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3.3k · Jun 2018
Cute boy
Kristoff Jun 2018
I think he’s cute

Way out of my league, I know
And extremely popular
No girl would give him up
They would be crazy to

He likes popular people like him
I’m not popular at all
Most people don’t know I exist

So how do I get him to notice me?
Oh I don’t know

Besides, I know better guys
And cuter too
Don’t I?
Did you see the secret message??
1.6k · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
Always having nightmares,
Being in a house full of hatred and sadness.
Crying myself to sleep each night.
Dreading when I have to come home from school,
Every single day.
Fearing the words that could ****.
Going to sleep is a struggle in itself. I
Hide it at school.
I always act happy at school.
Just so my friends aren't suspicious.
Kids think I'm normal. Just
Like them. An ordinary, happy kid, but
Most of the time, I'm depressed.
No way are my friends going to find out
Of course.
Plastering on a smile until I get home.
Quiet doesn't exist. There is always yelling.
Running to my room, crying,
Steaming mad at my parents for all of this.
Tears stream down my face.
Under my tough skin is a crumbling tower. A
Vacation to school makes me relax. I
Wipe the tears before I walk inside.
Xtra smiles for all of my friends,
Yet inside, I decompose with depression.
Zero tears on the outside.
779 · May 2018
Perfection is overrated.
Kristoff May 2018
I once grew my hair down to my waist.
But then I cut it. Cuz long hair is overrated.

I once dyed my brown hair blonde.
But then I hid in my room. Cuz blonde hair is overrated.

I once wore blue eye contacts.
But then I instantly took them off. Cuz blue eyes are overrated.

I once caked my eyelids with eyeshadow.
But then I wiped it off. Cuz makeup is overrated.

I once became a millionaire.
But then I gave away all my money to charities. Cuz money is overrated.

I once got a fake tan.
But then I wore long sleeves and jeans. Cuz tan skin is overrated.

I once shopped at Express.
But then I gave all my clothes to Goodwill and shopped there instead. Cuz expensive clothes are overrated.

Don't change who you are just to please others.

Cuz perfection is overrated.
Love yourself!!
492 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
My dolly was my best friend.
Then you came along.
You had no friends.
You were lonely.
I asked you to play with us.
You were grateful.
The three of us.
The bestest of friends.
You really like dolly.
I was suspicious.
I thought you would steal her.
But she's MY dolly!
My dolly still loves me.
She would never betray me.
You played with dolly a LOT.
You stopped playing with me.
Just with dolly.
Dolly still loves me.
Dolly still loves me.
Dolly still loves ME.
Not you.
You never acknowledged me.
Like I was invisible.
Dolly, dolly, dolly.
Nothing exists but dolly.
Dolly stopped coming back to me.
She loves me no more.
Now I'm the lonely one.
I doubt anyone would take ME in.
But I would.
445 · May 2018
Human girls
Kristoff May 2018
She doesn't want you
Admit it
You aren't good enough for her
She is too perfect
You need to get some muscles
Or learn some manners
Maybe then she'll notice you
It's a start
Play some sports
Do your hair
Smile more
Dress nicely
Take off your glasses
Get some contacts
Stop complaining
About everything school related
She doesn't like that
Stop slouching
Make eye contact
If she ever says a word to you
Very unlikely
But possible
At that next school dance
Wear a suit
Don't pig out on food
Make her heart melt
Ask her to dance
Don't break down if she says no
She most likely will say no
That's ok
Work your way up there
Become popular
In some way
Write some poetry
Show her a few
Make em good
Impress her
It'll be tough
But I think you can do it
Do your best
Try hard
But dot make it obvious
Make it like it was
No big deal
Play it cool

If you do all of these things
Then you might have a chance

Is it really worth it though?
I would much rather date
A girl who isn't perfect
Who has flaws
I wouldn't have to change
Everything about myself
For her
She would like me
Just the way I am

Thanks, but I think I'll stick to
Human girls
441 · May 2018
Old people
Kristoff May 2018
The elderly are fascinating
Some think they are boring
Some think they are embarrassing
I find them utterly enchanting
They are my safe haven
Their captivating stories
About the world before I existed
Entice me
I never want them to end
Some are funny
Like the funky clothing styles
Some are horribly tragic
Like big, long, ****** wars
That left these old geezers
With memories that they can
Never forget
It hurts me to know that these
Kind old men and woman
Could be traumatized like that
It makes me respect them more
It's nice to know that there is
More beyond those
Wire rimmed spectacles and
Warm, wrinkled smiles
329 · May 2018
Dance with me
Kristoff May 2018
Dance with me
Twirl me
Spin me
Till I'm dizzy
Pull me close
So I get butterflies
Look in my eyes
Make me sigh
Hold my hands
Like they are fragile
Grab my waist
Sway with the beat
Smile that smile
That makes me melt
Take me around the room
While we dance
Tell me you love me
Lean close
Plant a kiss on my lips
Take my breath away
Make me feel lucky
Make this last
As long as possible

Dance with me
Before I have to leave this world
263 · May 2018
What you don't know (abc)
Kristoff May 2018
Always there. Got your
Call when you are stressed. Or
Dumped by another boyfriend.
Even when I'm busy, I'll listen
Forever until you realize.
Gloating on about HIM.
He doesn't treat me right.
I would treat you right.
Just if you would see.
Kiss you under the stars. But I
Listen to your other troubles.
Mindless of what we could be.
No, not best friends. More than best friends.
Only if you saw the way I go
Pink when you hug me. I grow
Quiet and give you my full attention.
Right to the end of your stories when I
See into
Those deep blue oceans, I'm afraid I'll drown.
Until you yell my name, and I
Very sadly wake up from my daydreams.
Where you don't know my feelings.
Xtra attention towards you.
Yet you know
Zero about what swirls around in my heart.
262 · May 2018
Your eyes
Kristoff May 2018
Your eyes
They sparkle
Like diamonds
They are blue
Like the ocean
I like the ocean
I like when the waves
Lap at my feet
I want to stare
Into those oceans
For eternity
But I'm afraid I might
Drown in them
So I must look away
They draw me in
Like a strong undertow
They are dangerous
When you are too deep
There is no escaping
They are bright
Like the sky
On a sunny day
Sunny days make me happy
Just like you
I'm drawn to you
Your smile
Lights up the room
Your laughter
Brightens the mood
257 · May 2018
I'm dying(10w)
Kristoff May 2018
Tell me you love me
Before it is too late
226 · May 2018
<3 Books!! (10w)
Kristoff May 2018
Oh my gosh I just read a really good book
224 · Jun 2018
Unfortunate (10w)
Kristoff Jun 2018
She is fat, ugly, and everybody hates her. How unfortunate.
Yup! That’s me!
224 · May 2018
Walk away(10w)
Kristoff May 2018

C              A            N       '      T  


A   w       a           y....



                          S                        t
                 i                l          l             L
                  o                   v               e
                       M                         e
                                .              .
I tried
214 · May 2018
Tell me you love me
Kristoff May 2018
Tell me you love me
Tell me you need me
Tell me you can live without me
Tell me I'm beautiful
Tell me I'm priceless
Tell me we were meant to be

Tell me you love me
Before there's nothing left to love
214 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
Mid September
Clear blue sky
Warm air
Jean shorts
Orange t shirt
Flip flops
Two braids in my hair
Round my neighborhood
Country songs
The still growing
Pumpkin garden
Cinnamon waffles for breakfast
Finish my
Way too drawn out book
Playing a few chords
On guitar
Mouth a few verses
Walk back outside
Take a deep breath
This feels good
211 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
Sometimes I lie in bed
Wondering what it would be like
To be loved.
#love  #depression  #wonder  #sad

Don't worry! I am loved! This is just a poem I made up!
210 · Jun 2018
Kristoff Jun 2018
I like being unattractive
It helps me to decide
Who is good
And who is bad
People who befriend me are
People who stay away are
A hot girl would never be able
To tell which ones are
Slobbering because they
Genuinely like you
And which ones are
Slobbering because they only want
You know what
People who actually
Like others for their
And not their looks
Are true heroes

I also like being secretive
Glasses are
Way more concealing
Than you think
#nerd  #glasses  #friends  #secretive
#good  #bad
203 · May 2018
Be Content
Kristoff May 2018
I ate half a granola bar for breakfast. It was delicious. I smell pretty bad. That's ok. My clothes clash. That's also ok. There are many, MANY holes in my clothes. At least I have clothes. There are also four holes in each of my boots. At least I have shoes. My old iPhone 3 broke, so I am phone less. The Internet is a black hole so best to get away from it. There's mold in my refrigerator. I don't use that old thing anyways. The faucet spews brown water. That's ok, I prefer drinking fountains. My carpet has many neglected stains. A piece of artwork! There are many gangs in my neighborhood. We respect our boundaries. Someone is killed almost every couple of days. Well, as long as it's not me! Where I work, my boss hates me. I never liked him either. I get minimum salary. At least I get money! I work twelve hours a day. I always have something to do! When I get home I find something to eat. Ahh! Home! All I have is microwave ramen noodles. Yum! Asian night! But my microwave doesn't work. I'll go to Walgreens tomorrow. I don't have any other food to eat. I don't have to eat tonight! I decide to watch tv. Thank gosh I have cable! Only four channels work. Four is all I need! They are all in Japanese. Well, I know a few words in Japanese! I get to "bed". My sleeping bag on the ground. So comfy! What a great day! Man, am I thankful to be me!
Be content with what you have! Some would **** for it!
202 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
I messed up
I failed
I never wanted this to happen
It was a mistake
I'm sorry
Forgive me?
Of course not
Who would forgive
A poor loser
Like me?
All you see in me
Is a liar
And a cheat
A piece of trash
To be left on the street
To be crushed
You're right
I would deserve that
But if you see past that
Past the lying
Past the cheating
You'll find a beauty
Unlike any other
If you just give me a chance
You'll find that
I'm not a bad person
I'm the one for you
We are meant to be

Yeah right loser
Your lying and cheating
Defines who you are
I wouldn't want to date a
Loser like you
Ever again

All right
I see your point
But if you ju-

No I'm done
I'm done with your
Little white lies
That add up to big ones
I'm done with your
Multiple girlfriends
I give up
You are a hopeless case

Alright, alright
I see how it is
You only notice my bad points
Have you ever noticed my
Good points?
I can sing
And I make you laugh
And I can cook
All things that you
Want in a husband
Am I right?

Yes, you are right
I want those three things
And more
But I don't want my husband
To be a liar
Or a cheater
Or a backstabber
Those are the three things I
DONT want in a husband

I can change you know
I can stop lying
And stop cheating

Oh really?

I would do anything for you

Would you do anything
For your other two girlfriends?

That's besides the poin-

Is it really?
Is it really "besides the point"?
I don't think so

But wait just give me a chance!

You had your chance
Go break the news to
Your other girlfriends
Tell them the same bs you told me
See if they'll want you back
After you tell them about your
Other love lives
About everything you
Lied about to them
You'll be single by
Tomorrow afternoon
I'd bet my life on it
But I wouldn't waste my life
On anything related to you
Or your poor innocent girlfriends
So there
Better buy a few tubs of
Break up ice cream, single pringle
It's gonna be a while
202 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
Dont you just hate guys who will only date girls with blonde hair and big *****?
201 · May 2018
Eyes opened
Kristoff May 2018
Maybe it was your deep blue eyes.
That I only just noticed since they were always framed with metal rims.
Maybe it was the gel.
That you used to push up your bangs so I could finally see your handsome face.
Maybe it was your body.
Tan from the beaming summer sun and lean from your love of running.
Maybe it was your smile.
Finally perfect after years of unattractive braces.
Whatever it was, my eyes were opened. And I finally found that you are the one for me.
193 · May 2018
Must stop(10w)
Kristoff May 2018
I couldn't finish my brownie
Because my mind said no
193 · May 2018
Do (10w)
Kristoff May 2018
People who WISH don't do anything. People who DO do.
#do  #wish
192 · May 2018
My version of perfect(abc)
Kristoff May 2018
Always pressured to be
Better. Why
Can't I look like those girls? I
Don't. And I never will
Even when I do everything they say
Forget it
Gorgeous hair and slender legs. It's
I'll never look as pretty as them
Just because you buy their lines of clothes. Their
Kissable glossy
Lip balms. That doesn't
Mean that you will look amazing
No way I can be as pretty as them
Oh please. You're gonna spend $300 for some
Pink, cheap piece of fabric? Yeah right
Quit acting like a fool, me.
Right. Life isn't all about mirrors
So go out there and be yourself
T shirt, not **** low neck tank top
Ugly? Psh, no. You mean stylish
V necks for $70? Nope
Whatever I want to wear
Xs on those beautiful fake idiots
You do you. Don't
Zero in on that magazine.
189 · May 2018
188 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
Can you see me?
186 · May 2018
I can't write good titles.
Kristoff May 2018
The feather floats
Like it is weightless.
Like it can fly.
Like nothing else exists.
Like it is invisible.

But it isn't.
185 · May 2018
First kiss
Kristoff May 2018
I stare into your eyes
You into mine
So hard to look away
You smile dreamily
Take my hand
Lead me outside
The sunset
Creates a piece of artwork
Across the sky
Which makes me smile
You lead me to a nearby
Apple tree
Blossoms in full bloom
We climb up
Find a sturdy branch
Sit so we are
Facing each other
Fall to the ground
Fingers entwined
Your lips part
About to say something
Then decide not to
You lean close
So your forehead touches mine
Still gazing into
Each other's eyes
I can feel
Your breath on my skin
You then move
So the tips of our
Noses are touching
Your hands
Release their grip
From mine
Find their way to my waist
Then my face
Caressing my cheek
Playing with the
Tips of my hair
Lean closer
Close our eyes
Our lips connect
Your lips taste like honey
And happiness
You kiss softly
Unsure of my
Girly emotions
If this is what I wanted
And it is
Then more passionately
Move your hands
From my face
Back down to my waist
Then my thighs
Lips disconnect
Look at each other
To do it again
This time
With more lust
With more want
You run your hands
Up and down my thighs
Every once in a while
Inserting your tongue
Into my mouth
I'm surprised with your
Considering this is the
First time for both of us
We disconnect once again
This time
I turn around on the branch
So we both face
The same way
I lean against you
Your body heat
Warming me
Comforting me
You put your arms around me
Your head against
The trunk of the tree
Every so often
Brushing your lips
Against my neck
Sending chills up my spine
Butterflies into my stomach
We watch the sun
Go down
Until we are surrounded by
When we decide to
Kiss once more
Before we say goodbye
This one the most
Passionate of them all
To last until we see
Each other again
#love  #kiss  #teenlove
181 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
I held her still, warm, hand until it went cold
179 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
Always cowering
Bullies beat me up
Can't stop them
Don't have the will power
Either way I would still get hurt
Feeling depressed
Getting through each day is a battle
I want to die
Just make it stop!
Kids stay away from me
Laughing and whispering behind my back.
My back has a head with ears, ya know.
No one helps me
Only me, feeling betrayed
People wait till the day I don't come to school
Quit sneering! Quit
Ruining my life!!
Suicide is the only way to fix things
Today is the day
Unplug the radio. Plug it by the tub
Vivid images make me question myself
Wishing I didn't have to do this, but it is the only way
Xtreme tension. Goodbye world, goodbye bullies.
Yank the plugged in radio into the tub
177 · May 2018
If only
Kristoff May 2018
If only you knew me
If only you saw me
If only you blushed
If only you watched me
If only you called me
If only you texted me
If only you got nervous
If only we were together
If only you met my family
If only I met yours
If only you liked my voice
If only we made each other laugh
If only I taught you ukulele
If only you taught me to dance
If only we locked eyes
If only we held hands
If only we dated
If only we went to the beach
If only I touched you
If only you got butterflies
If only we were alone
If only we leaned in
If only we kissed
If only we liked it
If only we did it again
If only we were meant to be
If only you loved me.
#wish   #love
176 · May 2018
Drugs (abc)
Kristoff May 2018
Alcohol. I can't stop.
But I want to. Sort of.
Can't get out of this.
Don't want to get out of this.
Every single day
Fighting to
Go back to the way things were.
Hiding in the shadows.
In the darkness.
Just sitting. Drugs in my hand.
"Kick them to the curb" i try to tell myself.
"Lose them" I urge
No, I can't. They soothe me.
Otherwise I would be dead.
People would hate me.
Quit saying that! They already hate you!
Right. No one likes a drug addict.
Some beers wouldn't hurt.
Too many. Oops! My life is
Useless. No one wants it. I'm a
Vase being held by tape and glue.
Without drugs and alcohol, I will die.
Xtreme measures to get them.
Yet do I need them? Yes. Maybe.
174 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
The scent of a rose is what keeps me sane.
172 · May 2018
Oh well
Kristoff May 2018
You don't like me because I'm
NOT skinny. Because I'm
NOT blonde. Because I'm
NOT "beautiful"

Well I never liked you either
172 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
They say that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile. Ironically, the people who smile are the ones that are stronger than the people who frown.
171 · May 2018
In a Heartbeat
Kristoff May 2018
The approximate length of a heartbeat is .28 seconds.

That's how long it took you to lose my trust.
171 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
There's nothing left to beat.
Nothing left to mistreat.

No meat on my bones.
All I hear are groans.

But you cannot break me.
Because soon I will be free.

It's only a matter of time.
I got lots of that, I'll be fine.

Soon the world will know.
I'd stop if I were you, bro.

I wouldn't want to get caught.
If this was your last shot.

I can't look at your ugly face.
When you say you are the superior race.

Stop replying those lies.
When those shaky cries cry.

That we don't deserve to live.
Being held here captive.

That our lives are worthless.
Man, talk about bias.

If I were you,
I wouldn't want to be you.
Mic drop. Haha just kidding.
170 · May 2018
Autopilot (10w)
Kristoff May 2018
I did not realize how little I had eaten lately.
Love yourself!! If others say that you are fat or ugly, then that's their problem. They are taking their anger out on you, and putting all the attention on you because maybe in reality, THEY are the ones that feel insecure about themselves. You are beautiful just the way you are!!!
170 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
You deceived me, but, even worse, I had no clue.
162 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
When we are together, I leave wanting more than before.
162 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
Does anyone else constantly check to see if anyone liked or loved one of their poems?

Comment if you do
I unfortunately do it all the time :(
162 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
My ukulele is my home.
I will never leave it.
160 · May 2018
Longing (10w)
Kristoff May 2018
I wish my thoughts could become your thoughts as well.
158 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
It annoys me how often you forget that I exist.
156 · May 2018
Blank Slate
Kristoff May 2018
My name is ___.
155 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
Watch me crash and burn.
You know you want to.
151 · May 2018
Kristoff May 2018
I'm too shy
To tell you all the things I love about you
To tell you the things that you don't know about me
That would you would love
I'm a beautiful singer
And a beautiful artist
But those are things that I keep to myself
Too shy to show anyone else
Especially you
Your deep blue eyes are
Quite intimidating
Your smile
Makes me melt
All I can manage to show you
Are my flaws and my mistakes
I hope that is enough
you might not see anything else
Because I'm too shy to show you
148 · May 2018
The things you don't see
Kristoff May 2018
The things you don't see
Don't bother you

They bother me
They torment me
It's excruciating

I wish I wasn't alone
In this paranormal world
Things aren't as they seem

Or maybe they are
I can never be sure

Can you see them?

Am I special?
Or unlucky?
Am I gifted?
Or disabled?
Do I have superpowers?


Maybe not.

Maybe I'm *******
Maybe I'm a freak
You wouldn't want to be friends with me
If you knew
About the things you don't see

Lurking in the dark

Ordinary people
Who may not seem so ordinary



At least the things you don't see.

— The End —