I messed up
I failed
I never wanted this to happen
It was a mistake
I'm sorry
Forgive me?
Of course not
Who would forgive
A poor loser
Like me?
All you see in me
Is a liar
And a cheat
A piece of trash
To be left on the street
To be crushed
You're right
I would deserve that
But if you see past that
Past the lying
Past the cheating
You'll find a beauty
Unlike any other
If you just give me a chance
You'll find that
I'm not a bad person
I'm the one for you
We are meant to be
Yeah right loser
Your lying and cheating
Defines who you are
I wouldn't want to date a
Loser like you
Ever again
All right
I see your point
But if you ju-
No I'm done
I'm done with your
Little white lies
That add up to big ones
I'm done with your
Multiple girlfriends
I give up
You are a hopeless case
Alright, alright
I see how it is
You only notice my bad points
Have you ever noticed my
Good points?
I can sing
And I make you laugh
And I can cook
All things that you
Want in a husband
Am I right?
Yes, you are right
I want those three things
And more
But I don't want my husband
To be a liar
Or a cheater
Or a backstabber
Those are the three things I
DONT want in a husband
I can change you know
I can stop lying
And stop cheating
Oh really?
I would do anything for you
Would you do anything
For your other two girlfriends?
That's besides the poin-
Is it really?
Is it really "besides the point"?
I don't think so
But wait just give me a chance!
You had your chance
Go break the news to
Your other girlfriends
Tell them the same bs you told me
See if they'll want you back
After you tell them about your
Other love lives
About everything you
Lied about to them
You'll be single by
Tomorrow afternoon
I'd bet my life on it
But I wouldn't waste my life
On anything related to you
Or your poor innocent girlfriends
So there
Better buy a few tubs of
Break up ice cream, single pringle
It's gonna be a while