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85 · Nov 2019
Joy Of Christmas
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Ice floating in the pond.
This Christmas season I am so fond.
All the people full of cheer.
Love and happiness is everywhere.

Cold can be felt in the air.
Children playing without a care.
Snowmen and snow angels on the ground.
The joy of Christmas is all around.
84 · Nov 2019
Purple World
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
With guitar and hair full of curls.
Prince made this a purple world.
People are crying sounds sadful to the ears.
And it's raining purple tears.

At the drop of a hat he was taken away.
There will be less happiness in the world today.
Up to heaven his soul did fly.
Where he is still singing and dancing above a purple sky.
84 · Nov 2019
Bright Side
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He left her and she thought that her world would shatter.
She felt like she had been beaten in an egg batter.
But she knew that she had to hold on.
And things would get better before too long.
She just had to look on the bright side.
And keep her dignity and pride.
84 · Nov 2019
Land Of Love
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
In the land of love there was love for many.
Which made her wonder why she wasn't getting any.
Was it something that she was doing wrong?
Which was leaving her so all alone.
But she had to have faith.
That the right guy, she would soon find.
One that would ease her loneliness and blow her mind.
84 · Dec 2019
Old School Bully
Lamar Cole Dec 2019
He was always on the prowl for someone's lunch money.
Always trying to take someone's  sweet honey.
Those days a person didn't have to die.
Biggest hurt would be a black eye.
The only remedy to be found.
Was to face up to the bully and stand your ground.
84 · Nov 2019
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Nothing about Margie was coy.
She was an older inner city girl who made men out of young boys.
She was a little wild and always on the prowl.
Some of the boys will remember her for eternity.
Because she was the one who took their virginity.
83 · Oct 2019
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
White clouds,
Morning breeze,
Ripples in the pond,
Dancing trees.

Tall grass blowing.
Our love growing.
Sunlight shimmering.
Sweet love simmering.
83 · Nov 2019
Goodbye Michael
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
A star has been plucked from the sky.
The sky is now dimmer.
It happened on June 25th.
A day we will always remember.

Never agaain to see Michael's smile light up the skies.
Never again to see him moonwalk across the stage as his fans cries.
Never again to hear him sing Billie Jean.
To the roaring sound of his fans' scraems.

A brother of the sun has been taken away.
But in our hearts his music will always stay.
Michael Jackson will now dance among the clouds.
And in the heavens, you will still hear him singing loud and proud.
83 · Dec 2019
Undercover Sting
Lamar Cole Dec 2019
He was a male policeman dressed as a pretty female ******.
He was working an undercover sting to catch some stupid johns.
A young guy fell for his trap.
And approached him and grabbed his ****.
The young man then asked to buy ****** favors from him.
The cop then handcuffed him and told him.
You stupid ******* I am a male cop and you are going to jail.
He thought as he was being taken to jail.
That it had seemed strange for a woman to have such hard **** cheeks.
81 · Nov 2019
Her Sweet Love
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Her sweet love flows down the waterfalls of my soul.
Her sweet love climbs the mountains of my heart.
Her sweet love flows through the rivers of my life.
Her sweet love seeps through the windows of my mind.
Her sweet love flies on the wings of my prayer.
Her sweet love sustains me like the air.
81 · Dec 2019
Night Hoops
Lamar Cole Dec 2019
On a moonlit night could be heard yells.
Of kids entranced under the hoop spell.
Bouncing and passing the basketball by porch light.
On a packed dirt yard made brilliant by moonlight.

Lots of fun and lots of screams.
Playing hard with NBA dreams.
Always great seeing the ball go through the net.
Night hoops and kids laughter is one of the best things yet.
81 · Nov 2019
Kiss In The Wind
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Birds fly.
Eagles soar.
For your love my heart roars.

A baby is born.
New life begins.
Love was born from a kiss in the wind.

I loved you in the beginning.
I'll love you til the end.
Our love began.
With a sweet kiss in the wind.
80 · Dec 2019
Lamar Cole Dec 2019
They were in a bad neighborhood.
When they got attacked by some thugs.
Even though she was his heart.
He let her put up a good front.
While he got a running start.
He left her to take the heat like a sap.
He was just a cowardly piece of crap.
80 · Nov 2019
Street Light
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
The street light is glowing bright tonight.
As we share out hearts.
On a bench in the park.

Our love is burning bright tonight.
As we kiss.
On this wonderful night.
The air filled with bliss.

Our passion is rising high.
All the way to the sky.
You set my body aflame.
Seductvely repeating my name.
80 · Nov 2019
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
God sprinkled the night sky with stars.
God sprinkled the heavens with angels.
God sprinkled your eyes with love.
God sprinkled the galaxy with stardust above.

God sprinkled the oceans with blue.
God sprinkled my life with you.
God sprinkled moms with newborn babes.
Who give unconditional love.
Sent like you darling from heaven above.
80 · Nov 2019
Down Low
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He had I love you wrote in the sky.
Just to show her that his love for her would never die.
He got down on bended knee and asked her to marry him.
But she told him that she had a thing for her best girl Kim.

He felt that she had led him on.
There was now darkness where light had shone.
She said, I'm sorry that I gave you the blues.
But Kim and I are old down low news.
80 · Nov 2019
Popsicle Lips
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Ponytail and spearmint gum is what I remember about my first love.
A lass of beauty to be proud of.
Popsicle lips that taste so sweet.
Coke bottle figure that couldn't be beat.

Silky hair soft to the touch.
Sparkling eyes that I loved so much.
A pretty sweet thing who had it all.
Beauty that radiated through the high school halls.
80 · Nov 2019
Goodbye Letters
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She had used a lot of ****.
And now she was greeted by the ghost of death.
She wanted to run away.
But the ghost was not having it this day.
She begged the ghost for another chance to do better.
But the ghost said, start writing your goodbye letters.
80 · Nov 2019
Emergency Relief
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
The relationship had lost its charm.
Now she felt like she was in a windstorm.
She had become one sad chick.
He had begun to make her sick.
She felt like she needed emergency relief.
From a boyfriend who was a **** the life out of a person thief.
80 · Nov 2019
Drop Kick
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Charity was a girl with a lot of wrestling skill.
When her boyfriend ****** her off.
She went in for the ****.
She drop kicked him because of his foolish cheating ways.
She didn't believe in taking his crap on any day.
79 · Dec 2019
The Best Part Of Me
Lamar Cole Dec 2019
Love flows like a river.
Love falls like the rain.
The thought of you makes me shiver.
The touch of your lips makes me quiver.

Love smells sweet like a rose.
Love is deep like the sea.
Your love like leaves on a tree.
Is darling the best part of me.
78 · Nov 2019
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He had been treating his girlfriend very bad.
And her brother found him and sucker punched him in the face.
He tried to put up a fight but her brother was too big and strong.
Her brother beat him to a pulp.

And when he was on the ground her brother beat him some more.
Her brother even kicked him in the head.
Some people pulled her brother off him.
He was almost dead.

He had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance.
He was in such bad condition that they placed him in the ICU unit.
When he got better all he could think of was revenge.
He was going to put that punk brother of hers lights out.

He waited for him one dark night and ambushed him at his home.
He shot his girlfriend's brother in the head.
But this was not good enough.
He found his girlfriend and killed her.

As the prison authorities were killing him in the gas chamber.
He thought that there must have been a better way for revenge.
He was not ready to die.
78 · Nov 2019
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
I remember watching some hogs grow nice and round.
And listening to their funny grunting sounds.
I even gave them names.
And felt like they were my pets playing games.
I was surprised and felt so sad and unstable.
When the funny hogs ended up in the smokehouse and on the dinner table.
78 · Nov 2019
Mist Ballet
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Mist dancing a ballet upon the pond.
A cool breeze greeting the morning sun.
Ripples moving about at play.
Trees in the water begin to sway.

The clouds providing plenty of cover.
For the sweet caresses of these two secret lovers.
An old tractor sits in a field of hay.
Along a red dirt road,
That brought these lovers here today.
78 · Nov 2019
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He was busy as a bee.
Looking at all the pretty honies that he could see.
Whistling at all the ones that came his way.
Made it such a beautiful day.
He knew that he had it made.
Seeing all the honies on parade.
77 · Nov 2019
Grandpa Jack
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Grandpa Jack loved black-eyed peas.
He could really slurp down macaroni and cheese.
He could eat a whole apple pie.
And gnaw on barbecue spare ribs while drinking a large beer mug dry.
He loved green apples fresh off the trees.
You could smell his green apple farts on the breeze.
77 · Dec 2019
The Ole Possum
Lamar Cole Dec 2019
I remember how I almost cried.
The day that George Jones died.
A piece of traditional country music has passed away.
Whose voice is missed in every way.

The man who sang he stopped loving her today.
She thinks I still care.
I don't need your rocking chair.

George now again sings sweet duets with Tammy.
Floating among the clouds.
At night look at the shining moon.
And still hear the Ole Possum croon.
77 · Nov 2019
Her Eyes
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Eyes so green.
Like ones in a sweet dream.
Eyes so round.
Shining like moonbeams.

Eyes so pretty.
Loveliest in the city.
Eyes so bright.
Like stars shining in the night.

Eyes so soft.
Like those of a spotted doe.
Eyes so tender.
Brings to the heart sweet surrender.
76 · Nov 2019
Country Girl
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He saw her from the top of a hill
As he stood among the daffodils.
He hair looked so sleek.
As she washed it in the creek.
She was a lovely country girl.
And he wanted to be a part of her world.
76 · Nov 2019
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
The moon just hid behind the trees.
Looking tasty and sweet.
Like an orange sherbet ice cream treat.

Your love was tasty tonight.
Like an orange slice cake.
The kind that it takes time to bake.

Passion was out of sight tonight.
Love flying so high in the breeze.
That you could feel it rustling the leaves.
75 · Dec 2019
It's Mother's Day
Lamar Cole Dec 2019
It's Mother's Day.
The sun is being its kindest.
The trees are dressed in their green finest.
Papa is taking mom and the kids out for something to eat.
He gave her flowers and chocolates that are so sweet.
The wind is blowing just right.
They will be romancing and dancing tonight.
75 · Nov 2019
She Likes Bad Boys
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He wanted her but he was too kind and sweet.
And she thought that he was a little meek.
He told her that he would be good to her.
He would be the best guy that she ever had.

She said that was fine but she was not into good guys, she was into bad.
She said that bad boys were her thing.
And that he just didn't interest her.
And she wasn't trying to be mean.
75 · Nov 2019
Misty Morning Kiss
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
They have a misty morning kiss.
And together they make a wish.
That life would always be like this.
The two of them together and misty morning kisses.
They looked deeply into each other's eyes.
And had another sweet kiss under the misty morning sky.
74 · Dec 2019
Sad Trick
Lamar Cole Dec 2019
He had a dream that he was chasing chicks.
When his girlfriend appeared in his dream.
And started giving him licks.
Life was sure playing some sad tricks.
When in his dream he got his **** kicked.
74 · Nov 2019
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Hambone loved the highway.
He was a big rig driver by night and day.
He loved to hear those big wheels rolling.
While riding down the highway grinning and smiling.

Hambone fell asleep at the steering wheel one night.
He thought that he was in heaven when he next saw light.
But God had other plans.
There were more roads to travel for this lucky man.
74 · Dec 2019
Sand Castle
Lamar Cole Dec 2019
He was on a beach with his girlfriend.
When they got into a fight.
She knocked him clean out of sight.
He wouldn't quit and tried to wrestle.
She body slammed him on a sand castle.
It was too bad that he got her ******.
That is why she put the hurt on him like this.
74 · Nov 2019
Love Destiny
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
My love sails upon waves of trust.
Destined for your heart.
My love takes flight upon breezes of honesty.
Destined for your soul.

My love walks a path of sincerity.
Destined for your mind.
My love climbs a mountain of togetherness.
Destined for your life.
74 · Nov 2019
Night Breeze
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Her love is the stars in the sky.
That sparkle so bright and make my emotions fly.
Her touch is the night wind.
Bringing good feelings to my body that have no end.
Her kiss is the night breeze.
Gently touching my lips with a little tease.
74 · Nov 2019
Deep Sleep
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She counts sheep.
And then falls into a deep sleep.
He wakes her up for a midnight talk.
He just wants to share his thoughts.
She says, I have to get up early for work hon.
Take your **** back to sleep.
I will talk to you in the mon.
74 · Dec 2019
Young Stud
Lamar Cole Dec 2019
The most special person that he ever met.
Was big **** Linda and on this you can bet.
She was a lady who turned a boy into a man.
Sexiest lady in the land.
She took a stick-in-the-mud.
And turned him into a young stud.
74 · Nov 2019
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
She looked so pale.
Because their love had grown stale.
She just wanted to set sail.
And look at the big blue sea and killer whales.
And enjoy blue skies and beautiful sunsets.
And remember how wonderful it was.
When they first met.
73 · Nov 2019
Little Daphne
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Little Daphne started to skip.
While eating a bag of Lay's Potato Chips.
The autumn wind began to blow.
And the leaves put on a dance show.
A leaf fell softly in little Daphne's hair.
Just another part of nature's colorful flair.
73 · Nov 2019
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Flames dancing,
Wood popping,
Satin and lace,
Love by the fireplace.

Soft rug,
Tender hugs,
Sweet kisses,
Lovers' wishes.

Hot desire,
Bodies on fire,
Ecstasy and passion,
Complete satisfaction.
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
I left home for the war.
When I was just eighteen.
I went to Vietnam a person so good and clean.
I came back home all broken spirited and mean.

All through the war I kept thinking.
If I could just get back home.
Everything gonna be alright.

As I tramped through the fields.
Bodies of my buddies maimed and killed.
I kept thinking if I could just get back home.
Everything gonna be alright.

They shipped me home on a Monday.
They gave me a Purple Heart.
I lost one leg and my mind is bad.
People look at me with faces so sad.

But I'm home now Lord.
And everything is alright.
But I'm home now Lord.
And everything is alright.
73 · Dec 2019
Disco Days
Lamar Cole Dec 2019
John Travolta boogying in Saturday Night Fever.
Donna Summer was one of the greatest Disco Divas.
KC had one of the best bands in the land.
The Bee Gees was a group with many fans.

Muscle cars, double knit outfits, and big hair.
Kids grooving without a care.
American Bandstand and Soul Train were on the move.
And looking good was the rule.
73 · Dec 2019
Wild Oats
Lamar Cole Dec 2019
****** Ron's best friend said Ron needed to sow his wild oats.
And proceeded to give him player notes.
He said to his best friend even though I am young.
Sowing wild oats can be limited to wife number one.
70 · Nov 2019
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
There use to be times when hobos would tell.
Stories of freedom times of riding the rails.
Going wherever the wind blew.
Everyday, seeing something new.

Hardship and freedom were their way of living life to the fullest.
Braving weather that could be the cruelest.
Owning only the shirt on their backs.
Living life on the railroad track.

When their life was at an end.
Their only treasure was memories of places they had seen and been.
70 · Nov 2019
Support Pet
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
He planned on stealing his neighbor's pet turkey for Thanksgiving Day dinner.
He went to get the turkey and the turkey looked at him with pleading sad eyes.
Saying please don't **** me.
So he decided to show the turkey some understanding.
Before he killed the turkey, he put a blindfold on him.
His neighbor found out what he had done and shot him in the leg.
Saying this is a small price to pay for eating my support pet.
70 · Oct 2019
The Night Wind
Lamar Cole Oct 2019
The night wind sings a song of love.
It carries the spirits of sweethearts.
To the heavens above.

The night wind blows sweet romance.
Upon its breezes.
The souls of lovers dance.

The night wind blows very cool.
Tonight, love and romance rule.
68 · Nov 2019
Without Bud
Lamar Cole Nov 2019
Drinking Bud made him strong.
When drinking those delicious suds, he couldn't go wrong.
He couldn't make it another day.
If his cans of Bud were taken away.
He even saw cans of Bud in his dreams.
A life without Bud would be so mean.
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