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Leay Oct 2016
How about the crazy thoughts.
The ones that sleep behind your eyes.
Have you ever seen the truth.
The ways, in waves of what is not.

The sinking of the curtains.
The floating hope.

Can a mind unwound, find itself a spool.
Calm itself.
Calm and cool.

Is the heat a growing pain.
Is the heat forever gain.

It, the pain forges, molds, shapes,
Hones the sense.

Creates new dimensions.
Is there option , or fate fatale.
Leay Aug 2016
Weather storms
Reckless child

Want of


Or will of stone

U  suggest, anew of me, and sanctioned for discord

Have no want, nor worry mind
A trouble
Not bound,

nor hate


Dammed In slight
And want

endeared in course

Displaced thyself

And ruminate

Humble beg , of you so dear

Feeble, flattered mind
Leay Aug 2016
Bells ring.
I vault from bed,
hazy and cold.
To my eyes the world appears dreamlike.
I missed the waking.
The intermission continues.

A half filled glass of water,
is my greeting to a dawning consciousness.
It is the middle of the bed. It is concession.

Foot to floor sans slippers.
Resentments build.
Work to be done.

Be it my lot in life.
Be it my dreams.
Leay Nov 2016
It's to **** early and I wanna go back to sleep

I hide myself from everything, early in the morning.the debating of my day to come. When all the world proves black and glib.

I hide

Moments in the morning, when the streaks of light fight though shades cast low. I war with time.

These moments mine.

Uncorrupted early moments
the  thought of uninitiated meditation

Best that can be done
With the media to come

I refuse to be diluted.
I dismiss the deluded

Dare you  intrude  

Glass boxes.
So smart
Just phones
Bank loans
Bad backs
Five k

That in a minute
And the sun is still fighting
The room has no lighting
The belt is now tightening
The shoes are now laced
The heart is now raced

And the coffee tastes like ****

Now ,
Empty you
Now ,
be something new
The streets are all packed

And again your alone

Would it be better then
To have never have left

The thoughts are still there

And stands, at this moment a million of you.
All on the move

Dismissive Batista's
Cold savage bosses
All the moments losses

The darkness could not follow
Or hold the fools at bay.
And mirrors of you do they appear
The corners cut at expense of sustainability.
Of ability
Of acceptance

And the systems down
But Susan's wearing that dress
My hair is a mess
This moments just right
My collars too tight
She doesn't care
And she walks away
And I try not to stare
And my coworker laughs
And the moments just good
Cause were back in the zone

It's half and half past 1
Guzzle the coffee and run
In a couple good minutes
Which shatters the dull
The dull and the ache

The ten minute lunch
is more catch up than much

Agent of time

Numbers to crunch

Meandering Mandarin melancholy dream

go to bed and be unseen


Awake and I shake

And the phone is aglow
For this
6 o clock rake

Round and round.
With ends meat to make
Leay Oct 2016
Walk with me.
This day dismiss.
Let us fall into abyss.

Stretch a wing,
Unseen of sight.

And tear asunder,
Take alight.

A Waltz and fall.
A gallows walk.

Tributes sought.

The faint of heart,
and new of thee.
The stripping of your vanity.

For false of heart is our dismay.
If ever we betray what may.
Leay Aug 2016
I be not he, I willed at past.

Short cuts found me so.

I have regret, I have a heart.

A blackened earth is mine.

I have the bleak, I wish the free.

The challenge never fought.





In sadness find me now.

Report from those that care for me,

Report thee,

Abject glee.

I have no name for this I own.

It's price I do now see.

Suffer, endure,



Still I feel.

I the fool to challenge this.

My burning in the sun.

I peered at youth,

To see the awe,

And subject to its rule.

No more of me and any man.


Do exit me.

So, Lay upon the Marble slab,
And cast me as a lamb.

To whirlwinds
Nought to pain.

But,never lesser name.

For such a feat of little lift.
Is momentary might.

And Distant shores
Of happiness.

Are weathered
In this plight.

To whom , who read,
And touch my heart.

A stay for dimming day.

For this my sanctioned
Will not be my dismay.
Leay Nov 2016
Break of day with eyes beyond the bluff.
Break of day, enter, into sheer presence.
Into, at of ,
what falls from above

Sons of light
Grip the failing star

With remaining strength
That parallels it's fall.

Forever it's penitence
To look down and shield us from the dark
And float above alone.
An ode to Ziggy stardust.
Leay Aug 2016
A fatefull turn.
The Grace of chance.

A weary heart.
A moments glance.

For in those moments.
Precious few.
Would grow,
and burn.
My heart anew.

A perfect
Cast from light.
That pulled me,
An endless night.
Leay Oct 2016
I went adrift
Into the wood

Wouldn't you know
I  couldn't or should

But I am a fool
And that's what I did

And nonsense
Is all the woods
Would me give

The ground is but rock
And wet is my sock

And rangers are strangers
And city folk mock

So fire we made
While the baren trees swayed
In the pitch black of night
In a  yurt hovel cave

The drinks were a pouring
As camping is boring
And What is there other
than waiting for morning.

Why the did I go
What the hell did I think
Knowing that outdoor activities stink

The sleep is not sleep
And the food is all meat
And strange ranger Rick says you must be discreet.

So **** all the bears
And the fly's and the ticks
If I had more than one
They could **** extra *****

So head what I say
And stay far away

From state sponsored
State parks
the rocks and sticks

Stay home and  inside
   just turn on Netflix
Oh and Lyme disease. Ya that is lots of fun.
Leay Nov 2016
Late in the day a man all alone
Surrounded by gray and somber in tone
Shuffled with effort
For tired his sort
he made
Of a can of import

And crooked a gaze
From a clerk in a daze

When this his request
Was cheaply

For his head did it bow
Her head
side to side

For his smallest request
Was quickly denied

And there did I stand
And shared his dismay
While all around
the news of the day
The coupons
The deals
The 5 minute meals
Lottery folk
Clicking there heals

So beyond ,in disbelief

For he would not this day
Find what had  brought him
all of this way

So, empty his cart
So poor is this man
With broken of heart
Without the right can

For gluttons all us
Sales at a scoop
While one man
Would be fine
Celery soup.
I saw this happen yesterday.  Humbled to say the least.
Leay Oct 2016
Wait a moment. Wait for all the grand illumination.
Wait and look for all the resignation.
Let it not be
Let us see
Let us look
Look and see. The grass underfoot
The grass bends heavy
Heavy under foot.
Weight of thee.

But see the sea of green

Cancel Julian course.
Cancer calendar
Cut And be
Cut and run the course is thwart

So is true
So Are we

The water clock
Mock mock
Mock mock

Semper Fi

Tick tock
Tick tock

Tick tock

And free

Worry nought the time expense on this your stock in life. The giving up the ghost.
The wrighting of a soul.
The bleeding made to stay.

The fear
  The dimming day.
Leay Jul 2016
blessed be
That have true friends
The push and pull of tide.

I think of you
To them you knew
You never ever lied

If all the smiles
you'd rather they not cried

Be it by you
and your soft hands

You have so much to hide


Gave to them a syllabus.
A wandering dismiss

And squandered love impossibly
To see though foggy glass
The undulating
truth of you
A Softly bending grass

For fight of pure
We are

And never separate from

All things o
Pure and sleek
And all that is delight

of you
I do then ask

Why is the
dis- tiance

When craven form implies that we
Bend to penitence
Leay Jul 2016
What of you?
What do you see?
When all I am is broken truth.
My scores of ache.
U a number, o sloppy card.
Of two coins spent
Stings the tongue
Pains you
Corrupted me.
Leay Sep 2016
Is it writ In stone

How to act
How to live

How to love
Or passion give

Made a of me a foolish thing
How react
You shagrin

Empty vessel
If not made
To mad
To stupor

So a wink
The slightest nod

Those of pretense
Those of god

Fools aplenty
At I chuckle

While there  waistlines ever buckle

For resource
I find a cure

See the mirror
Face demure


Waist aplenty

Waste today

On forward

Fast and play

Days from now
A day like this

A day of ****

A day of  ****

Or this of bliss
Or ambergris

A chance

Look as i

Cheap is easy


Or die,

Of a fat ****  heart attack
At the worst possible moment

Like on the John, or anywhere between, our father
And yes I do.

And u swell up to Zeppelin proportions
And explode like some sort of uninvited Mexican party favor.
And the crap ***** just quit and dropped the **** mic.

God I hate everyone.

And free speech
Get off the ******* couch. And **** the Catholic Church .
Leay Oct 2016
Wrap me in thorns and set me ablaze
Push me to see what hell I can raise

Try me and tie me
What efforts I mock
Knock on my door
Or break you, the lock

Thunder and crash
Again and again

And number
The efforts grown thin

For the armor of mine
Is the lexicons' s law

And Forging of words
Is The rapiers roar
Leay Nov 2016
Woke to see myself
Looked and found no one
Closed my eyes and saw eternity

Opened my mouth and said nothing
Shut it and heard my thoughts
Fumbled for words

bit my lip
And bleed for nought
Leay Sep 2016
Water born
Paper rip
Let the table tip

Time will pass
to life we ever grip

Fevered fury
Of the mind
And to the earth we bind

Ease of thought
And nothing sought
With nothing left to find

How of you to fester so
And Where of you to go
With seeds you cannot sow

Do let slip
The wasting fear
The darkness
And unknown

The vine
Has snaked and blossomed thus
With nowhere left to grow.
Leay Oct 2016
its best
not dwell
find you
slip and trip
and hearts that blip
are are beats not
a carotid  forests well
minds that drift
naught of grift
are harder yet
so haggle with the
thought of cause
as through
your thoughts
Leay Sep 2016
Gaze upon
the sun for coin
An Abacus balanced of bliss

The paper plot
The gold to sift

The burial
The memory

The hurt.
We cast adrift
Leay Jul 2016
Here is a slave
Of the whims of a slave
For every a vice
He ever does crave

For never he'll see
Yet jests, just  to see
And pains in the purpose
To be, or just be

For he  does  fail,                                           and fall does he fall,  
Dispite his dismay
built he a wall                            

Yet, Small was his fight ,.                 little.                                                          ­      then none.    

His battle,                                                          ­his war,                                                             will never be won

Night into night,.                                              the day is most nought,                                     for he who has battles                                  that never are fought.

So Weary a body                                         with this as a toll.  

So Foreboding  is this                                      for any a soul.        

But, for u, who are you

Be it sound

Be it  true

You it chance

You it heart

Be it start
once a new.
Leay Aug 2016
As is time
A waste of those  embibed
Hear of me a  different cord
A melody contrived

Where are they
Those pure of ilk
Those purulent, repent.

Dully dammed
Leay Aug 2016
Lightly tread

Who of wonder
Darkness dread

A soul a drift
A soul a sunder

From an ash
a darkness plunder

How unseen to open eyes
A fleeting life
A dread demise

So Let it be to open eyes
That see a world beyond demise
Beyond the fleeting
Great devide

Beyond the futile
Great abide
Leay Aug 2016
Tumble and bound
From sight
And from sound

From moment to
Of air and of ground

And lazily slip
From earthy constraint

To pendulum travels
And time made to wait
Leay Aug 2016

Being shot

Leay Aug 2016
A ****** descent.
To favor no gain.
To feign,
or favor fate.

My heart was full of hope,
And lust.

I fought,
For love in vain.

A fragile thing.
That thing of hope.
Forever I the fool.

And couraged through,
A loss of heart.

And found my answer plain.

So, be it so.

My choice
of fault.





Stripped of guile.


And wile.

And pray my heart to mend.
***** yoohoo,  I likes me, a good time.
Leay Sep 2016
Beauty in all it's forms.
Art for arts sake

Sake bombs and souls to shake

We are as we will,
With new skin about.

Skin to mettle


with which
we meddle

Endevore, with course designate

With flags to stake.
Or coward, shake.

The uncharted course.
The the unbridled rake.

For green will spew anew

Seen in passion,.
Seen in green.
Seem serien


Nought abdicate

In do time
In due course

Find us unfettered
If ever off course.

So ever of you
In Lieu
of you

The folly of scam
The folly anew

We the forsaken
We of the green

Folly  for those
Who Folly unseen.
Leay Aug 2016
I am here
I watch

I smell
The passing

My pain is that
Of those who've

My chapel of hate
Leay Aug 2016
Mountains high
Higher still
Ethereal to be

Wake in dreams
Wake of turmoil

Wake of me

Inside a thought
I have no dreams
The dreams consume
Dreams unseen

To wake me now

Cruelly shake
A soul
Inside its finding place
So let the dream
Dream and shy

Beholden to a silent cry

Tears of glass
Truth of stone

Inside my dream
Inside alone
Leay Aug 2016
Gravity Pulls

Our forms to be


Forciose things

and full of wonder
A singularity


Light gives  sight
To halo Rings

cast black by the unknown.


Matter found
in vapor  form,
gives lift
To humbled fret

For This

A contract ,

duelly met

Is thee
Unbalanced bet

Thus of this
the arch of spark

The metronomal


Atoms and matter
Space and time

Those truths of ,Light and dark

With tools so crude
To flame
From spark
Creation  cold and stark

From this

A Sentient being


Rue and refuse the piety
To gods
of gastsly note

due I hail
full of spite

Respond to you
Of you
no word
Nought of

Of countless time
With rhythms rhyme

Time spent

Oh creature coward
Faceless you
Our saviors son's decent


gave to me a hand of sand


And woe of he
The ward of space




Riddled with
A failing mind

Our Blessed
Heathin *****


Surly plans
unknown, unwind
Of what he
In store


An empty


Tombe of ancient tune

speaks this  code
A wayword


In higher planes he finds abode
Neglectful father form


finds he



So faceless form
Unmask thyself


For us
The mortal

Ask nought
With no consent
A work in progress
Leay Oct 2016
It, upon me, in waves of warmth..
Revelations of who I am. What and who I may be.

There I sat in communion, terrible and beautiful,  the new, through the passing of a chalice. With a memory that held me.

And the barer of the dead did I become.

There in this shaking earth, did I touch the infinite and and eternal, with creased palms.

A sentinel of  a closed  book
Writ of me, and held with secret all
Of now and ever will.

I, and all the mettle I could muster.
Did now see, the complications of the clock
And I in congress with spherical resign.
, came upon the simplicity of the pains made easy, by slight of hand and trick of thought .


My maker did not hail or send salutation
But began me and left

And to wonders did I fall
to the cool of air
and crimson sky

To falls furious strokes by harlequin and natural  jest

And I fell

To embers made to burn for eternity.

And I burned.

And gave to the Earth
A body of ash forever.
Leay Sep 2016
Hate Forever
Cursed be

Retched god of false and proof not.
Blood spilt of no avail.

War at heart
Of his rib

Scream for help
To forms unseen.

A father in his role unsound
Noah in his bottle drowned

In the morning.
Peeling from,

The sum of all
The measured come.

Hope known well

Never dwell

This his holy name

No of weak
No of shame

Never lame

Bought with just
Just an ounce

The selling of A soul

My breast an empty hole

Papists cloths adorned with gold
Are payed with those

The Cheaply sold

All are welcome
****** and thieves
Bent of  will
With frilly sleeves

So be it, so
The fools prove crass

Those of wealth

And plebs , amasse
Leay Nov 2016
inferno of thought
And fiery mind

pains of soul
peace to find

Uphill the fight
Long is the night
A pressure that's measured
With Litres of spite
Leay Aug 2016
I found something to break
That would make humpty Dumpty blush
I found something to break
And beat it to a mush.

This thing  I did break
Within left it's wake
Asunder am I
As a lush do I quake

Fractured and scattered
In every which way
And never together this thing will now stay.
Leay Jul 2016
Beat me a heart,
unburdened of sin

Through a passing of time.

Through the monochrome hyme.                  

Beat it hollow and cold.

Who Refuse,
thee, the bold

Ever you find,
Your story untold.

For it Currency of
an  unmeasured gain.

Holds its value of nothing,

If efforts are feigned.


emboldened are we.

Awaked of gray.

To the right and the wrong.
To the dawning of day.

For the prelude of leaving,
A world gone awry.

Will we never again,
Be the proxy of I.
Leay Aug 2016
Breakfast for the numb
Is a cocking of the gun
A moments pause
For all the loss
Or roulette
just for the fun

And strange of this
My thought's of bliss
My life to be undone

For Grains and lead
Will fill my bed


kitchen full of red

For I the fool
To use such tools
When sporks will take there stead

For captain crunch
Can munch my junk

And you can **** an egg
Enjoy your breakfast *******
Leay Aug 2016
Wilt with time,
Wait to bloom.

We the children,
Of the doom.

From a seed, a vine did grow.
From hellish worlds below.

From this hearth a fire rained.
To suffer, wound and maim.
Calamity and and countless score.

Calamity for countless more.

Heathen beast bent of love
Cast asunder those above.
Leagues from saints.
Dark of soul.

And  innocents, you stole.

Made to wander.
Withered we.

Pure of vengeance.
Fallen he.

those that follow base desire.
Make for him a Sappers fire.

Into dark, and far from grace.
Our purity,

He will debase.


Of will and why .

Hope a lie.

Fornicating vanity.
Brought the demon,
Into thee.

For the ******,
Laugh merrily.


Cost .

The pain

The fee.
Leay Sep 2016
I do not fight for gain
I am at words with me.
I am hellfire.

No to it
To antagonists of youthful endevore

Where if i to wear
We're to hope and wane


False gravity

Too all that give false

To you

To those who favor shame.
Leay Oct 2016

Foam at the mouth
And breath becomes shallow
For Water is mortar,
To the man of the cowl

Shall I'll spin you a tale
of the knight of great might and

Of he who fights evil and villains of fright

On ,one fateful eave much like most others
The captain of batnis
Found he and  his druthers

Took to the sky
In seek of his prey
The usual crooks
He fights everyday

But this battle is solo

As he is alone
Robins got bird flue
And is  roosting at home

So muster did he
Gotham's great goul

Saw a shuffle of poodles
In a battle most cruel

An easy resolve
For this billionaire fool
The champion of right
And Harvey dents tool

And funny for he
who takes to the air
Would fly to a roof
Of dogs in despair

For wise is it not
When signs are unread
That said
hasmat, caution
Or end up most dead

Never of him

For the cat ******* bat

never retreats From simple a spat

But caution was missed
With that I'll gotten ******
Fogged his good senses
And made him less a match
For the black knight had blue *****
And saw not ,
the plot hatch

Of the bird of Ill flight
And jester of king

Road roughshod around him
And traps did they spring

On landing he slipped

And  did finally see

That he landed smack dab
At the.

And oh with his logic
His ego did ****

For did appear
A crazed, snarling mutt

With a  maddening sneer
And unsnipped of nut

For Distemper the mentor for mangy the mutt

He has
no vaccine
And dogs always bite

And survival one bitten is so very slight

So the tables are set for the guano
Fueled duel

With mankind's best friend
That kills with his  drool

Chapter 1 the bat and the hydrophobic hound
Little light hearted rhythm
Leay Oct 2016
Canyons for the whole
Canyons steel and soul
Rampant pouring concrete
The metro martyr's s gall

Crampons lest the mettle minded find he fathoms fall

The tether held, that cast's this spell
Is weathered, weary, shawl

And Titans that sit on lofty heights
Do Blacken out the sky

Are jewel's of pain with storied gain
As earth below does die

So to the past inhabitants
Imperative must wait
And shuffle through
A land made cold
Of stone and rock and slate.
Leay Aug 2016
Chase a rabbit
Into a briar

Down and away
Lest it be mired

Predation insists
Yet life will persist

A Hop
And a skip
And a shot from the hip
For a creature of habit
It's steps mustn't slip

It fears find it run
For life and it's fight
And jousting with death
Is its god given Right

For Ancient it's fight
And hurried there plight
Those things that do crawl
And also take flight

So noble are creatures
With stations  so dire
We Honor and tribute
And moxy admire
Leay Oct 2016
When does this wild thing show itself
When does it show its maw

Why is it that, I can not see
This thing that makes blood draw

Is it my sight with vision slight
Myopic and askew

Or is it distance and of shade
Between the pine and yew

To look and see is of the heart
To fully show its frame
And find beyond the ash and oak
A monster made to maim.

True it is, as fierce things lie
In wait of promised prey
The pound of flesh must first

And wallow in the fray
Leay Aug 2016
I'm ******* at everything and everyone.


Leay Nov 2016
Oh, I got troubles.

I double down
I clown a round

I got a lot
A lot of troubles

I dare myself
I hope for wealth

And still am here
With all my troubles

I read my books
I payed my bills

And think my mountains
Think them, hills

I had a friend
I had a few
I had so many
None like you

I gave them pass
I closed my doors

I gave them mine
But never yours

I hope one day
That we can meet
In a bar
In a street
You and I digress, discreet
You and I who met one day
Passing torches on our way

Times did change
Lives we lived

You moved on
And Still I hid

Though the distance
And the years
All the drownings of our tears
And the oughts
The things we did
Things of nought
The things we hid

Small the world

Made of trouble

of waiting

to rubble.
Sorry I ****** up.
Leay Oct 2016
Grab ahold
Brace yourself

The stage is set to spin

Tighten grip
Lest ye slip

A slip to pin or slit

Willow with
Within your breath

Follow with the ******

with lock and step
  A brew of sep
On gentle do you blow

So and sew
Come and go

Of staged a play so grand

That holds the Courtsey
By the hand
At metronomes
Leay Sep 2016
Who of this, can claim to have weathered such pain.
The souls of ages past.

Am I ghost
Am I flesh

I am of nothing, and of hope

Or Nothing


I pledge goodness onto all
I pray thee suffer small

So did I find me.
hobbling on the shore
And did I find me, set of sail
In search for distance
No prospect of destination
Distance bought cheaply
Destined for the the ends of earth

Yet I seek grace
Found at hearth
Of passion pain renewing birth
Forward on
For passage home
I find myself
On homeward bound

Cast adrift at youth
A child of pumice

To float and soul of ash

Great of hope
Hope at last
My path uncharted
My ropes to lash

Weary but of indifference
to resign
His hope is his design
His hope
Is shared

His hope is mine.

He held my hand and promised true
Walks with him
I came undone

Of the night I came to speak
To visions, voices
Past unknown

So Rocky were the waves and anchor towed
The roads travailed  
The weights unload

Determined, sailed

The casims
Of the heart
Never faulter
But, Render

Into light

And in his hands my cares were held
My future , past and present meld

I to he
My penitence
To chart my course

A sinking ship
With last recourse
Interpret as you will. I don't even understandstand it.
Leay Nov 2016
echoes of liquid
the dark escapes me
i drown in time

water of a diferent cord
fluid of a differrent hue

and the dark release

tremble at the face of me
tremble now me

liquid mirror
faceless he
Leay Sep 2016
Weathered,  worn and shaken.
I saw and felt. I wish never again these pangs.

You saw and responded, you seceded from.
You receeded from pain.
You of gain

This is mine
This is ours
This we meet again

Hours,years. How I go,
availe myself.
Undressed in humility.

We're If I not, who is at fleeting and false of self.
Of Wolf an will

Words of comfort are jagged tooth and claw
Words of truth and mau


I am not retreat
Leay Nov 2016
A bottle smiled at me today
I smiled back.
Leay Aug 2016
Bend to its will.
Move or stand still.
Am I a person?
Or soul to distil.

Is this the real?
If i cannot feel .
Emotions aplenty
I found I could steal.

So lost on my way.
In this race for my say.
In this loosely fit  person suit
Roles did I play.

I can be you.
From the truth I will flee.
If only I ever
Looked Inward to see.

The false and the foolish.
A make-believe me.
Leay Nov 2016
In shallow slumber
Full in fight

Through the


Through the night

A man apart
Of will and start

Reveals his open
Empty heart

He revels in the thoughts
That last

And never feeds
The famished past



Is this
his cross

to bear

And wear

Of earth
And air

So give to him
The proof of life

The going
and worthy fight

The owning
Of his plight
The heavens
The plains

Upon the sacred
Faceless names
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