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Kevin Williams Jan 2018
White wine wets lips
kicking at the corners
as a smirk begins to form

Her lips part
forming words
Such sweetness he's never heard

Truthful bliss
or wistful wisps
He gathers them gently in
Kevin Williams Oct 2017
Island stone
standing strong
Strength and calm
siren song
Winds and storms
raging sea
You sit unscathed and call to me

Shores so quiet
still serene
hold no secrets
yet unseen
Cool breeze
rolling sea
I know you well as you hold me

Island stone
standing still
Changes passing
ocean swell
Far shores
foreign sights
Distant seas
soaring heights
Not yours to see
nor mine maybe

Island stone
Kevin Williams Mar 2018
I haven't written in a long time
What thoughts were lost in fleeing time
What's passed is past
and no longer mine
I haven't written in too long a time
Kevin Williams Oct 2017
In the quiet it waits
that dark dry place.
Where thoughts avoided shatter peace
and memories roam so free of leash
The pains of heart in noise he escapes but in the quiet it waits
The thoughts avioded in days clutter
never heard past constant mutter, 
they all return once voices stutter
and cease to drown the ponders inner
Still in the quiet it waits
Head laid to rest, rest out of reach
as thoughts again will shatter peace
and once again when he awakes
For in the quiet it waits
So into noise he wades with speed
to clear his head with busy deed
The clash and clang of action breeds
peace of a kind in tethered mind
Still in the quiet it waits
Distraction holds a brief reprieve
Until the sounds begin to thin
and day dreams darken, distort, deceive
becoming the thought he sort to leave
He knows that time will bring release
That troubled thought will one day cease and peace will one day,
in the quiet
Kevin Williams Oct 2017
The wide red road, it rolls so far
Red dust staining scalding tar.
He walks alone, friend by his side
Heat haze hiding measured stride.
His broad brown hat, salt stained and holed
Is known along the long red road.

Strangers know him, they nod hello
He spares a smile that says good bye,
It's nice to see you, I've got to go.
His friend keeps pace and never slows
She's always with him and hardly there
The hot red road, the silent pair.

On they walk till town surrounds
The one tall lot is where they're bound
Into blessed shade they step and sigh
Broad brim hat now by his side

The woman nods, and turns to tap
The bar now holds the salt stained hat
As cold dew beads down frosted glass
he slowly sips, his first, his last

By his stool his friend will wait
Till ritual through and thirst is sate.
Then to the door the pair will turn
Hat to head, and to the red road, return.
I wrote this simply as an exercise in imagery. I truly have no idea what I'm doing, so any constructive criticism is welcome.
Kevin Williams Nov 2017
No distraction
give a reaction
You've got to be on board

No denial
self reprisal
You've got see the score

We've all been there
top of the pile
with a long way to fall

Claw your way back
Be the master
Never forget that fall

It's a shadow
Heavy looming
Failure clouds it all

No distraction
You are the action
You've go to keep on board
Kevin Williams Oct 2017
The whipcord strength of the last thread that tethers you to her, is yours to cut if you could but find the edge.
Kevin Williams Oct 2017
Pull your weight you slimy ****
Don't disappear when burdens near
Swooping back when credit's due

Lies and tricks your stock and trade
Avoiding toil with decisions unmade
Waddling about looking haggard
Don't load my back to spare your own
Noisily posturing with one eye roaming
To preen and bluster as the lions pass
We all know one.
Kevin Williams Oct 2017
I want to write fantasy
I keep writing poety
I want to write something bigger than the truth
I write things small but heart felt
I want to write fantasy
teach lessons elusive
I want to write a story that lasts
and find these simple words
I want to write fiction holding secrets
buried links for the dedicated
This is what I write
I want to write poety?
No, no I want to write fantasy
Kevin Williams Nov 2017
The wordsmith sits
without stirring he searches
Red wine lapping against his barriers
Waiting for inspirarion to accept invitation.
Kevin Williams Mar 2018
Do your insides burn in the way that mine do
Totally lost in the familiar that suits you
Does your mind scream, this isn't enough
while your heart sinks in a comfortable rut
Do you strive to find the drive to change
but striving is hard and so remain the same
Kevin Williams Nov 2017
The fighter stands
fists raised and mind willing
Steady gaze and instinct for killing
The opponent matches his violent mood

The two square off
Feet shift and pulses thumping
Clenched jaws await bells sharp ringing
The crowd craves their blood like food

The pair contend
Pure focus and adrenal pumping
Bodies strained and energy sapping
The cameras capture every move

The balance sways
Sweat pours and blood is flowing
Tired arms follow ceaseless drilling
The canvas conserves every drop

Ding ding ding!
And the fight is done
Judges calling who has won
The two embrace
They're brothers now
Before respect their hatred bows

The crowd moves out
Mimicked throws and opinions flowing
Egos swell in glory reflecting
The respect is lost on those that pose

— The End —