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Alexis Feb 2015
What makes her so sad and depressed?
Why does she take it out on her wrist?
Can she see no light?
In this dark cruel world?
Will she decide to leave and never come back?
Soes she not know we all really love her?
Or what shes doing will cause us more pain?
Alexis Feb 2015
The darkness impells
As my soul lingers in the shadows
Of an un wanted life
Beging for forgiveness

The winter wind blows
As my fears keep coming closer
And the light keeps fadding
Till i reawake in this hell burnig place
Called my life
Alexis Feb 2015
The moonlight shines
As the cold wind blows
Two hearts beat
As a willowd rose weep

You say that you love me
And that you will never leave me
But there you are walking away
As if you never loved me
Why do you hurt me
As if you like seeing me cry

You say your in love with her
But then you break her heart
You say you'll love her till she dies
You say you'll never hurt her
But  you go ahead and break her

And when i think of you the pain starts again
You flip me over and roll me over and i do a somersault
And when I hear your voice my hearts stops
because you've caused so much pain

The moonlight shines
As the cold wind blows
Two hearts beat
As a willowed rose weep
Love is. *****
Alexis Feb 2015
(W)hy did you have to leave?
(H)ow did you get away with lying?
(Y)ou promised us you would stop

(Y)ou knew we would eventually find out so why?
(O)ur families suffered
(U)nknown of what you were thinking

(H)ad stayed I could have stopped you
(A)nd now the guilt eats at me
(D)id you even consider how we felt?

(T)o even think that this is a dream is silly
(O)ur families confided into each other

(D)idn't you think about what this would to us?
(I) couldn't take the guilt anymore now
(E)veryone can see the pain you have caused me?
Sorry I am not that good at writing.
I wrote this after mysteodad was killed
Alexis Feb 2015
Why does it hurt so much
Like a thousand knives in my chest
my life turned into a blurry mess
My tears shatter like broken glass
I try to get rid of all the pain
By dreaming of a happy life
But when I awaken
The knives go further into my shattered heart

By Lexi Kudlacz-Fenninger

— The End —