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Kofi Amoafo Apr 2014
Who teaches us to be broken?
Who infiltrates our intellect and makes us so mistaken
How cunning the words must be
To cloud our vision so dark we cannot perceive to see
The all to visible spectrum where the Truth can exist?
They call it Anxiety
Crippling the birthright of a  new generation's ability
The void is gaping and we've fallen in, lacking the foundations stability... we froze there...falling..
All heaven is waiting
But no way we'll perceive it now. Blinded as we are
We continue to fall
No matter how far
They whisper to us in the diamond form of falling raindrops
And then suddenly the falling just stops
All the weight of the falling sky drops
And no longer are we lost to a restricting anxiety or a crippling society that just wont shut up
We are above it. But it doesnt stop there
Still must we reach the dimension where we see air
Pass the test and know the world in the image of distance
See it as a crystal lattice
And then its free flying from there
We no longer belong to no where
Above the sound of falling strain your ear and hear the raindrops whisper
"Look down...You're Flying."
Kofi Amoafo Apr 2014
My mind is full of memories I cant remember
Some arent real
Does that make me twice the false dreamer?
Or have I just not found the words to that letter
Have I found the seal?
I hear drums in the air
Keeping a beat I know isn't there
I know its dark in the distance
Yet I rush in like my life is but a hindrance
To something
People laugh at death, saying its conquered
Tell me, why the hell do I cower?
A foolish fear?
See, we smile all day long
Laughing, Singing lifes oh-so-happy song
Pretending we dont hear the warning, bronze gong's warning
I try to be unique, tried to be different
The only difference was the path Im taking to be the same
You cant see them. Only I can, my shakles of shame
Its depressing to think
Because then all the lines begin to link
Forming an answer
One that brings clouds joy..
My only thought now and ever,
To console
Is His voice
Its slowly seeping through the noise of my choice
Like a powerful river or hurricane
It is shaking and destroying
Yelling, Shouting
'Never Again'
And so as we looked up through the rain
With all our mistook pleasure for pain
It dawned on us
It was going to be a long walk to
A long walk to No Where
Yet we felt it, we were already half way there

Kofi Amoafo Apr 2014
If only we knew
The feelings we drew
What colors they take, on those who play part
If only we knew the colors we color their heart
Kofi Amoafo Apr 2014
My imagination once had more than  four walls
      It had 7 and 11 and 99 and 10
                  But this is now
                And that was then
My heart once had more than 2 ceilings
It had more than just mixed up feelings
                 But this is now
          Left a shell of outer peelings

  My smile once knew true happiness
           I can hardly remember when
              Forgotten how I got to this
                  But its still now
                     And never then
Kofi Amoafo Apr 2014
The grass was wet against their backs. But it was still warm and smooth. Above them the clouds smiled back purple and violet as the sky bled crimson red. The air smelt smooth. In the distance the sun was setting just behind the Box City, making everything beautiful. Ragged shapes became like pearl edges. Almost inaudible she whispered, "One day the sky will fall, and hope will die and we will lie there..." "And in that beautiful time, we will all dare to be square," he finished. Slowly the stars began to howl at the galaxy and the trees began their swaying dance as the wind came from hiding, begging a chance. But to them nothing changed. Because they had both found a place unbroken.

— The End —