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Lesedii Aug 2016
Regrets flow in my head like a river.
My beating heart reminds me of what pain is,
It projects sadness in every beat.
I have a lot to say but
I don't have the voice or the courage,
I don't even have the heart.
Silence is what i say and
Silence is all that you'll ever hear.
Regrets and aren't even regrets.
My beating heart reminds me of what love is because I felt it.
You restored my faith in love,
You have given me something to be happy about,
You have taught me how and you enlightened my soul.
You have guided me out of my dark hole and I thank you for that.
I now see the light,
I now have the voice and the courage,
I now have the heart,
All you have to do is listen
Lesedii Aug 2016
They bleed forever and I don't wanna spend my forever hurting.. I've always imagined it to be fairytale like.

Now all I see is the  darkness all around me that is about to consume me. I don't mean to, but i'm allowing it more time to work, more time to brainwash me into thinking that its normal. I can feel it turning my heart to stone.

At least it wont bleed.

It will just be heavy and dark but it wont bleed. I pretend to be strong and I pretend it doesn't do me damage. You should know by now that I don't like showing weakness.

With no one to talk to my heart hurts from its cage. Cant talk to anybody because I have nothing to say. I don't even know how I feel.

Open wounds don't heal.

With my heart of stone I still cry out with the same heavy tone. What is now real is the darkness that is turning me into a loner. An Introvert.

I guess I should've paid attention to the wound sooner 'cause now I'm about to bleed to death.
Lesedii Aug 2016
You may say that I have trust issues. But do you really blame me? I mean, we live in a dark world so excuse me for having trust issues.

We live in a world were desires rule the hearts of many. People looking out for themselves and making others feel less important.

What happened to loving your neighbour?
What happened to helping each other?.. I'll tell you what happened.

All the good people are turning into bad people because of the bad people who were once good people. All the good people are tired.

I'm tired. Tired of always being more selfless and less selfish. Tired of being more considerate and less considerable.

But I have been redefined. Redefined by the pain, hurt, sadness, anger, depression and being too good.

I have been redefined because I kept everyone out and that one in. Redefined because I trusted too much. Redefined because I'm tired.

All the good people are turning into bad people because of the bad people who were once good people.

So excuse me for having trust issues.
Lesedii Aug 2016
Love is word people use to get laid
But lately I've been feeling it
And lately I've been feeling lost
I've been feeling alone.
He makes me happy but only for a while.
He makes me feel hot and steamy but only for a while.
Everybody likes him and he likes that,
Its so easy for him to forget about me but so hard for me to forget about him.
He uses it to get laid,
I think i should let it be ,
Maybe then he will see how much he means to me ,
Maybe then we'll be happy together
Maybe then we'll be happy forever
Maybe then. Not now, cause
Now we are walking in the now
And now you never know what ugly things about love decay behind back walls, because what i saw was unimaginable .
Second best ,
Words I never knew i could use directly at myself ,
The idea of them together is as distant from my mind-as unrealistic- as a moon that resolves around a non-existent black hole..
There is nothing I can do.
Second Best thats me
Separated from the rest

— The End —