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Lb Aug 2014
He left,
He forgot.
She left,
She doesn't care.

They all just leave
Lb Mar 2015
I'm like glass , anyone who tries to fix me I'll just cut and hurt them
Lb Nov 2015
I didn't know I consumed enough water to produce this many tears
Lb Jun 2014
I think I'm always going to be that broken thing that no one can ever be bothered fixing

I'll eventually just gets thrown away

If I can't fix myslef  

,who else is going to even try ?
Lb Apr 2014
I define myself by Absence
Lb Feb 2014
This wandering invigorates my being, my purpose, my existence. I never have a destination. I just wander.
Lb Oct 2016
eject eject
there's no backspace
where is delete

whats done has been done
now hes crying at her feet

lifeless they lay
only he is to blame

if only she listened
but instead her eyes  glisten
to the sound of only his name
but witjout knowing he was insane

an easy fix
itll just take some time

you chose his company over mine

and now look what youve done
yet its only begun

see i saw this  mum
i could see this coming
you stopped and stayed but i kept on running

we've been to a place not as bad as this before
yet its like we've just gone into a second round of war

we know what its like when they lay a hand
so why would you go back are you crazy or just sad

would you not rather be alone
then to die at his throne

today isnt the day but
tomrrow could be the one

have you not thought this through?
how this effecs me and you

and lets not forget bout my sister
she thnks shes being raised by a minister

but al i see is a wolf in sheepskin
his patenice with her is wewaing  rather thin

see its only a matter of time
mum you cant hit rewind

but can hit her and caus he already hits you

your a lost cause
we're all holding the applause

just let her go you know shell be safer
becuase   she is destined for a life  so much greater
Lb Nov 2015
Each day a timely etching into my facade every single day. You don't like when there isn't one.

"I probably wouldn't go out with you if you didn't do that"

Clothed in things  you like more than I, having to look a certain way

"I probably wouldn't go out with you if you didn't do that"

******* propped up like monuments

"I probably wouldn't go out with you if you didn't do that"

I ask you what you like, what you want
Yet you're never happy  

You ask me what I want and I reply nothing
Because I accept all of you  and have grown so accustomed to it all

I see no flaws in you

Yet with I that's all you see
Things to fix
Things to change
Things to mould
She was right when she said you can go from loving someone to hating them within the sentence but that's people.
Lb Oct 2016
You're not a poet
you didnt go for that bachelor in english
you don't know shakespeare or jane austin or william blake
you know you're just a phony a fake

Oh dear But let me tell you
my spoken word may not move mountains or lakes
but it lets me bleed without bleeding
it lets me cry while
stops me  and  maybe others from wanting to die
it erupts from my lungs , bursting  at the seams
it makes the hairs on strangers necks and forearms salute my words

no piece of paper can validate the words that i speak
for my words dont come from books
i speak from the pits of life you speak from remixes of your of english classics

we both can speak , we both can talk
But only one of us has come back from the walk

— The End —