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1.1k · Sep 2014
Fantasy vs. Reality
Lavirna Sep 2014
There once was a little frog who desperately wanted to be something more. He would sit on his lily pad all day and would imagine himself a fierce pirate that pillaged and plundered across the seven seas. He fancied himself a warrior who saved the world on a daily occurrence and always got the girl. However, every time the fantasy would end he would look down into the water and be reminded that he wasn't any of those amazing things. He was just an ordinary frog. No different from the other frogs int he little pond. But, oh how he wished to be extraordinary.

One day, the little frog was in the midst of an epic space adventure when a loud noise brought him crashing back into reality. He looked around but saw nothing wrong. Just then a loud scream pierced the air. Being quite startled and a little scared he jumped into the water. He peeped under his lily pad to see where the awful noise had come from. In the distance he saw a flurry of movement. Both terrified and curious he slowly swam towards the chaos. Making sure to stay well hidden under the lily pads of course.

As he got closer he was better able to make out what exactly was unfolding, much to his horror. In front of him law a horrible scene that even his own imagination couldn't have prepared him for. It was a blood bath with frog guts and frog limbs strewn all about.The terrible noise he had heard was his fellow frogs screaming out as a crane of significant size was devouring them in a most savage manner. The poor little frog was at a loss on what he should do. Petrified, he floated there under the lily pad unable to do anything but watch his frog friends being massacred.

That was at least the case until a particular scream made his muscles twitch to life. It came from the pretty frog that he had often imagined winning the affection of through noble deeds. Of course, he had never quite imagined this scenario out; but, it followed the same basic concept of his other fantasies. He had to be daring and rescue the damsel from her untimely demise. With courage he did not know he possessed he leaped out of the water and dashed over the lily pads to save his fair lady. He didn't even stop to think about what he was doing or consider a plan of attack. All he could think was impressing her and finally being extraordinary.

Unfortunately, as you might have guessed, a little frog does not stand a chance against such a formidable foe. The crane saw the mad little frog hopping towards him and thought to himself 'oh my, he looks quite delicious!' Within barely a moments time the crane had swooped over to meet the approaching frog and simply opened his beak wide. The little frog blindly leaped right into the gaping mouth and down the throat. The poor little frog's last thoughts were that of his image looking down into the water from his lily pad.
539 · Sep 2014
I Greatly Dislikes Titles
Lavirna Sep 2014
Unspoken words are stuck on these lips. Unwilling to go out into the world to be heard. So set my soul free to take root in the sky. Because I am forever going nowhere. Stuck in the middle of taking a step forward.
474 · Sep 2014
Just let me be
Lavirna Sep 2014
Who are you to judge me?
Who are you to point and stare?
Don't tell me how to fix myself.
Don't tell me how to be the perfect model from the cookie cutter mold.
You don't know the pain that lies underneath this skin I am in.
You don't know the constant battle that rages on behind my perfect smile.
Just let me be as I am.
350 · Sep 2014
Lavirna Sep 2014
And thus faced with her impending morality she realized how tired she was of being devoutly sensible with her life.
336 · Sep 2014
Lavirna Sep 2014
We search for love like it's some priceless treasure to be found. Even though we know it's a devil that will eat our heart alive.
324 · Sep 2014
Dangerous Words
Lavirna Sep 2014
Do you ever wonder if the words that rage inside our heads should be let free of their cage?  Or, do some things simply belong locked away deep inside. Never to see the face of the one they assault day after day.
I am not sure if I want to put my words out into the world.
319 · Sep 2014
Moving Forward
Lavirna Sep 2014
I'm headed down a road that I know not where it goes.
My feet slip and trip over the many obstacles along the way.
But that doesn't stop me.
No, I am not going to be swayed to turn around.
I know what is up ahead will be worth it.
I don't know why or what exactly will be there.
I just feel in my soul that I need to keep going forward.
314 · Sep 2014
Lavirna Sep 2014
Wipe off the dirt from your scraped up knees and pick yourself up. There is too much to lose if you stay down on the ground.
246 · Sep 2014
Skewed Perspective
Lavirna Sep 2014
How can I differentiate between the lies and the truth when both are my realities? It's hard to believe that what I see and feel can all be a lie. I see me as my reality shapes me. Isn't that my truth?
225 · Sep 2014
Such is Life
Lavirna Sep 2014
We always seem to fall for those who break us the most

— The End —