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Laurel Leaves Aug 2015
I was walking fast, the man in front of me saw me coming and pulled his wife aside to let me pass, I said thank you.....

I guess I do exist
Laurel Leaves Aug 2015
Incredibly strange, first time going to a movie by myself, liberating and yet quite sad. It kind of makes me feel invisible. Sometimes it seems people stare at me as if I were an alien, yet at the same time I feel like I can move through the crowds, listen in on a strangers conversation, maybe even just sit down at the table with them, and they wouldn't even know I'm there... I feel like I've already forgotten how to speak, lost my voice, and everyone else is speaking a foreign language. I want to drink, I want the bartender to pour me glass after glass, and I want to be alone at that bar full of people. Maybe I'll talk to the bartender, but him alone. And finally, at some point, late in the night, I'll slide off that barstool and make that lonely walk back to my car, and go home alone.
Laurel Leaves May 2015
Do not look at me, I don't want to feel your prying eyes. Peeling off my clothes in your mind. I just wanted someone to call in these far off cities, share the beauties of these foreign lands with me. But you, you just wanted a story...
Laurel Leaves Apr 2015
Touch me
I need to feel the warmth of your hands
I need the heat of your desire
I need the weight of your body
I need someone next to me
To fill this empty bed
These sheets lay flat
From the lack of you
So lonely

There is no face to these dreams
There is no name to call out in my sleep
There is no one

And I will still desire you
The one that isn't
I need you

Come to me
Laurel Leaves Apr 2015
I would cut myself a thousand times to drain this feeling of nothing...
Laurel Leaves Apr 2015
Come to me in the dead of night when the neighbors are sleeping when my mind stops thinking. Come to me when the ***** has been long, and strong. Come to me when I won't remember the feeling of you stealing my heart
Laurel Leaves Apr 2015
Sharp points
Pluck you out
But you dig in deeper
Always leave a piece behind
To fester and inflame
That's what I get for walking barefoot
My hands wanting to touch everything
Feel the grain
Feel the contours
Of you
And scratches
And bruises
And splinters
That's what I get for wanting you.....
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