one lonely night while the moon was so bright I sat at the balcony in my home little sweet home which is standing in a little bit distance at the seashore of small island in Eastern, I looked around, the charm atmosphere outside,it was so strange that night so beautiful in sights, the smell fragrant breeze by the cold wind touched on my skin, with the gentle mist outside made it sprinkle in scented flower in the cloth garden, the enchanting views of the amazing light of the moon in heaven, like the diamond so bright in wide space illuminating, for a moment has a wonderful memory acrossed on my mind, the memories about the beautiful love story has faded by the time, but in deep inside it's still remain and kept forever then suddenly I recall the youthful days from the past so sweet changing conversation toward each other, you thought me It was forgotten, no no my love you were be wrong, all memories travel back in the past which you and I connecting so fast, in that moment, how joyful I feel into my bleeded heart by a millions pained so endure at hurt, but the soul still remain lonely quiet at the dark corner at the right, because her shadow quiet embraced and connecting the spiritual love endlessly both desires.
#Poem by: