I laugh,
you smile.
I yell,
You snap.
You hold my hand and cut my hair,
reshaping me.
When everything blows up, you exist within the chaos as a boulder.
My anchor.
When all is calm and well like a tranquil river
the water withers you down,
splits you open,
and you’re finally vulnerable.
When it is no longer calm and that river is a great wave.
You are the bunker that takes me into your arms and holds me tight
“Everything will be okay”
I believe it.
And somehow when I am dragged by the current and tossed into the roaring cascade,
You’re still there with your arms wide open saying “jump”
Because you’re always there to catch me.
We laugh, we smile, we yell, we snap because we are one in the same
Somos el mismo
Y eres mi casa, mi cordura, y mi corazón.