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858 · Jan 2014
Les silhouette Jan 2014
a body of yours where i'd love to explore
the smell of raspberry on every line of your hair
a face i'd want to stare for hours
coming down to your lips. just a piece from heaven.
i kiss them every day and that's all I asked for.

your skin,
your neck will always be my desire
your body is the only thing i'd put on the test with mine
634 · Feb 2014
Les silhouette Feb 2014
I loved
   And loved
And loved

But it still wasn't
276 · Mar 2015
Les silhouette Mar 2015
Do you ever be in a relationship where u didn't feel the sparks being with them? Not that u didn't try but, you're out of your mind to do anything about it. Everyday is dull and boring.

Maybe the distance? There's nothing we could help with that and neither of us owned a license. Only texts and calls were the only way to reach ourselves and yet, nothing special were born there. Every day i waited for something new to come and lastly, i know i should stop expecting.

Sometimes, i forgot that im in a relationship. Being with him made me become a lazy texter because I didn't know what else to talk about. Sometimes i just wanted to confess the truth about how i felt. But i didn't want to be the reason we broke up. So, i waited. I counted the days and hope.
249 · Sep 2015
Over thoughts no more.
Les silhouette Sep 2015
And so he proved me wrong;
All those thousand thoughts that kept me awake;
Are no longer my dreads.
He sought help to drub my fears
He was there. All along.

— The End —