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Lacey Vogel Nov 2018
The calming of you voice widows beneath me.
All i can hear is you saying it will be alright.
I fear the pain of losing you, you're all i got.
With you by my side your all i need.
Troubles may come. But you will be there to save me.
I know for a fact that you being there by my side is a sign of calmness.
Lacey Vogel Apr 2018
The doors are closing
The windows are shut
Closed my heart
All In the dust
Brushing away all the moments
As everything goes to a blur
As time goes by I don’t know why
I feel the pain that made me die
Wiping the tears from my face
I try and try but I’m washed away.
~Lacey Vogel
Lacey Vogel Apr 2018
I’m broken
I’m in pain
No one can help me
Such a shame
Lacey Vogel Apr 2018
A struggle
A never ending circle of pain
Trying to find a way out
But it finds a way back in
The pain
The darkness
The saddness
It comes and goes like waves in the ocean
It crawls back in to your mind
Devouring everything you once had
Lacey Vogel Apr 2018
not only you
face the troubles in life
distracted in what's right and wrong
discoloration begs within me
struggling the truth in life
contemplating if i should be here
my brain tells me no but my soul tells me to stay
is there a way out
a way out of this pain
a way out of the struggle and everything
that brings me down
i can't i can't find a way out
help me before its too late
the doors are closing
i'm gone.
I know all of mine are depressing:(

— The End —