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794 · Oct 2015
The Long Road Ahead
LadyShayBird Oct 2015
As I travel the road I can see up ahead, what I am going to find, I don’t know yet.  I do know that the road is long and waiting for me, but I can’t see what I think is for me.  I have traveled a long way to find a certain place, but I don’t know still with this confused look on my face.  I have been told that along this road I may find someone kind.  But, so far I have found no one worth my time.  I decide to keep walking this long road, hoping that I will find what I am looking for, and once I do I may not be confused any more.  Wondering what's up ahead, what could it be?  Guess I’ll have to wait and see.  This road is starting to really get to me, as I feel that I have been walking this road again continuously.  All I see is the same things that I have seen.  Could this be, that I have been walking this long road for days now, trying to see what’s ahead, or is this the beginning of a road that never ends?
As I keep walking down this road, I see up ahead, two different ways that I can go instead.  But, which way should I turn, right or left?  I don’t know, I'm guessing left.  Left it is.  As I pass the trees, I see birds flying up above me.  How the sky shines so bright, what a beautiful sight.  Can this be the end of the road for me?  Maybe I won’t have to take the other way.  Maybe, just maybe I’ll be okay. I have traveled for hours and nothing up ahead.  Oh no… I just may have taken the wrong road instead.  But, my mind is telling me to walk some more and maybe I’ll find what I've been looking for.  As I walk a little further, I see up ahead someone just like me hands upon his head.  I stop and get a little closer to this man and I touch him and say, “Tell me sir have you also been traveling along this way?”  He looks up at me with tears in his eyes and says, “Ma’am, I too have tried, but I can’t find my way.”  I told the man that I have faith.  That there will be a place someday, and you can’t give up along the way.  I took him by the hand and told him to follow me, because you can’t give up on everything.
247 · Oct 2015
Image in the darkness
LadyShayBird Oct 2015
Looking over the cliff I can see the sea.  I feel the breeze hover close to me, as the heavy rain beats down upon me.  Down below, down below, I see an image in the water.  Who is this?  Could it be?  Could this be me?  As I leaned over to get a closer look, I see a face staring at me. I am shaken from this image.  It cannot be real or can it be?  But, I think to myself once again, could that be me?  I get enough courage to look deeper in the sea and I realize that image is still staring at me.  I turn around and walk back to the street.  I hear a voice say, “Be careful in life and what you do, because if you believe, that image just might be you.”
241 · Oct 2015
What Is Life
LadyShayBird Oct 2015
Life is awkward.  Some say that it is God’s gift.  Others say it is the Devil’s way and some have no idea, or choose to not comment on.  But I can say that life takes you through the good and the bad of things and that you are here for a reason.  So no matter where you go, where you’ve been, or where you are going to go, life will always be a never-ending journey.

— The End —