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Apr 2019 · 261
The place i found myself
Fawaz Apr 2019
I found myself in a place,in a place where my voice has being *****,where my crying eyes has being stolen, where am being cheat because of my fate, where am not chanced because of the race, where my hungry mood has being accelerate.

Where my state can never be wherever I stay,where the way I was tortured has made me being an apostate,where my best food is now turn to cassava flakes,where my degree certificate is now use to fumigate.

Where three women with differences are being amalgamated,where my human right has being assassinated,where the power of my vote has being castrated.

Where the unsupported girls are being impregnated,where the ungodly acts has being elevated, where I vote to suffer for another four years,where I don't have choice because of the political fears.
Yeah this is the place I found myself!!
a place call Nigeria
Feb 2019 · 225
Lost in the thought
Fawaz Feb 2019
When I was eight I dream of becoming a medical doctor ,but I know those okada's riders had the same dream ,what resist them from not being?destiny !!

When I was fourteen, I intended to be a certified lawyer even SAN ,but I know those vulcanizers think more than I did ,why are they pumping tires by the sides of the road ? my mind says it is handwork of destiny.

When I was eighteen I had the mindset of becoming an accountant, but what of those that are living under bridge,have they not before think of the same thing ,my brain whispered into my ear and told me it's destiny .

When I was twenty I wished I become a lecturer, even professor,but the dead bodies told me they planned more than that, is this one their destinies too ?

I fought with the angels I mess with the devils, are you the one doing this, But the supreme being tells me he knows how everything went and how everything will be going to be, till the tomorrow of tomorrows.

I am the sonnet
Dec 2018 · 204
Voice from the wilderness
Fawaz Dec 2018
I knocked at the sky but the angel shunned,
I knocked at the mars but the devil frowned,
I jumped in to the sea but the whale flied , I went to the wilderness and I heard a voice ,
The lion moved to me and started playing with me, at the top of my voice I asked what's wrong.

He said he need my support to rule the kingdom and my wisdom to have the freedom he promised me to be having an open door, I will turn the forest to the town,he said , the lakes to an oceans as you know, trees to milk and honey that one is sure , jail the elephant and sentenced the wolf , the green plant will be  sufficient for all as promised,
but the tiger said the same thing i replied and without doubting you are from the same family.

No we are different ,he responded,they have killed all the insects they see ,Rob the bees  and take their combs,they see the birds and remove their wings ,but for me as lion as you all know I can't nail the snail talking of killing the ant,just give me a chance and let  me show it to you, I gave him all my wisdoms and rendered my trick some  as asked, without knowing he will come back like custom.

He conquered the territory as usual ,he came back to me to eat me in raw he left me with great eye sores with my cloth being tore ,whenever am in pain and remember the vein , I know they must reign because of what they have gained ,but I belief there will be a day in the days, when the rain will fall and everything in will be Washed away.

The fragrance pen
Fawaz Dec 2018
Fawaz   Poems  
Published 7   Drafts 3

Fawaz 3m
Justice in the cage of injustice

I saw the justice being robbed and **** in the broad day light ,
I touched Justice in the Nature but in the societies I didn't really touch it,
where is the justice? there are no justice in this country but not in the world,
even if we see it the question is did the justice see us?no, They have covered it face.

they made some people rich and made some poor ,They say they saw
Then they go and lie ,
They put the innocent people in the prison,
for a crime they committed not,
They let the guilty get away
And make the innocent people rot aways
is this the justice we are clamoring for

they made injustice anywhere to threat justice everywhere ,they made law below some and made the same law above some ,Justice must be for all ,not just for the criminals
and the riches.

The justice is the only purest shape of the voice,
Justice with no partial is what we, the innocent people, long for,
justice is for all not for some
but if there still no change,
I think a time is coming when the children of injustice will not show how educated they are nor how tolerant  ,
they will come out with guns ,they will come out with cutlasses  and **** the justice by themselves and the atmosphere will never be control again , give us the justice not the Caprice.

The fragrance pen

The fragrance pen
Dec 2018 · 2.0k
Rejecting the corruption
Fawaz Dec 2018
Corruption- please go away with your notion
Our mission is to make us a no bribe nation
So far, you made our life miserable and full of suffocation
have you ever seen our determination?
Now, we are in full of action
And Throw you out with our inner-transformation
-Corruption- Don't dare to enter into our nation

With our good value system and education
We are sure, can stop corruption
Encouragement of Currency-free banking and cashless transaction
Can you dare to come to our imagination?

With vibrant leaders and Vigilance Commission
People have speedy justice and much satisfaction
Corruption, it is our war against your creation

With Community Participation
And having the "Right to Information"
There is fair chance of weeding out the corruption

Again, guard with digitization and automation
Make you dead before germination
With Honesty, truthfulness and against temptations
Certainly, together, make Nigeria a corruption free nation
*The fragrance pen
Dec 2018 · 375
The pen speaks
Fawaz Dec 2018
L- let's round the table and rethink about Nigeria, when are we going to gain our freedoms totally? after the lawbreakers calling themselves law makers becomes a loser when the children of hunger show their agendas using foreteller as a barrier without a lawyer.

A- although our mouth is not as sharp as razor but we meant to be a commentator for you and your predecessors, about your administrator you being a procrastinator doesn't make us an accelerator for us to be an conquistadors.

U- under the administration of the oppressors they pressed our pressure so as to dismeasure  our treasure because they know we have no pleasures that's why they keep ignoring our eyesores .

T- to all we ,the children of masses may God shower his endless mercy  cos we know he is more merciful than wizzy and messi .

E- everyone is born to be great ,so stop competing with the mates you are not going for any race ,either in the way  or in the phase, unless you want to be an unfocused chase.

C- call yourself a name and let's see if it will  remain the same, whether you need to find a lane in the rain to  remained the main,for you are born to reign and same time  in the vain try to maintain the pain ,quit explaining the grains of the pains for your success is certain.

H- hello the oppressor how far about the pleasure? hope it will be last to be measure I think you don't forget your post can never be carry over and your life is reading like calorimeter , this life is like a chapter, nothing after your dismissal you being a miser or a cheerier ,you will soon be a divorcer.
The fragrance pen
Dec 2018 · 147
Fawaz Dec 2018
Stay the blade
Till you’ve lathered the face,
It’s only a shave
Not the digging of a grave.
Hope you know what this means?
The dentists do the drilling;
Their procaine is painkilling,
The poet can slander;
He also is the greatest flatterer.
This also requires reason.
Flies hear a drop of honey’s call
Not the din of a gallon of gall.
Friendly remarks multiply friends;
Your frankness alone shouldn’t be the trend,
Be known also for some kindness.
Walk, tall, all you want, tall;
Let this be your goal, not another’s fall.
When the demand is to mock;
Choose instead to be a rock,
Make life easy – it is!

The fragrance pen
Dec 2018 · 121
The testimony is near!
Fawaz Dec 2018
Wake up, beautiful,
Wake up from this tragedy
Return to reality
I know you're broken,
and pondering on the mysterious of life
Nothing left to break.
Reflecting to the naked side you are keeping your mind and eyes from
is a natural phenomenon but don't let it make you down .

You need to be alive,
Stop pondering on what God has destined,
is part of life ,and he knows the best .

You're not just a shell,
You are not dead inside,
you have a burning desires,
Just wake up, man.

Look at how you will be great in life ,
look at the mirror in your front ,
and see how you are succeeding already,
You are born to make a change in your family,
Be alive my boy .

Ignore the catastrophe
that try to pull you down
you are a man of vision and I belief your vision will spark and start burning to success one day .

You can stand strong
Even though you are alone.
Wake up man,
Be strong,
Pull through
You are not shattered,
Or defeated ,
No one can take your place, man
Only you can be you,
Your success is certain.
Dedicated to my boy(Engr.miftah)
Dec 2018 · 139
Cry no more
Fawaz Dec 2018
Cry no more,
O’ ye poor
In the land,
Heaven watches over thee,
from above
Thy Creator shall wipe
Away your tears.........

Look at the grazing cattle,
It neither sow
Nor reap,
But yet feeds on
Greener pasture in all
Times and season,
The Creator provides for them…….

Cry no more
O’ ye beggars
On the street,
If thou persevere
This temporary toil,
Ye shall eat
The good of the land……….

Look at the birds
That flies in the air,
Freely it stores
Up wheat and barley
In its nest,
The creator feeds
Them all……………….

Cry no more
O’ ye mother and child
Squatting on the street
And gutters,
For with a firm belief,
Thou shall be lifted
From the gutter
To Glitters
And thou shall feed
On abundance and plenty.
Look at the Lion,
The King of the jungle,
It neither till the soil
Or labor in heavy yoke,
But it lives and pride
As a King
Never lacking food and provision
When it hungers and thirst
It feeds from the abundance of nature………….

Cry no more
O’ ye poor
In spirit,
For the Lord
Knows thy needs
And he shall wipe
Away your tears
In due season…………

O’ ye men
Of humble beginnings,
Thy Savior looks down
On thee
From Heaven’s nest
And ye shall be crowned
With glory,
If thou faint not
I tell you this truth…………………
*The fragrance pen
Dec 2018 · 114
Watch your words
Fawaz Dec 2018
Give me a chair,
And let me sit in your amidst ,
Hello my children
Let me give you this golden advice,
You see those words you can hesitate to say because you want to show how potential you are ,
has made some people great and made some some failed.

The statements you are trying to uttered made people's world and makes some worst ,
This same made some Born and makes some burnt,
Any time you want to uttered a statement have a second thinking about it, you may have hurt some feelings .

Let me whisper in to your ear ,see,when you are happy stop dancing and singing about it,my beloved  stop talking about your money in front of the poor,your success in front of the failure, your knowledge in front of the ignorant and your wealth in front of the needy,see if you want to know the value of the sun ,ask those living underground, you taking drum and dancing ,did you know the way you are moving your legs can cause headache and sadness for those living underground.

You know how to speak doesn't mean you know how to fix it ,your words can heals and kills the choice is  yours ,God knows what words is that's why he decided to gave us two eyes,two ears and one mouth ,
We don't offend of haven spoken little but regret of haven spoken too much,
let your words be better or be silent ,words will never break bones but heart ,so, watch your words.
The fragrance pen
Dec 2018 · 1.7k
Rejecting corruption
Fawaz Dec 2018
Corruption- please go away with your notion
Our mission is to make us a no bribe nation
So far, you made our life miserable and full of suffocation
have you ever seen our determination?
Now, we are in full of action
And Throw you out with our inner-transformation
-Corruption- Don't dare to enter into our nation

With our good value system and education
We are sure, can stop corruption
Encouragement of Currency-free banking and cashless transaction
Can you dare to come to our imagination?

With vibrant leaders and Vigilance Commission
People have speedy justice and much satisfaction
Corruption, it is our war against your creation

With Community Participation
And having the "Right to Information"
There is fair chance of weeding out the corruption

Again, guard with digitization and automation
Make you dead before germination
With Honesty, truthfulness and against temptations
Certainly, together, make Nigeria a corruption free nation
*The fragrance pen

— The End —