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newborn Apr 2022
the type of man that’ll never leave
once he leaves an impact on me
the type of man that’ll never know
how much he means to this world
the type of man that’ll waste his life
trying to get rid of all strife
the type of man who understands
but still stands in the deep end
the type of man that’ll chase his dreams
until he drowns in the foamy sea

the type of man that’ll never be yours

haha this was org a song but it sounds great as a poem too. my sister said this was a great title and a cool concept so my ego was boosted lol
newborn Jul 2022
there’s something about belonging
that sounds so sweet
his clutch on my skin
my devastation from his manic-like episodes
his huge sweater dangling off my body
something like being someone’s pawn
look in the mirror and tell me who you are
without a him
i am a tornado and i need a house with a stable foundation.
newborn Sep 2022
the atmosphere seems bleaker through the second story windows
on the first floor, there i scramble, breaking through the wake of the waves in my illusion crawling mind
creating a line of sea water from the teardrops that tumble onto my shaky hands
trudging through the unbeknownst woods,
seeing mini faces carved into tree logs
and then i collapse
over and over again.
every day feels like a shank in the veins
as if a phantom has taken the reins with its cold bony hands
and i am left to sit in the carriage of death
with Belonging, Happiness, Optimism, and Life itself.
do i look as stormy and gloomy as the earth through the second story windows of this prison?
i hope not.
writing in my first period class is surprisingly fun. 9/8/22
6 · Jun 2022
newborn Jun 2022
he’s in my bed, but he is as cold as the winter wind whooshing on the patio
quieter than the snow that falls in pivots and covers the holes that he dug when he went insane.
he’s in my mind, but he is as dead as an old gold mine
his valuables were torn from under his feet, now his hands are like frozen blocks of ice.
he’s in my bed, in a clump, in a frenzy from the casualties of last night
and i’m scared if he awakes cause his mind is someplace else
somewhere dark
somewhere he doesn’t let my toes tread
somewhere he’s hiding his vilest mistakes
encased in the old gold jar
it’s the start to a new day
carolina by taylor swift inspired this. it’s so folky and bittersweet and kinda creepy and hunger gamesy. idk

btw the he is not a person

6 · May 2022
newborn May 2022
i feel stupid because those that lived before me suffered much greater
but still
my organs are failing
i can’t breathe in the humid temperature
suffocated girl, poor girl
loneliness might not be the biggest issue
but it hurts
as much as a whip or a quick beating
sadness feels like an eternal weight placed upon your chest
who says this can’t be serious?
today is rough
and i’m so sick of having to say that everyday

6 · Jan 2023
four, three, two, one
newborn Jan 2023
four pumps of pulsating madness
i feel the summer in your veins
nooses hanging on our necks in the fields of dandelions
we swing
from the sycamores

three beheaded scoundrels
gather round with fiends
make friends with the dying oceans
from the mezzanine
our bodies look like melted statues
wilted to the breeze

two lovers guiltily isolated
barefoot on the gallows
holding each other’s hands
making entreating expressions
ostensibly grieving their fates
through crooked teeth

one stubborn rope
incense spewing from our tongues
as we breathe our last words
and stomach our last breaths
pertinaciously we dissociate with the
stern world built around us

zero souls standing
above the sycamores
imagery is strong on this one.

also…flower face…ahhhh
newborn Sep 2022
i lost my ticket to get on your train
and i witnessed you wave from the caboose; you didn’t even try to get off.

i don’t believe in love or maintaining childhood friendships
i believe in falling short and purposeful abandonment.

you talk to my sister, but not me
what am i supposed to do about that?
it’s my fault i know;
i didn’t acknowledge your presence
i’m so pitiful.

i could throw you a million apologies
i wouldn’t be angry if you wouldn’t forgive me
maybe sometimes in the hallway, you get a bittersweet taste in your mouth when we lock eyes
and you regret the missed time we could’ve spent together
at football games, in history class, in health class
and i regret that too;
in this particular universe.

you drive and i’m terrified to get my permit
i don’t wanna accidentally ****** someone or myself in a car crash
you had a boy best friend in the front seat
and now i’m entirely numb and empty
what have i come to?

yes, i came home and wallowed in a puddle of my own forlorn tears
i can’t do anything else but sob

it’s my fault, it’s my fault, it’s my fault
i am to blame, you could’ve told me “hi”
but i am not gonna blame this tumbling storyline on you
you like this school environment better than me
and i completely understand your reasons
again, it’s my fault and i stripped away my own dignity.

i am more numb than morphine could ever make me

i plagued this earth until it became a wasteland
and now i am cursing the vultures that only want to pick up scraps they can’t find here

why oh why does it have to be me destined to shoo them away?
i cried. i hate myself.

6 · Feb 2022
you, yes, you
newborn Feb 2022
i write you poems that you’re never going to hear
or read
or understand.
i write you poems since you’re never gonna know my name
or want to
or care.
i write you poems that maybe will make you see an apparition of me in your bedroom
that’s highly unlikely
i’ll stop trying.
and i write you poems so maybe one day you will realize that i love you and hopefully that will be enough for you to stay on this planet for a little longer and stop thinking of the slaughter
in my storyline
you will always be a daisy
and if you just listen to me
i will make you an entire garden
full of reasons why i write to you
and about you
and you will know for certain
that you are loved

you ARE loved
You literally inspired me to write in the first place
And I’m still writing.
That was January 6th 2021
You will never ever know that everything i write is basically about you even when it isn’t.
And I’ll keep writing because maybe
One day you’ll see everything I write
And you will smile and cry
And you will say
“I never knew anyone cared this much about my life.”

And I do
I really do

5 · Mar 2022
newborn Mar 2022
today i pondered and wondered if i had actually liked my old school
and right now i don’t wholeheartedly know
the same kids around me
the same stimulants every day
those people were my family
but maybe distant relatives
those people were my rocks
but maybe they couldn’t skip
or maybe i didn’t even try
it felt like heaven compared to this pit of lions
it felt like floating compared to now dying
it hurts
that it might not have worked out the way i
remembered that it had
maybe i was fed poison and forced to cough it back up
throw up into the hands of a burly man
who ate it and finished every last drop of it
maybe at the end of the day
i just feel lost
and i don’t belong
and i absolutely positively hate it
with all of my numb beating heart
what the heck
u were the bully

(Idek if you remember me tehee)

5 · Aug 2022
wake up
newborn Aug 2022
you get to choose who you wanna become.
you can let the world stomp out your flame
or you can transform into a brush fire
with blue flames and smoke.
you can let the world become your villain
and destroy its outer shell
and beat down its raging citizens  
or you can assist it and become the sidekick
on the earth’s move to becoming whole again.
you can let the world chain you up in cells
or you can break free
and scream for justice,
leaving a trail of hope for children to follow.
you can be brainwashed into keeping evil alive
or you can form an army of kindness
and let it surge throughout the planet.

you can wake up and choose who you wanna be,
you are the change the world needs.

5 · Jan 2022
newborn Jan 2022
i want to love you

i want to hold you during autumn by the fireplace

i want to cuddle you in the pitch black and know that i am safe

i see plenty
of people my exact age
with people they love
or they wanna spend
more time with
i ache
i want you so bad
who the heck
will you be?

i want to be so engulfed in you that i can’t speak to you
dream of you
or lay awake with you
cause my heart will burn
and cause the cream bedsheets
to become the same exact color
as the fire my heart contains

i want to be able to kiss you
in the midday rain
pieces of you fit in me
glued together

i want to be so far gone
that if you break my heart
i will throw a fit and tantrum
resorting back to who i was
at five or six years old

i want to talk to you for hours
upon hours
forgetting that time means
anything more than numbers
becoming so invested
that the words i write
can only ever be your name

i want to walk with you
in the gloom of the
three a.m
drunk hour
wasted on each
other’s smiles
giggling and chasing
after one another
like in a chic flic
dreaming in
and gorgeous colors
all over
our clueless yet
satisfied expressions

and all i really want is
to be able
to lay by
and not worry
about not making
a peep
be whole
be full
be you
around me
i didn’t sign up
for another
you are the only
you are you
and i am in love
with the ashes
and madness
and nightmares
and insignificance
and flashes
and outlandishness
and you
mr. beyond sadness
lay with me
in the hush
of the nighttime
your flesh
and mine
and only
two hands
holding the flow
you and i
once i have
no worry
or anxiety
that’s when
i know
you will
love me
can anybody find me
somebody to loooove
5 · Mar 2022
newborn Mar 2022
the morning undresses the pain from yesterday
the dew drops remind the young child
the worst will always be struck by the sword
of the next morn
idk just thought about this before confession
4 · Aug 2022
newborn Aug 2022
the bypass was strangled by
tiny knots in the road.
breathing was steady
but ready for attack.
i must have seen smoke
rising up from the hills.
in smoke appears signals
and bodies and old friends.
i saw the life form become human
in front of my naked eyes.
stood with needles and bruises, and his blemishes screamed “i’m tired of being alive.”
with bronze stained cuts
perched on his quivering lips.
i gazed up in shock, lost in
the unfamiliarity of his somehow soulless eyes.
but i heard bombs bursting
and doors breaking.
all of a sudden,
the dots were connecting.
the perplexity of this theory
stole my mind away for a minute.

and then, as if he was lightning,
he was gone.
the surrounding sounds become
numb lulls in the background.
i tried to process, but the thought
tore the inner walls inside of me down.

~he had felt this tingle of
dull memories creeping up into his fortified mind… shaky hands, and odd behavior, hold up, where am i? the world feels like it’s in slow motion, barely hanging on.. don’t know what hope is…he blacked out earlier that day, perhaps he didn’t know it? the intensity lit up in his distressed face… knowing, unknowing.. memories come flocking back like migrating birds…he lost the grip on his mind so long ago.. but when he had stood underneath the bridge, with stormy clouds in his eyes… i remembered him…and they could only ask me why.
“and in that moment, he remembered him.”

4 · Aug 2022
newborn Aug 2022
it was panic, it was silence, it was machine gunfire ringing in the insides of my ears.
it was sheer destruction, it was pain, it was so much blood spilled in so many years.
the sky turned black, heavy droplets landed on top of my skull,
begging to wash away the manipulation, but they never could.
it was hurt, it was unapologetic, it was of malicious intent.
it was brutal, it was barbaric, it was all stored in the back of my head.
the fire burned ravenously, chewing bones, teeth, and leftover fragments of me,
charring parts of my flesh that bandages can’t cover up.
i tried to make it stop with my own two busted hands, but repairing doesn’t come overnight like closure.  
it lingers like a wildfire in the winds thousands of miles north,
and most of the time, the repair was in vain or couldn’t be held in a forest fire’s limp hand.
ashes settle, but you still smell the smoke.
it was twisted, it was calamitous, it took a piece of my remaining soul.
it was blinding, it was irrevocable, it was constantly taking a toll
even after the ‘sorry’s’ and ‘can i make it up to you’s?’
i still grew maggots all over my skin where they placed their bitter fingertips,
where they designed the monster embedded in me.
i breathe fire, i inhale smoke, i exhale ashes from my bleeding throat.
it was mistakes, it was casualties, it was shattered narratives and sovereignty.
it was vicious, it was surreptitious, it was trauma and warped realities.
suffering came like waves from the most caliginous seas.
i tried buying myself safety, eternity, and apologies,
but nothing ever seemed to work in my favor.
i have been trying for so long, for so many years, for so many lifetimes, for so many ages.
i hope it’s soon time for me to be laid to rest,
with no panic attacks, no strangers, and no reason to hurt anyone.
i was once the enemy of the world, but i don’t wanna be him anymore.
character driven again. i’m really proud of this so i hope you enjoy it.

i’m sorry?

newborn Apr 2022
could someone please fill the lines of their notebook with my name
write poetry
they may or may not wanna tell me about
but it keeps them awake at the witching hour
and they want my lips to leave marks on their pillowcases
they want my voice to ring throughout their hollow hallways
echoing through their bitten hearts
so i can finally be wanted
and i won’t have to stay up at the witching hour, crying tears of loneliness cause i’ll have someone who’ll sketch my eyes with charcoal and construct a poem out of my sadness and we can be best buddies
**** it
i wish it was all that easy.
after a year of writing about everyone and everything, i just wish someone would do that for me :>(

4 · Mar 2022
newborn Mar 2022
i find it odd how the most well known love story is a tragedy
i wonder why i ever thought it could work for me
thx Shakespeare

— The End —