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Brenda Buckley Sep 2017
A broken body abused over the years,
It is not just the physical pain that I fear.

It is the relentless agony in my head,
wanting only to hide in  bed.

Looking for a way to releive the pain
body and mind torchered the same.

It hurts so much, all the time,
Does no use to sit and whine.

I have been patient and I have given many things a try,
results to 12 to 18 needles a week that make me cry.

It will get better just hang in,
I'm like a fish with a broken fin.

Can't swim, sinking to the depths of the sea,
No one can help it is only up to me

left alone to suffer, too proud to shout out
the pain rips through me ripping me apart.

The day has ended and I once again wonder,
Should I keep trying, striking like thunder?

Or do I say enough is enough, I have sufford far too long,
I am tired and exhausted, and it is hard to carry on.

This is not personal,I love you so dear,
please understand when the time is near.
Brenda Buckley Sep 2017
Smile and agree to disagree,
the bigger person I will be.

Although they engage just for a reaction,
do not lose your cool for they are not your passion

Rise above and stand strong
there will always be those who think they are never wrong.

Preyed upon for being so kind,
jealousy lashes, for it is a trait they can not find.

Do not get angry for then they win,
instead graciously smile and hide the grin.

It is you that matters in the end,
stay true to who you are;stay close to your friends

**** them with kindness, it is proven true,
they will run far from you.

In search of the next easy prey,
lets all stop the bully today.
Brenda Buckley Sep 2017
My mask I created when I was very young,
As I had big secrets to hide, tying my tongue.

The mask let me hide the results of hell,
Hiding who I truely was and how I felt.

I wear my mask many hours a day,
Without it, I surely couldn't stay.

The emotions run too deep, most unable to bare,
I know thier concerned, but stop with the stares.

Are you okay? is monotonous all day,
I'd rather just fake it and make em stay away.

My mask is getting worn what do I do,
Make a new one? Or throw in the shoe.

It is cracked, and people see through,
Making me vulnerable to many of you.

I do not feel safe, my cuts are in full view,
I need to supress them, and keep them from you.

My pain is not your burden to carry,
The reason why my mask is necessary.

The mask is heavy and at the end of the day,
I used all my energy showing I'm okay.
Brenda Buckley Sep 2017
There are many times I sit and wonder,
does he still love me, or is it somehow blundered.

It hurts me deep when he's mad and withdraws,
his affection towards me with held, a punishment, one of his flaws.

When you love someone who is hurting so,
You are very confused watching this show.

As you wince in pain and limp your way by,
Thinking does he even care, he's not blinking an eye.

Would you like help? Can I get that for you?
Those days are long gone; out with the old shoes.

The care and compassion is not there,
Your speechless and can only blankly stare.

Racing your mind to figure out,
what this mess is truely about.

For I'm sure if he loved me inside and out,
He'd want to know what this was all about.

I moan in pain with no one to care,
No one to comfort me saying I'll be there.

No hugs of security when I feel the need,
I ask and annoyed he half *** appeased.

Please tell me what I have done,
If it's not me, know this isn't fun.

I know he is not affectionate a lot,
The reason behind that adversity , I got.

I love you with every bit of my heart,
Please don't hurt me this way, it's been 25 years since the start.

I want to be close, but with rejection so near,
I am so afraid you have given us up through the year.

I am going through so much with my body and  my head,
I need you way more now other than just in bed.

Please tell me it's not over, that this isn't the end,
I love you too much and your my best friend.

How can I help to make your life better,
What can I change, will it even matter?

I feel as though you gave up and threw in the rope,
To tired to continue, unsure of how to cope.

It's easier to withdraw then to face all the strains,
But the traffic isn't moving he's stuck in this lane.

Will he go with the flow full force ahead,
Or exit the next ramp, cause inside he's dead.

Have we pushed him to his point of no return,
Is he expended, depleted wilting like a forgotten Fern?

Without steady water it will surely die,
I can't live without you, this is no lie.

You were my rock, worn down to rubble,
I'm so sorry I was so much trouble.

I will try my best to improve all I can,
I need you by my side.  Your my Man.

I loved you then and I love you now,
Im sure we can work through this somehow.
Brenda Buckley Sep 2017
This is a question we all one day face,
when we no longer feel comfortable in our space.

We need to evaluate and question deep within ourselves
what truely matters to you, and what can be placed on the shelves.

Money is important as we have bills to pay,
more important is your happiness within each and every day .

When you are happy at what you do,
It makes it better for everyone too.

Should I Stay or Should I go?
It is up to you, you're running this show.

What do you value and where do you want to be,
is a question that cannot be answered by me.

Search yourself from deep within,
search for the answer that gives you a win.

Please for your own sake of mind,
a happy medium you must find.
Brenda Buckley Sep 2017
Teamwork is essential to complete the task at hand,
we work closely together to meet the demand

Each person has thier own important part,
to deliver our service, straight from the heart.

The empathy we express, the willingness we share,
can turn around a customer from pulling out thier hair.

We have a few teams both offline and on,
we do this so we don't miss anything wrong.

We support each other every single day,
ensuring everything is covered, nothing left astray.

We work with pride and respect one another,
we are indeed genuine, it is not a cover.

A team requires co-operation and communication between all,
and when everyone participates, there is no way to fall.

I am proud of our team, and those that lead,
always willing and ready to help those in need.
Brenda Buckley Sep 2017
Why do we meet all of  the people we do,
Yet we tend to keep by us only a few.

All the different ways you meet each other,
The impact you have, may unknowingly change them forever.

The gesture may be big or small,
You can squish em down or help them stand tall.

How you greet those you meet,
Could make a difference instantly.

A smile of empathy as you see the strain in their   face,
May be just enough to hold them in place.

Opening that door for one last guy,
Saving him a struggle he is happy to pass by.

Bending to pick up the fallen book,
Saved her shearing pain, how greatfull she looks.

We can never understand the full impact we impose,
Just remember we communicate from our head to our toes.
Brenda Buckley Sep 2017
Take my heart and take my hand,
and please help me to understand.

Why do we awake each and every day,
just to face all of the challenges in our way.

To struggle and pretend that all is good,
Caring and helping as they knew you would.

You push yourself to give it your all,
How you truely feal,
is hidden behind a brick wall.

I pray for all that soon one day,
we can all join hands and be haapy this way.

It can be big it can be small,
what's important is doing something, anything at all.

Teach the young, help the weak,
take a minute to hear them speak.

The smell of flowers,the fury of the sea, I gaze at the stars what can this mean?

I do not know what my purpose may be,
so i will be kind and helpful to all that I see.

For one small gesture on your part,
could make the world of difference in anothers heart.

People matter everywhere,
dont sit by and just stare.

Be proactive and share the love,
one day uniting us all, no one above.

— The End —