No matter where you are or what you're doing, there's always going to be people who try to tell you how to live your life. There's always going to be people trying to tell you what path to take. But, ultimately, no singular path is right for everyone. People are different. Lives are different. Circumstances are different. When it comes down to it, do what feeds your soul. If having a badass career is what does it, go for it. If it's having a family, then do it. If you want to backpack cross country or up a mountain, more power to you. Live your life doing what fulfills your soul-spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Take responsibility for your actions. Be kind to others. Determine your morals and values and be an example of them. Embrace who you are as a person with your whole heart because that's the only person you'll ever be. Embrace your potential. Nobody but yourself can tell you you can or can't do something. There is no singular route to happiness. success or prosperity, because everybody has a different ideal idea of these concepts. They're as variable as the memories.
When we stop judging others for their differences
and stop judging ourselves for ours,
then we will know peace.