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Lenora Jul 2017
Need me a you day
A day where i can be at ease with everything to say
I wont have to worry about a thing
Mostly the ex that gave me this promise ring
Baby make my hotline bling
When i see you my sprit spreads its wings
She comes out bold and outgoing
But shes so shy without anyone knowing
Other than feeling so confident
She has no response for it
Really dont know what has drawn her heart
But she feels as if we will be together and harder than ever to break apart
When i see you my heart starts  a fire
Drops to the pit of my stomach a weird but exciting desire
My heart fell inlove with the rush
Who knew someone could fell this way over a little crush
My imagination running wild
Like the dreams of a pure minded child
Blood floods my face to create a blush smile
Id love to stay in this moment a while
When you walk past my heart beats real fast
And i long for this feeling to last
Don't really know what your doing to me
Just know my heart sat itself a place it wants to be
Lenora Sep 2023
Loading up countless ammunition for me

Full release

You think so low of me
Breaking me making me feel like I deserve it
But who deserves this
Does forgiveness hurt like this

Even in my wrongness
Does it truly hurt like this…
Lenora Jul 2017
No one cares
None of them are really aware
Of this crown i wear called depression
And what i feel and how they think are two totally different perceptions
Im always down
Even when I dont notice it i am always wearing a frown
Love for me is like the hot burning sun
You cant get a good glimpse nor a touch not even one
See i thought i had the sun and tamed its fire
Cause at one point i did feel a hopeful heart warming desire
But the sun soon turned cold
And no longer with love was i so bold
I will look over my shoulder
Cover my heart with huge boulders
Before i let anyone in
I will close up what is left of myself
Before I ever again let someone destroy my mental health
I will shut down before i let anyone decide its me they wanna heal
My heart a 4 way stop with a Yeild
but cannot proceed with caution
Cause the hurt happens way too often
Lenora Jul 2017
Up at night
Sighing turns into crying
You called
So the poem got stalled
Now its 10:27am and I want to start crying
But now its endless sighing
Feeling these emotions where do I begin
I haven't wrote in months
But i feel the need to be blunt
These are things id never tell you just incase you may feel bad
Cause its starts off as anger you're oh so mad
Then you get down and now your oh so sad
I pray to god that you're faithful to me
I pray you have truly changed and you're everything you said you'd be
I lose my mind
I don't tell you most of the time
How one minute im find and the next I have tears rolling down my face
These horrible thoughts and feelings im trying to replace
You make my anxiety bounce off the walls
But with out you i wouldn't have known i had it at all
It starts off with heat covering my body then i start to sweat
You've turned me into a train wreck
Then i start to feel nauseous
Then i begin to be cautious of my emotions
I worry 24/7 about you and other girls
How if anything happened that would shatter my world
I can't stomach a situation that deals with your ex
It getting worse and worse and today is the next
How i can never think any good of you
When it comes to her
everything you've done becomes a blur
Everything isn't just little when it comes to them
And the chances of you sacrificing for me are slim
I feel like they tear us apart
There actions forge into our relationship and I end up with the hurting heart..
Id sacrifice anything for you
Do anything you say to do
But you cant. Wont do the same for me
Its alot i see
You don't think like I
And I don't think like you do
Maybe I did expect too much from you
My heart feels crushed
Feels like its carrying on to too much
My dream says theres a loss or a change coming in the relationship
Which in my heart it is very hard to grip
It says i feel indifferent neglected and alone
Sitting here on this throne
You say im am a queen a goddess to you
But is this how you treat one.. do you?
I don't want to lose something important to me
Lenora Aug 2023
Pain to such a soft spirit soft soul
Turns the aura cold
Turning into a person I’ve never seen before
This not the person I loved that I had feelings for
I don’t know you anymore
Never made my heart this sore
Or you did but at least you acted like you cared
At least you were there

You know I really do love you.
and you’re making it so hard for me..
if you don’t want to I can just let you go.
still trying to reach out when you couldn’t even be bothered with me..
I’ve stopped myself from telling you I hate you so many times..
I never thought you would make me feel this way.
I’ve never wanted to talk to someone so bad in my life.. knowing they won’t respond..
Lenora Dec 2022
Everything inside me feels like it’s swollen. If I could paint a picture, my body would be presented as a hollow shell. Only for it to not be hollow.. but filled with swelled emotions, swelled veins, swelled brain, swelled heart, swelled lungs, all pressing against one another squeezing and creating immense pressure becoming more and more intense with each conversation and each go through. Im back to constantly beating myself up again, feeling everything I’ve been trying to let go of. I hate the sign of the twin, I hate the indecisive, I hate the two sets of emotions, feelings, thoughts, and decisions. A side of me feels like everything everyone says about me is true a list is as follows: I can’t get right, I’m childish, I’m too emotional, I’m too soft, too sensitive, I lost myself, I lost my light, I’m dulling out, I wear my heart on my sleeve, I blow in the wind, I never care, I’m lazy, I’m not dependable, I’m not there, I’m emotionally unavailable, I’m an ***, I’m too rough, too aggressive, too submissive, too dominant, too one way too the other, too withdrawn, too quite, too isolated, too not in control. A list of my flaws.. a plethora of things that float around in my head flying from side to side, bouncing off the walls cracking the cranium of my skull slowly feeling it fracture with each tap, slowly oozing out the deepest darkest things that not only I feel but think about. The seemingly identical twins but immensely different, only narrowly scraping the walls of agreement.

I’m so deep down in my thoughts I can’t even write out my equaling entity because as of this moment she isn’t present. She’s locked in her switch chamber full of stairs white noise and a single chair with rubble all around from the deterioration in the shared mind.

The explanation is as follows :
I’m Inside my head or body
The Staircase of deteriorating mental anguish leading up to all areas of the mind
The temporal lobe .. frontal lobe.. parietal lobe.. occipital lobe.. cerebellum.. falling into my brain stem where the center will cradle the space of a single chair
One sits in the lair
While one rules the flesh

In the frame, the one will sit somewhere on the stairs because neither is content in that space
Neither could sit still in a chair surrounded by white noise.. or crippling expressions
She sits on the steps with her hands balled over her head in a fetal crouch as the ruble bounces off her body as if she’s ready for the whole surrounding area to collapse on top of her

While the other feels the pressure building up to the point of self-combustion

The two are seemingly different but feel most of the same things due to shared soreness
I’m truly trying my hardest at this point .

— The End —