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531 · Feb 2019
Ex boyfriend
Kreetysha Feb 2019
Lost his job
Having financial issues
And still want to date him

We meet once or twice in a year
But we still like those crazy stupid Best friend when we first met

No Words can describe him
I got nothing to give him
But im by his side

Watching guys on tiktok, i think of him
Just want him to be happy  
Pray to god that his Dreams will fulfil

His smile
His haïr
His crazy looks at me
His everything

Blessed in having someone like him
In this bad weather of today, 18feb 2k19
451 · Feb 2019
Sad love
Kreetysha Feb 2019
We are not meant to be together
Unless you make the effort to be with me

Im lonely and i want you to complete me. If not, i Just want you to be happy and keep smiling

You'll never be alone
You never be alone

282 · Feb 2019
Kreetysha Feb 2019
Im so sorry
         I didnt mean
To fall in love with you
        No Words
Can describe you
           The feelings
     I got for you
193 · Feb 2019
Morning citation
Kreetysha Feb 2019
Early morning..
Positive vibes and a good classical music....
Alone in your own crazy lonely world
Happiness comes itself......
Yoga postures.......
Meditate, feel your inner soul..
No one can understand you better than you know
Think positive.. Good things gonna Come by themselves
160 · May 2019
Kreetysha May 2019
Life is unexplainable
Full of happiness, sadness. Pain, suffering, excitement.
We are all here for a reason.
Whether you are sad, do not depress yrself!
We are all here to fight for.
We cant depressed ourselves because of just one incident, one mistakes, one critic or one saying.
The world is full of dreams, full of ambitions, full of creative and unique things; so why givin up!
When someone betrayed you, you should not doubt yrself!
You are unique in yr own way., dont waste yr time proving yrself to the world but just move on.. Focus on yr dreams) yr goals! Make yourself happy first.. Make yr parents proud. Do not give up without trying!
Keep motivating.. Keep going further... Bring a better life for you than crying or begging someone to stay in yr life.
If someone wants to leave.. Let them go.
If someone really consider as a true friend, they will remain. Be surrounded with positive people.. Be with someone or people with greater goals.. Greater view in life!
Dont stuck at the same place! Keep going to be a person who you always wanted to be!
Just love the way you are

— The End —