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Leay Oct 2016
It, upon me, in waves of warmth..
Revelations of who I am. What and who I may be.

There I sat in communion, terrible and beautiful,  the new, through the passing of a chalice. With a memory that held me.

And the barer of the dead did I become.

There in this shaking earth, did I touch the infinite and and eternal, with creased palms.

A sentinel of  a closed  book
Writ of me, and held with secret all
Of now and ever will.

I, and all the mettle I could muster.
Did now see, the complications of the clock
And I in congress with spherical resign.
, came upon the simplicity of the pains made easy, by slight of hand and trick of thought .


My maker did not hail or send salutation
But began me and left

And to wonders did I fall
to the cool of air
and crimson sky

To falls furious strokes by harlequin and natural  jest

And I fell

To embers made to burn for eternity.

And I burned.

And gave to the Earth
A body of ash forever.
Leay Oct 2016
How about the crazy thoughts.
The ones that sleep behind your eyes.
Have you ever seen the truth.
The ways, in waves of what is not.

The sinking of the curtains.
The floating hope.

Can a mind unwound, find itself a spool.
Calm itself.
Calm and cool.

Is the heat a growing pain.
Is the heat forever gain.

It, the pain forges, molds, shapes,
Hones the sense.

Creates new dimensions.
Is there option , or fate fatale.
Leay Oct 2016
Walk with me.
This day dismiss.
Let us fall into abyss.

Stretch a wing,
Unseen of sight.

And tear asunder,
Take alight.

A Waltz and fall.
A gallows walk.

Tributes sought.

The faint of heart,
and new of thee.
The stripping of your vanity.

For false of heart is our dismay.
If ever we betray what may.
Leay Oct 2016
I went adrift
Into the wood

Wouldn't you know
I  couldn't or should

But I am a fool
And that's what I did

And nonsense
Is all the woods
Would me give

The ground is but rock
And wet is my sock

And rangers are strangers
And city folk mock

So fire we made
While the baren trees swayed
In the pitch black of night
In a  yurt hovel cave

The drinks were a pouring
As camping is boring
And What is there other
than waiting for morning.

Why the did I go
What the hell did I think
Knowing that outdoor activities stink

The sleep is not sleep
And the food is all meat
And strange ranger Rick says you must be discreet.

So **** all the bears
And the fly's and the ticks
If I had more than one
They could **** extra *****

So head what I say
And stay far away

From state sponsored
State parks
the rocks and sticks

Stay home and  inside
   just turn on Netflix
Oh and Lyme disease. Ya that is lots of fun.
Leay Oct 2016
Wait a moment. Wait for all the grand illumination.
Wait and look for all the resignation.
Let it not be
Let us see
Let us look
Look and see. The grass underfoot
The grass bends heavy
Heavy under foot.
Weight of thee.

But see the sea of green

Cancel Julian course.
Cancer calendar
Cut And be
Cut and run the course is thwart

So is true
So Are we

The water clock
Mock mock
Mock mock

Semper Fi

Tick tock
Tick tock

Tick tock

And free

Worry nought the time expense on this your stock in life. The giving up the ghost.
The wrighting of a soul.
The bleeding made to stay.

The fear
  The dimming day.
Leay Oct 2016

Foam at the mouth
And breath becomes shallow
For Water is mortar,
To the man of the cowl

Shall I'll spin you a tale
of the knight of great might and

Of he who fights evil and villains of fright

On ,one fateful eave much like most others
The captain of batnis
Found he and  his druthers

Took to the sky
In seek of his prey
The usual crooks
He fights everyday

But this battle is solo

As he is alone
Robins got bird flue
And is  roosting at home

So muster did he
Gotham's great goul

Saw a shuffle of poodles
In a battle most cruel

An easy resolve
For this billionaire fool
The champion of right
And Harvey dents tool

And funny for he
who takes to the air
Would fly to a roof
Of dogs in despair

For wise is it not
When signs are unread
That said
hasmat, caution
Or end up most dead

Never of him

For the cat ******* bat

never retreats From simple a spat

But caution was missed
With that I'll gotten ******
Fogged his good senses
And made him less a match
For the black knight had blue *****
And saw not ,
the plot hatch

Of the bird of Ill flight
And jester of king

Road roughshod around him
And traps did they spring

On landing he slipped

And  did finally see

That he landed smack dab
At the.

And oh with his logic
His ego did ****

For did appear
A crazed, snarling mutt

With a  maddening sneer
And unsnipped of nut

For Distemper the mentor for mangy the mutt

He has
no vaccine
And dogs always bite

And survival one bitten is so very slight

So the tables are set for the guano
Fueled duel

With mankind's best friend
That kills with his  drool

Chapter 1 the bat and the hydrophobic hound
Little light hearted rhythm
Leay Oct 2016
Grab ahold
Brace yourself

The stage is set to spin

Tighten grip
Lest ye slip

A slip to pin or slit

Willow with
Within your breath

Follow with the ******

with lock and step
  A brew of sep
On gentle do you blow

So and sew
Come and go

Of staged a play so grand

That holds the Courtsey
By the hand
At metronomes
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