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380 · Aug 2019
Fossil Fuel
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
Just a lump of coal used to fuel your fire
Turing into ash once no longer desired
229 · Aug 2019
Words left unsaid
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
The idea of you and me
flutter in my head
As last nights memories
leave traces on the bed
Wondering where it could have lead
if maybe I would’ve said
all the thoughts racing in my head
Yet Instead
words were left unsaid
154 · Aug 2019
Brainless Sheep
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
Recently been feeling like im brain dead
Like a sheep in a bloodshed
136 · Aug 2019
Secret comedian
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
Wrap your arms around my waist as we think of silly things yet keep it to ourselves because we’re too afraid of what the other might think
131 · Aug 2019
The finer things
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
Once the sun says goodnight
and the moon starts to shine
I start to think of the finer things in life.
Like the fact that we both sleep under the same sky. You and I we should dream of the happiest things. Might we try something light just for tonight?

Like a walk on the beach with our toes in the sand. Or a cruise through the streets both hand in hand. We can go to a diner and dress really nice. Or dance without caring if we get the steps right. Stargazing and thinking “are we all that there is? ” Or go thrifting to see who can find the nicer fit. Maybe skating or bowling whatever you’d like.

But if that’s all too much and you’d prefer to stay simple. We can just stay inside, and call it a date night.

At home close together a movie on screen.
Cuddling with you our breaths start to sync.
My head on your shoulder your head on mine.
I look up at your eyes what a pretty sight.
We kiss under sheets while Lovesong is playing.
The credits start rolling the movie has ended.
How crazy it’d be if this wasn’t a dream.
Baby this could be us if you’d just stop playing.

Now the moons said good bye and surely the sun will soon rise. Sadly it’s time to wake up, from what I wish was true life. But for now I can dream, of the finer things. And just hope that one day I’ll wake up by your side.
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
Can’t go to sleep
Uncomfortable bed
Mind full of memories
I have possessed
Come lay next to me
Inside this bed
I’ll cover you in words
I want to express
120 · Aug 2019
Your eyes
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
I can’t explain the way you make me feel other than the fact that every time I see your face you make my heart stop for just long enough for me to realize that I am alive

I know that if you’d touch me you’d make me into the most beautiful version of myself because everything you touch becomes something beautiful and that’s all I strive to be

Beautiful in your eyes and no one else’s
117 · Aug 2019
My flame
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
It’s 6 am and the candle I turned on last night still flickers. A flame so strong it alone can cause a forest fire yet somehow a single breath of air that escapes from your lips manages to make it tremble and shake, the flame grows weak yet still shines enough light to help me see through the night.
114 · Aug 2019
Raw and Deep
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
you and me under the same tree would be everything. please sing to me what you see in me or at least help me out of this misery. for all I need is a taste of that so called love, that love that never breaks that never shatters. a taste of that something others could only fathom over, that love that’s so raw and so deep it makes others want to quickly steal a piece
113 · Aug 2019
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
Hold me close to your heart so I feel that it’s beating. Hug me tight till I know that you’ll never leave me.
111 · Aug 2019
Bodies and Beds
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
The warmth of a body instead of a bed
The comfort of a soul rather than a headrest
To hold you in my arms not just in my head
Such discomfort the sound of a spring brings
Compared to the beating of a chest
110 · Aug 2019
Making music
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
You strum the chords while I sing the tune. May our breaths become the harmony and the wind an interlude.
110 · Aug 2019
Cherry Pie
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
Drink me dry until I die
Eat me up like cherry pie
Devour me whole till there’s nothing left
Other than you and your still beating chest
106 · Sep 2019
If you where mine
Leslie Castaneda Sep 2019
Baby give me a sign
nothing much just a smile
You know how to make me feel fine
like everything’s all right
Let’s take a stroll down the road
chug a coffee, eat toast
We can walk hand in hand
while singing songs of romance
Slow songs play overhead
bodies sway now instead
Locking eyes as we dance
you can stop time with that glance
Watch scary movies on screen
our screams end up in sync
Finish our popcorn and coke
seems like it’s time to go home
Walks under the sky
look how the stars have aligned
Come with me and you’ll see
that this is our destiny
We can do anything
together, you and me
Baby you so divine
just let me call you mine
106 · Aug 2019
Time isn’t real
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
Time is an illusion
A man made mental confusion

You cannot truly fear
something that is nothing other than unreal
96 · Aug 2019
A fairytale ending
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
What’s your favorite color
the color of the sky?
What are your aspirations
tell me what how and why.
Your dreams and hopes so dear to me
until the end of time.
You're beauty and grace and all that relates
can I sing you lullabies?
Counting sheep till we fall asleep
do fairytales have to rhyme?
Jumping over candle sticks
while Mother Goose flies by.
The thought of you -it beckons me
like homemade apple pie.
Now full of love and sweetness
see you later -never goodbye
Most fairytales have happy endings
And if that’s true I’ll soon call you mine
95 · Sep 2020
Leslie Castaneda Sep 2020
Hi! How are you? Hope all is well, sending you love and wishing you luck. Have an amazing day!
93 · Aug 2019
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
As I walked beside you I realized
Oh how different our worlds would be
If I were you and you were me

Oh how different our worlds would be
I’d hold you and play with your hair
While you sang a song as some old dudes stare
Oh how different our worlds would be
You’d ask me why men act the way they do
And I’d say they’re just intimidated by you

Oh how different our worlds would be
If you’d for once feel the weight of constant judgement
If you’d for once feel the pressure of perfecting perfection
If you’d for once have to prove your position as a Person in a place where you’re viewed as an object rather than a human being with a soul

I am not a piece of land, you cannot claim my body or what I do with it
You cannot restrict me from my
Fundamental rights
You, a man, cannot strip me of my choices in birthing a child or not if you, a man, have never dealt with a period or a cramp

How can you trust me with a child but not my choice
How can you be pro life if you stop caring about these kids once you find out they’re a person of color, a member of lgbt, or anything other than white and rich

As I walked beside you I realized
Oh how different our worlds would be if I were you and you were me

Yet although I am woman that does not make me any less than a man because Under law we are equals
90 · Aug 2019
Imaginary lover
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
For you are merely a figment of my imagination and I have created you in the hopes that maybe somehow you would mold yourself into the physical embodiment of your spiritual form and then be able to radiate your essence of beauty that only I’ve been capable of seeing
83 · Aug 2019
Leslie Castaneda Aug 2019
Your lips against mine sounds like drinking wine on a friday night or dancing underneath the night sky as we watch speedy cars pass by, all risky yet beautiful things. Please don’t make me weep for all I need is your heart and mine to intertwine or at least for you to let me call you mine.
71 · Sep 2020
My troubles with love
Leslie Castaneda Sep 2020
How do you speak on something never felt?

Although understood it is not the same.
My father showed my mother love when he knelt.
She showed him love by taking his last name.

But the love of a parent is much different,
than that of someone not blood related.
At times it can be more significant,
to feel something that’s been so long waited.

Yet some say love is more than just a feeling.
They call it a process, an action, a choice.

Sometimes love can turn dark, unappealing
  -leave you feeling like you no longer have voice

Still all I want is to wear my heart on my glove
  -to hold and be held or love and be loved
69 · Sep 2020
Leslie Castaneda Sep 2020
Powerful barks from the canine sheltering her pup.

How beautiful the sight of a mother protecting her young.

I step closer since all I want is a better look at the mutt.

I notice her ears are up as if in constant alert, and her tail wags in frightened concern.

I feel her gaze on me as I bend to pet her newborn son.

So up close her true colors appear. With eyes as dark as coal, nails as strong as steel and teeth as sharp as knives, she bites at the hand that feeds. A closer look is all I asked for not a half bitten thumb.

— The End —