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Leydis Jan 2018
Time’s up

Times up!
Hollywood says,
glad for sordid Weinstein
for setting up the stage..,
but, please do explain
that there’s a sitting President
who publicly claimed
to grabbing women’s *****..
all because he can!

Times up!
but, the script has not been reversed,
the discourse dies a little
every time a women’s story
is subjected to shame.

Time’s up, for who, I ask?
When only the story of the powerful
is being told!
Who will play the little girl
who’s innocence got taken away?
When Barbie is still playing doctor with Ken,
yet no one says, Ken is a grown up man!

Who’s playing the story of the women
who can’t report her husband for ****?
How can he **** her? She belongs to him!

Time’s up, I wonder when!
When time is a concept we don’t understand...
and ****** someone gives you
five months in the can?

Time’s up, but who will play the story?
When our original sin starts with parents
who had *** with their offspring’s!!
Shiit, Adam and Eve...
you really are dammed,
damming us to perpetual violence
to the very ones we give birth!!

Time’s up! It’s really inspiring.
I hope that legislatively
it creates an impact.
I hope parents all over the earth
begin to openly talk to their children
about molestation and ****.
We all know the math...
90% of all **** is perpetuated by someone
you’ve already met!

Time’s up!
The phone’s ringing....
in the time I wrote this script,
someone else was already *****!

#timesup #**** #metoo #notonemore
Leydis Jan 2018
No matter how you put it...
WAR is RAW!!!!

War is raw because it’s hard to swallow,
it seeps in the soul of those who are armless.
The loss of life is raw and earsplitting,
ask the mother who lost her child,
ask the father who won’t attend graduation,
ask the child who will grow up mother or fatherless!

War is never about us....why you take it so personal?
war is about ego..oil, other people's possession...
because if war was about us,
rich and poor would fight along,
but we fight the rich man's war,
and deal with the devastating results in our slums.

War is raw, no matter how you dice it,
even if you reverse the letters
the devastation leaves you crying,
hoping you become hopeless,
shut up about the injustice,
make you blind to the plight of the other side,
because, you don't have to share your land,
your children don't walk through landmines,
because at the end, what’s mine is mine,
and I'll take yours, just because that's what I want,
and I will justify and make you testify
and I'll go to war, because..,
who cares, the kid that died this morning...wasn't mine!!
Would that make you change your mind?
Or **** it.....lets all just stay at war!

Leydis Feb 2018
So long as you’re the one kissing me,
Love will flow through my veins like whitecaps in the sea.  

The chalice of my body will overflow;
with tenderness,
with exceeding passion,
with undying love,
with superfluous devotion,
with abound liberties,
with prisons of ardor,
with fires without cold
chills provoked by heat of our bodies
as it leaves my lilies exhausted from delirium.  

So long as you’re the one kissing me,
the Dead Sea will have life,
we will sweetened its salty waters,
with the cloying of our desires.

So long as you’re the one kissing me,
we can change the colors of the time, as does the Red Sea,
camouflaging itself with the glimmers of the Sun,
revealing the indigo in its vortex only to the serene moon.

So long as you’re the one kissing me,
so long as we kiss,
so long as seafaring life exist,
so long as a kiss is an eternal treaty,
so long as time asks destiny for permission,
so long as you are the one kissing me...,
I'll be water to your wilderness,
moistening your existence...

Leydis Feb 2018
Mientras tú me beses,
fluirá amor por mis venas
como olas en el mar.

Siempre rebosara el cáliz de mi cuerpo
de ternura,
de premura pasión,
de exceso en devoción,
de amor con ligaduras,
de aprisionante libertades,
de reclusorios de fogosidad,
de fuegos sin fríos,
y escalofríos provocados por el calor
de nuestros organismos van dejando
mis lirios exhaustos de tanto delirio.

Mientras tú me beses,
El Mar Muerto tendrá vida,
endulzaremos sus aguas salíferas
con el flujo empalagoso de nuestros deseos.
Mientras tú me beses,
podremos cambiar los colores del tiempo
como lo hace El Mar Rojo,
engañando al sol con sus reflejos.
Dejando que solo la Luna
pueda ver el índigo en sus remolinos.
Mientras tú me beses,
mientras nos besemos,
mientras haya vida marítima,
mientras sea un beso un contracto eterno,
mientras el tiempo le pida al destino permiso,
mientras haya agua en los ríos,
mientras tú seas mío,
mientras tú me beses…….,
seré como agua en tu desierto,
humedeciendo tus adentros

Leydis Nov 2017

Si yo fuera hombre,
a mi mujer la tomaría
y en cada esquina
le hiciera el amor,
noche, tarde y día.

Si yo fuera hombre,
en su pecho dormiría,
lactara de sus deseos
y en realidad se los convertiría.

Si yo fuera hombre,
rosa en mano le pondría todos los días,
para que nunca olvide ella,
lo fuerte y frágil que es la vida.
Que ella al igual que esa rosa,
es el aroma que a mi olfato tranquiliza,
y que es su fortaleza,
donde se renuevan mi ímpetu por la vida.

Si hombre fuese
en la frente antes de salir
de casa le besaría,
para recordarle que
sigue siendo ella,
lo que más quiero en esta vida.

Si fuera yo hombre
le inventara zapatos
que no la hieran cuando pise
en ese inmenso trayecto
que puede ser la vida.

Le insistiría en salir a bailar
y hacer esas cosas de nuestra juventud,
para que se mantenga su alma
jovial, dulce y sin tanta rectitud.

Si yo fuera hombre,
cada noche un poema le inventaría,
para que recuerde por siempre ella
que es la musa, que inspira mis días.

Si fuera yo hombre,
depilarse no le permitiría,
más si la sintiera angustiada
con mis besos,
con mis versos,
con mis monerías
todo sentimiento de pesadez se los depilaría.

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