because if I'm too far gone,
You won't be able to find me.

Maybe later we could start from scratch.
Our journey ends here.
Maybe when we're old,
We will think this was just a dream,
Or a well written song.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
You told me it would be better if
I didn't stay.

I told you it would be better if
I didn't leave.

But in the end,
Your wish is my command.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
A smile to illuminate the room,
or maybe just a lonely heart.
With a touch like Midas,
your fingertips feel like heaven.
Oh, how I know the angels stare
at your ever lasting beauty.
Your words exalt you
to the highest of highs.
Placed on a pedestal,
you take your throne.

With slight change in mood,
your words burn like fire.
Eyes like Medusa,
all who pass freeze in fear.
Melodic voice turned to
the shriek of demons.
You tower and terrorize
from the pits of hell
Roaming the night,
stealing wretched souls to crush.

Loved and feared,
are you a god or monster?
Lily Karter Feb 2013
You say I deserve better,
but I feel like you mean
I don't deserve you.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
You say that you love rain,
but you open your umbrella when it pours.

You say that you love the sun,
but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.

You say that you love the wind,
But you close your windows when wind blows.

This is why I am afraid;
You say that you love me too.
Written by Qyazzirah Syeikh Ariffin (Originally wrote in Turkish)
Lily Karter Feb 2013
I feel like the past few days we spent together,
I have grown to love him more.

With every look,
and every word,
He seems to light a fire in my heart.
I love him more than I will understand.
But - the catch is
he is not mine to have.

Talk about having your heart lit on fire.

And you know what?
I'm not jealous of her.

I am jealous of what she gets to have.
There is not one person in this whole world that
deserves his affection and support more than me.

And look at where we are.
Journal entry from November 22, 2012
Lily Karter Feb 2013
Sometimes, I am completely confused by your lingering presence.
Some how you managed to tattoo yourself onto my heart,
and it was the most magnificent thing I have ever experienced.
But, I feel like you labeled me yours
so that I may always run to you,
but never handed your whole heart to me
so that you may run from me.
I'm bewildered how our time has never come -
but maybe you've played you cards so that it may never be.
I rip my heart and soul open, and pour it out to you freely, when you lend your ear;
Yet you can't even explain how you feel when I lay next to you.
How does that work?
How is that not dysfunctional to you?
Do you really know what's going on?
I give every thing I have to you on a silver platter -
I even feed it into your foul mouth.  
But no decision is never made.
Your words are becoming a broken record,
and I've grown tired of the piercing noise it lets out.
You say you love me - but can't leave her.
But heres my realization....

*If you are to love two souls, let the first go.
If you loved the one so much, your heart wouldn't long for the other.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
There's something
The way words fall upon paper.
Each sentence a
Each comma the pause in between.
Every thought written in the life line.
Each expression
A breath
Lily Karter Feb 2013
I am the devil in the night.
I scourge, and haunt, and terrorize.
All those who see me stop with fear in their tracks.
All do their best to avoid such a horror like me.
Those whom provoke me regret their actions,
for I rip them limb from limb.
I will show them the worst pain they have ever seen.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
You send my brain spiraling into a fog of confusion.
I try to reach out to you for clarity,
And it's like
you don't even care.

What do you expect me to do?

All that I feel,
it is so unexplainable.

But somehow you don't even
try to understand.

What do you expect me to do?

You won't listen.
My words pass you
like the wind
on a cold winter's day.

You know it's there,
and it stings,
but you choose to ignore it.
Lily Karter Mar 2013
You abandoned me
Love don't live here anymore
Just a vacancy
Love don't live here anymore
When you lived inside of me
There was nothing I could conceive
That you wouldn't do for me
Trouble seemed so far away
You changed that right away, baby
Love don't live here anymore
Just emptiness and memories
Of what we had before
You went away
Found another place to stay, another home
In the windmills of my eyes
Everyone can see the loneliness inside me
Why'd ya have to go away
Don't you know I miss you so and need your love

Song written/sang by Bastille
Lily Karter Feb 2013
You said I was the most exotic flower
Holding me tight in our final hour

I don't know how you convince them and get them, but
I don't know what you do,
It's unbelievable
And I don't know how you get over, get over
Someone as dangerous,                                                  
                                  and flawed
                                                       as you

One for the money, and two for the show
I love you honey, I'm ready, I'm ready to go
How did you get that way? I don't know
You're ******* up and brilliant,
Look like a million dollar man,
So why is my heart broke?

You got the world but baby at what price?
Something so strange, hard to define

It isn't that hard boy to like you or love you
I'd follow you down down down,
You're unbelievable
If you're going crazy just grab me,
and take me

I'd follow you down down down, anywhere anywhere

One for the money, two for the show
I love you honey, I'm ready, I'm ready to go
How did you get that way? I don't know
You're ******* up and brilliant,
Look like a million dollar man,
*So why is my heart broke?
Sang by Lana del Rey - my absolute favorite artist.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
My lids lay heavy upon my eyes.
Nestled in my bed,
not a light in the room,
yet I stay awake.

How can I be in great comfort,
but be uncomfortable at the same time?

Tonight the coldness of the sheets
give me chills.
So much room, I feel like my mattress never ends.
As lovely as my bed is,
I toss and turn,
pondering what would help my slumber.

It's you.
For when you are spoiled by the presence of their warm body next to yours when you lay down to sleep.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
I've always been able to feel how people are.
As strange as it sounds,
my sixth sense is stranger.

I've known you for years.
Your almost jet black hair,
chiseled jaw with a scruffy beard,
and those beautiful eyes to die for.

You have two personalities,
but you aren't insane.
The one people see every day,
So charismatic
and brilliant.
So illuminous you make
my eyes burn.
Talkative, fun,
always the life of the party.
You know,

I see through it.
Through those glassy eyes,
they tell it all.

I see your kind heart,
the generosity you give.
Yet you are sill afraid
they will take advantage.
You have this hard, happy shell...
but this scared, secretive inside.

I commend how clever you are.
I really do.

Some how you convince everyone
that they know the real you,
but they have no idea.

And I,
I saw it in an instant.*
It's crazy how I feel how you are.
It's crazy how I can't explain it.
But I know you,
and I can
read your heart.

I know your fears,
But I will
never tell.
Hardly am I ever wrong when I read someone.
This poem is about someone I've grown close to, and what I read every time I'm with them.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
When I write something, I want anyone who reads it to be able to understand it. I don't want to use words that confuse - but I want it to feel elegant. I want it to be simple. I want you to get it. I want you to connect with it.
I feel like writing is expressing yourself in hope that someone who reads your work feels the way you do.
So you know that you aren't alone out there.
Sometimes, I feel like writing is a cry for help. An outpour of emotion that you can't control.
When you don't have someone to go to - you write.
You may not have one person who will listen, but you put it out there hoping someone in the world will.

Isn't that strange? We can put our thoughts on full blast for everyone to see, but we can't even manage to tell it to the one for which it's about in the first place.
Lily Karter Mar 2013
He who has no love,
Has no woes.

Thats what I hear.
It's a sad truth
That I'm not fond of.

In this world today,
It's hard to decipher
Real emotions
From those of
The liars.

It's truly heartbreaking
That someone would lie
About such a thing.
To use you for their
Better good.

But maybe they're ahead of the game,

He who has no love,
Has no woes.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
When I talk to you now, I feel you slowly slipping away.
Was it too much?
Maybe I shouldn't have shown you how I felt,
but I don't regret it.

Not one bit.

I know you hate the act of sharing feelings.
You were never one to open so widely.
Maybe I shouldn't have shown you how I felt,
but I don't regret it.

Not one bit.

I'm sorry,
But sometimes you just need to know these things.

I don't take back what I said

But I regret how it made you feel.
The repercussions of telling someone how you feel.
I think it hurts the most when you know you made them feel terrible, and now you see what you had with them slipping away.
Whether it's friendship or love - to me it all hurts the same.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
The difference between my darkness and your darkness is that I can look at my own badness in the face and accept its existence, while you are busy covering your mirror with a white linen sheet. The difference between my sins and your sins is that when I sin I know I'm sinning, while you have actually fallen prey to your own fabricated illusions. I am a siren, a mermaid; I know that I am beautiful while basking on the ocean's waves and I know that I can eat flesh and bones at the bottom of the sea. You are a white witch, a wizard; your spells are manipulations and your cauldron from hell yet you wrap yourself in white and wear a silver wig.
Quote from my favorite author/philosopher/poet/humanist, C. Joybell C.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond
any experience, your eyes have their silence:
in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
or which i cannot touch because they are too near

your slightest look easily will unclose me
though i have closed myself as fingers,
you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
(touching skillfully, mysteriously) her first rose

or if your wish be to close me, i and
my life will shut very beautifully, suddenly,
as when the heart of this flower imagines
the snow carefully everywhere descending;

nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals
the power of your intense fragility: whose texture
compels me with the color of its countries,
rendering death and forever with each breathing

(i do not know what it is about you that closes
and opens; only something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands
Poem by E.E. Cummings
Lily Karter May 2015
Sad and alone,
I stare into the stars.
There are millions, and billions,
All connected by the dust in which they were formed in.
I'm told that all things in the universe start from the same beginning,
That we are made from the same dust as the stars....

But I don't feel like a star.

I feel like a black hole that takes all these wonderful and magnificent wonders in life and swallows them whole.

I feel like the dark side of the moon,
cold, untouched, and deadly.
My heart feels frozen
And I can feel every crater in my skin,
Reminding me of all the harm I've inflicted,
And all the wrong choices I've made.

I never lied when I told you that you were my sun...

You are warm and give life to all things.
Without you, I'm just a cold, damaged moon
Causing the tides to rise and destroying the world with every move I make.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
Bright sun.
Sunkissed skin.
Cases of beer,
and cigarettes.
Blue ripple water,
heated by the rays.
Me and you
on the day
that lasted forever.

Wet hair and
wide smiles.
and love,
and affection.
Skipping work
and faking sick...
Those are the days
**I miss.
This is all inspired from a picture of my best friend and I. Staring at it brings back a flood of happy memories!
Lily Karter Mar 2013
I watch you rip out my heart
And hold it in your hand
Taunting me.

I wait for you to make the choice
Let it gush out and die
Or simply stop the bleeding.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
The last
Seems to hold the whole
Of the

Once was a
But over times my
Cause it to

Oh, How I depend on that
To keep this
Stitched together in
That this all will

I invision it all to
And unfortunately
Lily Karter Feb 2013
are we in blackest of
night. Is it because our souls are
attracted to the darkness? Maybe it's because the
dim lighting helps us be ourselves, but not totally be seen.
Whatever it may be, it's the most alluring time of the day.
I look forward to the sun setting, Because
**I know of what comfort
is to come.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with 4 arms, 4 legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves. And when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, whether he be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other's sight, as I may say, even for a moment...
An excerpt from Symposium by Plato.
Lily Karter Mar 2013
I just want you. Intimately, of course, but in every other way possible, too. You see, I've learned that there are very few things in life that consistently make me happy - my art, my words, my dance, and you. It's like I have this hole in my body, like I'm hungry. All my life I have been starving for happiness and love.
Now, every time I'm with you, every time I talk to you even, it's like there's this whole plate of endless joy right before me, but I always just get a taste of it. I never get to dive in and devour the whole thing.
I am this child starving for you; and it really aches on the inside because I see what is placed before me and I never get to have it all. What makes it worse is that I know you will fill me up and I will never grow hungry again.
And it's been like that for years.
Ever since the first time I saw you, and I mean really saw you, I knew that there was something different about you, and that you were going to change my life. You might think I'm crazy, which I probably am, but I can just sense these things out. My heart can sort of predict how someone will make me feel in the future.
When I laid eyes on you I was truly stunned. I had these flashes of emotions, and it actually kind of scared me. They were so intense I didn't know what to do. I still get these rushes all the time, except I understand them now. Not completely - but for the most part.
Do you believe in soul mates? Do you believe in twin flames? I think about it all the time. I read quotes, and theories, and myths, and lores, and when I think about you they all makes sense.
You see, I recently read something about connected souls. They don't understand what time or distance is, they just feel the others absence, and they ache and yearn for them to come back. It doesn't matter if they just left the room or they are in another state, the soul just thinks being away for five minutes feels more like a week.
How do you think my soul feels when you are gone for days? It feels like you are missing from my life for months, years even. I haven't seen you for three or four days and it seems like a weeks time has gone by. It misses you; I miss you. All I think about is how to pass the time until I am in your arms again.
I am not one who believes in reincarnation, but I feel like our hearts have been missing each for years. Like they have been wandering the earth for centuries searching for its other half, and now they have happened to stumble upon each other. Throughout my whole life, my soul has felt like it was missing something, and when I am with you it's like the waters become calm. The storm is over.
And I know I don't get to have you all the time, and any type of relationship we try to have is a battle that we usually end up losing, but I always try to think of the bigger picture. I tell myself, "you don't have to win the battles to win the war." At times it is easier for me to listen to my own advice than others - but I always do my best, and this is why.
I read a quote that made a lot of sense even though I didn't agree with all of it.
".... But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you every thing that is holding you back; the person who brings you to your own attention. So that you can change your life.
A true soul mate is probably the most important person you will ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. ....Souls mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave...
I always try to convince myself that the reason you come, and break my heart when you leave, is to rip down my walls and to show me another layer of myself. It really only makes sense if you think about it.
Every time I am with you, I, at first, try to be tough and mean but I can never go through with it. I know that I love you and that makes the whole act crumble to the floor. I am too comfortable with you to be like that. I get so use to the feeling of happiness and comfort and love, that when you're gone I feel like a different person. Every time I find another way to sustain myself while you're away. I discover a new part of me that I didn't know was there. I think I am going to be devastated when you go missing, but I surprise myself with the ways I find to push myself through. And then of course - the cycle starts over.
I know that one day, the cycle will end. It will be you and me, and our kids, and our house - just like you planned. When you talk about our future together, it assures me that it's worth the fight, and that things will be okay later in life. After these rocky roads together we will be laid our in our spot in the forest listening to the creek and feel of the cool breeze.

Darling, I love you more than the fish love the sea, and I know you love me too. No matter what we do or where we go in life, that is a fact that will never change. As often as out bodies are apart, I know our souls never will be.

"I'm here. I love you. I don't care if you need to stay up crying all night long, I will stay with you. There is nothing you can ever do to lose my love. I will protect you until you die, and after your death I will still protect you. I am stronger than depression, and I am braver than loneliness, and nothing will ever exhaust me."
*-Elizabeth Gilbert
Eventually the letter that will be given to my special someone.
Lily Karter Sep 2014
As the Autumn leaves fall,
so does our very foundation.

I feel like I'm watching the destruction of everything we fought for in slow motion.

I feel sick.

I feel meaningless, and dead.
Once filled with love and joy,
This soul of mine is now empty.

I should have realized things were too good to be true.
You loved me too much for it to be real.

I should have expected it.
In hindsight it's all there.

The distance.
The accusations.
The distrust.
The selfishness.

You were never in it for us,
You were only in it for the benefits it provided.

I gave you a shoulder to cry on,
A roof over your head,
Food to eat,
A place to sleep,
Compassion and support.

I helped you out of your hole just so you could walk away.
Once your needs were met, I was no longer one of them.
Lily Karter Jul 2013
My biggest fear:
Thinking you can trust no one.
They say one thing,
and then act another.

Using someone for convenience,
but making them think otherwise.
Being so selfish,
can cause harm to another.

How can someone be so heartless?
Lily Karter Feb 2013
The sorrow that consumes me is not because of a lost love. More like a 'lost me'. I don't know what's happening to me. My happiness seems to disintegrate with every breath I take. I try breathing slower, but nothing seems to work. It's like I live my biggest fear every single day. Is that not the worst thing to feel? I am so frightened that I will be alone for the rest of my life. Look's like I got a head start. I don't want to wander this earth trying to find my niche by myself. If I'm going to be lost, I want someone to be with me. I don't want to be floating around and not be sure if something happens if I will have someone or not. Isn't that frightening? What's worse is that I don't even feel like I have a story. I'm not even the main character in my life. I just happen to be a recurring person in the background. I am so overlooked, and unneeded, and useless. The only thing I can give to the world are my words and my art. That's it.
I am just so tired of feeling this. I hate my emotions. I hate that I have no one to talk to, I just keep it inside and it festers and it boils and it's just slowly destroying me. It's terrifying to be like this and have no one to confide it.
Slowly sliding into my dreadful depression slump. I hate seeing myself get this dark.
Lily Karter May 2013
I have nightmares every night.
I feel like I have become numb to the notion of fear.
The demons don't frighten me;
The ghouls don't startle me;
Death doesn't shake me.

But yet, I find myself now awake with tears streaming down my face.
I woke from the dream that frightens me most.
The dream that is a true reality that I live every single day.
I dreamed that I saw my love from a distance;
And that he would not acknowledge my existence.
No grins peeking from the side of ones mouth,;
Not even a wonder form ones eyes.

You sat there as I stared at you
Silently begging for you to see me and end the pain.

I live my greatest fear every day.
The cold shoulder you give
Sends the dagger deeper into my heart.
Lily Karter Jun 2013
When your depressed,
Sometimes you have to
Scream and be angry
So you can get things off your chest,
Because there's no point in feeling
Sad and dead inside.
This is what I said to someone in my dream last night, and I found it really true. I know one of my problems with depression is that I keep everything inside and it wears me down to the point where I don't feel human.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
In the corner of the dark room,
I lay there.
Writhing in emotional pain,
I am paralyzed.
I feel like night has taken over
all of my light.
Is there any good left?
                                                             ­      Am I even alive?

The pills...
They tell you they work.
That they will make you better.
And I suppose uncomfortably numb
is better than the agony.

But I can't live this way.
Not when I know how I use to be

           ­                 Cheerful.

A loving soul turned

Lily Karter Feb 2013
I am a lover without love.
I am a dreamer without dreams.

Only because I don't think I can cope with the failure of one.
Sometimes we are more frightened by the outcome
than the actual thing.
Lily Karter Feb 2013
You know,
I don't really think I ever asked too much of you.

You say that you love me.
You say that you care for me.
I just need to you to help me believe it.

If what you said is true,
how is that too much to ask?

Because what you do now..
It's blatantly proves opposite.
How we can be so perfect for a week,
and then next you are long gone.

How can we go from being so attached,
to being so distant.
That's not how you show you love someone.

Saying you are scared of what will happen,
That won't work anymore.
I'm scared too, but I have always been willing to take the risk.
I would gladly take the leap if I knew you were there to hold my hand.

But where are you?
I just need you to show me I can trust your words.

*Is that so much to ask of you?
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