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Feb 22 · 298
In Secret
K J McCarthy Feb 22
Strewn about
Pushed and pulled
Kneaded and formed
Torn between fluctuations
Waves of highs and lows
Guided by incessant duality
Indecisive self esteem is a certainty
Inevitable and constant is change
Enjoy your main character moment
It always goes just as sudden as it came
God complex with a hint of self loathing
We dance on the scales of our emotions
Just because the pain is carried well
Doesnt mean it isn't heavy, the weight of it is always felt
Survival is sometimes met with guilt
Youre invincible to everyone except yourself
Stay balanced and level
Integrity above all else
Do whats right when noones looking
Or be tortured by the secrets you can never tell
Feb 22 · 1.1k
hate to let you love me
K J McCarthy Feb 22
You claim to love me
But you wouldn't
If you knew who I really am
I only reveal parts of me that I can accept
But theres skeletons buried inside me
Their stench carries my sick story
Thick is the scent of death and decay
I make me sick sometimes
As I sit with what I let fester within
I only expose what I think you can stomach
I play the part of someone that deserves you
The opposite of who I truly am
You only love what I show you
I'm afraid you'll hate me just like I do
If I let you have a look inside of me
I never been easy to love
It's even hard for me to live with what I see
So I do my best to distract you
From knowing my reality
Jan 26 · 1.8k
Fall to Fly
K J McCarthy Jan 26
What if you fall?
But what if you fly?
You'll never know
'Til you give it a try
It's holding you back
Fears whispering lies
Your wings wouldn't flap
If they weren't meant for the sky.

Jan 26 · 170
K J McCarthy Jan 26
I'm caught like a fly
Hypnotized by your web
Youre a spider that spins
Optical illusions with thread
A randomized gamble with life
Oscillating roulette wheel chamber
Revolver lottery deciding my fate
Bullet odds, wishes of death
Chrome ball sped to a halt
Landing on black or red
Consumed by misfortune
The day I fell in your bed
Pillow talk whispers
Spoken spells got you inside my head
Im a game you play at your discretion
Your boredom builds, so you eventually flee
Your patterns are like counting cards
I know your moves
But I'm weak
I'll never leave
I could never stand alone
I'll turn a blind eye to my own needs
Just to please you
I'll be right here when you come back
I'm here if you feel the need to play with my heart again.
Jan 12 · 90
I'm Not Who I Was
K J McCarthy Jan 12
Never let someone who can't tie your shoe laces determine your self worth
What I've survived they wouldn't last a mile
Accept their ignorance for what it is
Small minds don't deserve my attention
I can't expect them to understand a path that most people don't come back from
If they want to live in your past leave them there
I have a future to build
Jan 12 · 1.4k
K J McCarthy Jan 12
Warm bourbon bottle company
I won't need you anymore
Once the last drop is emptied
Ill sing myself a song of sadness
And fall asleep right where you left me
Jan 11 · 491
Shaped by the Swell
K J McCarthy Jan 11
Calm seas have never produced
Skilled and able sailors
In the intensity of crashing waves
Is where you find your valor
Winds slashing, lightning flashing
No hurricane could make us cower
Calloused hands grip rope with strength
Moonlight guides our darkest hours
Treacherous times, character defining
Crow eyes survey, suspended in the tower
Battle tested facing death, ready for any challenge
Our sails stand true, unwavering in thrashing showers
Razor blade rain soaks salt stained skin
Quitting just isnt a viable option
We need to prove it to ourselves that we can make it through this
Dark clouds take the shape of haunting faces
Taunting us with their sneering glowers
Fear crys out but the voice of courage sings louder
Surviving is the proof of ability, for which we search and scour
Empowered by overcoming what means to devour us
Rain accumulates into oceans of wisdom
Experience blossoms, self confidence flowers
If we hide when life gets rough

We will never know our power
Jan 1 · 716
Bed Rotting
K J McCarthy Jan 1
Still as a statue
Like a moss covered stone
A big waking stretch
Met with sighs and soft groans
Struggling eye lids reluctantly open
As the sun peaks over the horizon
Projecting on the ceiling of our room
Woken by the hectic morning commute
Time ticking and stuck in traffic
Suits late for business meetings
The relief of being free from productivity
While the rest of the population is busy
I could stay here for eternity
Rotting with you in this sheet covered sanctuary
Cold feet from stolen covers
Play fighting and morning breath kisses
Here in your natural habitat
Make shift pajamas consist of my over sized band tee
No bra just ******* and disheveled hair
Naturally beautiful in anything that you wear
Today is free of responsibilities
I wish every day could be like this
Only stepping outside for that post *** cigarette
In our own little Universe
Lost in those sparkling eyes and coffee flavored lips
Binge watching our favorite horror flicks
Amused by your every movement
How you talk with your hands
I don't want this day to end
I could live a life with you just rotting away
and I'd die a happy man
K J McCarthy Jan 1
Second guessed texts
Dancing dot anticipation
Pausing then proceeds
Indecisive ellipsis...
An indication of deleted words
There is no going back
Once this draft is sent
Serious conversations make me anxious
How will I be received?
Do you even care?
Is it even worth the time?
Will this just make me look stupid?
Trying to find the perfect sentence
I need to clear the air
Uncomfortable silence
This must be addressed
I just can't go on
With this weight on my chest
I need to be heard
This needs to be said
I look away and hit send
A second seems like decades
As my concerns sit on read
Millions of possible responses
Play out in my head
Torturous unspoken words
Id rather have the sting of closure
Tell me you're done
That I ruined everything
You want nothing to do with me
I could live with that
I would accept that
Over no response at all
But the point is well received
You made things quietly clear
I'm not worth your energy
So I'll just disappear
Jan 1 · 144
Depression Obsession
K J McCarthy Jan 1
Movie role personalities
Authentically fake
I yearn to see behind the curtain of your charade
You're a character in a cast of self loathing, enslaved by internalized hate
Your mask worn, tightly secure
Hiding your sad eyes, overflowing with pain
Out of focus and opaque
You ignore, praying that it goes away
Pretending it has no effect
Till the hurt almost fades
Numb and alienating, kicking and screaming to escape
Telling me I will never understand
Then you push me away when I try to relate
Sharing similar experiences is seen as competition
You think I'm trying to minimize
Like I'm saying your life wasn't as hard as mine
Putting us at odds when I just want you to see that I see you
Understood and accepted
Judgement has no place here
But you can't seem to get it
Overstimulated by constant emotions
Bombarded until comfort is discovered in disarray
Chaos becomes normalcy
Peace is a stranger, serenity is mistaken for the enemy
You thrive in disorder and sabotage yourself
A rabid animal lashing out at help
Violently defending, evading my every attempt to break inside your shell
The embers of betrayal devastated your trust
The flames crackle and swell
Each breath labored
Saturated lungs blankened with every inhale
Alone and secluded, perfectly safe in delusion
Hypnotized by your own lies
Leaping desperation, crashing into impulsive conclusions
Penny thoughts and insufficient hopes
Ropes snap like broken promises
Held by a thread compromised by the weight locked away in your head
Dropping into the boggy water of the minds polluted well
Subconscious tongues conjure demons that utter generational spells
Far from the victim, you're the creator of this tormenting disposition
Your minds a purgatory, some kind of hell
Reminiscent of cold cement walls, steel slab sleep, confined in a cell
You let these devils in
With cunning wit, calculated and persuasive
A weakened mentality happily consenting, they sink their claws into your soul
Completing the bond of parasitic possession
The circulation of elations pulse is faint
Happiness flatlines into permanent stasis
All traces of joy evacuates your veins
Just a remnant of who you once were
An empty host ****** dry by lament
Too far gone, forever lost in the wilderness of obsession
Infatuated with your own suffering and depression
Dec 2024 · 652
Alone Together
K J McCarthy Dec 2024
You dont know loneliness
Until you've felt alone in the presence of someone you used to love
So close but you're out of my reach
This silent environment
Thick with quiet resentment
Nothing left to say
Only dead attempts to reason
Our dry eyes are indifferent
The lack of reaction is now common ground
Not like the tear soaked cheeks we once wore on the regular
Emotionless, hoping to go unnoticed
I try to stay motionless
Fragile egg shells shatter under the pressure of even the most cautious step
All efforts to remain undetected are futile
Against your shining spot light that illuminates my every mistake
Teetering on a tight rope
I stumble as every move made is met with criticism
This bond we once had
Turned into a rotten and bitter rivalry
Exhausted and mentally battered
Frequent arguments created this distance
I almost miss the passion of our bickering
Now it doesnt exist at all
Atleast we used to fight
Now we barely talk
Dec 2024 · 718
Becoming Whole
K J McCarthy Dec 2024
Setbacks fuel the joy of accomplishment
Without effort and sacrifice
Gratitude couldn't exist
If life only provided wins
They would be taken for granted
In the absence of losses
Our growth depends on the balance of duality
Character is developed in adversity
Put the pieces of both sides together
To have a glimpse into the bigger picture
The warmth of light depends on the emptiness of the void
Darkness provides a space for rays to dance with illumination
All thoughts, emotions and experiences
supply us with essential lessons
Where wisdom and understanding
Can blossom into our becoming whole
Dec 2024 · 127
My Beautiful View
K J McCarthy Dec 2024
It is the heart in me that longs for your touch
as the night sky for the days warmth to scatter its emptiness
But it is the mind in me that tells me to keep away
As the rodent to the snakes bite
We mingle as questions and answers
The sight of you could fulfill the day
Grass whips your ankles like your sweet words running through the fields of my mind
Your hypnotic voice effortlessly grabs my attention
In your eyes I see my reflection
Appreciating the choices I made that led me to you
Dec 2024 · 1.1k
Tomorrow Never Comes
K J McCarthy Dec 2024
Hesitation made me miss
Opportunities turned into a wish
That I made the effort to be in your midst
I took the present for granted
Now Im haunted by my inaction when I reminisce
Plans pushed off and dismissed
Because I never considered a world in which you didn't exist
Denying delays processing, the news didn't stick
It took a few weeks before the reality hit
My numb stone face fortress diminished to piles of brick
Exposed and vulnerable
I've experienced death but none ever hurt like this
Life is fleeting, death is patient and waiting
Mortal shells fickle, their hold on our spirits strained with the days
The future perpetual in its becoming the past
Our lingering end appears random and quick
Indescriminate is the embrace of demise
Inevitable is its kiss
The debt of borrowed breath will one day seek repayment
Take time today, or spend tomorrow longing and aching
Don't waste life in fear, but never forget
You dont have forever, don't waste it wasting time
All we have is today, tomorrow never comes.
Dec 2024 · 618
The Grand Creator
K J McCarthy Dec 2024
Infinite consciousness
The very source responsible for constructing everything that is
And so we came to be
In all of us is a piece of this divine energy
We are a direct expression of God
Each of us is a Universe of our own
As above so below
Tiny pixels configured into fractal patterns
Universal law applies to the largest galaxy the same way it does the smallest cell
The brains neuronal network is identical to that of the cosmic web
Could the Universe just be one giant brain?
Clusters of galaxies billions of light years across like brain cells creating synaptic connections
What if we are Gods and our minds are Universes too
Our imagination is manifesting consciousness forming stars and planetary ecosystems
The big bang could have been the birth of the God whos consciousness we reside in
Its mind exploding with activity as life electrified the body
I don't think we happened by accident
I believe the whole purpose of the Universe is to cultivate life and its probably filled with it
We refer to life as creation, and everything was created somehow
But why does anyone create?
For passion, expression, anything we make is art.
Whats left is a piece of the artists heart and soul.
What the creator produces is a direct rendition and interpretation of themselves
Trillions of planets evolve slowly with patience and precision
Without haste, this perfect reality is accomplished
Trees give off the oxygen we breath, and we exhale carbon dioxide for them in return
Perfect harmony
Some form of intelligence has to be responsible for this
This Macrocosm is too immaculate to have occurred by mistake.
Dec 2024 · 168
Small Talk
K J McCarthy Dec 2024
Pointless small talk
Lack of depth
Pretentious shallow words
Mask the fear of vulnerability
Energy expelled and wasted
Deceptive and illusive
Illusion created with purpose
Smoke and mirrors
Traps and dead ends set
As a way to remain a mystery
Role playing to please
For the sake of blending in
Just to feel empty and unfulfilled
Pouring into other cups
Has yours dry collecting dust
Lonely in the crowd
Surrounded by incessant sound
Drowns out any profound thought
Incomprehensible chatter
Tuned out and bored
Overstimulating speech unabsorbed
Numb dissociated indifference
Im slowly losing interest
Exhausted by the emotionally illiterate
Authenticity seems unrealistic
Real is reduced to pointless small talk
Nov 2024 · 108
Comfortable Chaos
K J McCarthy Nov 2024
This person that I am
Unburdened by definition
No word can imprison me
Free from needing a purpose
Im allowing myself to just live
Going with the motions
Relinquishing illusions of control
Existence is sufficient enough
Ignorance is not safe from meaning
Even if you cannot find one
Though its irrelevant that you do
Desperately seeking explanations
for every sentence, in every chapter, in every book
Even the ones that should be judged by their cover
Our nature is to make sense of everything
In doing so, we are left with more questions than answers
Constantly complicating simplicity
We lead ourselves into a labyrinth
Losing sight of why we chose to enter this maze in the first place
Don't drive yourself insane
Random and without reason
This unpredictable life at times occurs beyond our understanding
Allow its unraveling waves to meet your shores without interrogation
Beauty gets lost questioning
When the point is to feel and embrace the moment
Let the tenderness of your heart quiet the chaos of the mind
Oct 2024 · 826
I Loved Love
K J McCarthy Oct 2024
I loved love
The feeling of it
The idea of it
What I was hoping you would be

The fairytale in my head
I wanted that for us
I really wanted to feel it
Something more than only lust

I loved love so much
I tried so hard to make it real
I wanted to love you so bad
For once, I just wanted to feel

I wanted love so much
I'd get on my knees and crawl
But no matter how much I forced it
I just didn't love you at all
Oct 2024 · 125
A Walk in the Park
K J McCarthy Oct 2024
Humming city of whizzing cars
Speaker phone conversations
White noise voices echo from afar
Subway car vibrations are felt from below
Over stimulated and anxious
I need a moment of tranquility
Maybe I'll take a walk in the park

Demand of the daily grind is exhausting
The postman brings outstanding bills
I'm behind on
My stress is making me go grey
Life seems overwhelming with no happy ending in sight
And this city doesn't do me any favors
I just need some serenity
I cant take it anymore
Maybe I'll take a walk in the park

Being in nature is my remedy
The soothing silence is therapeutic
As a breeze passes through the trees
This is what I needed
A moment to clear my thoughts
To reset and recollect
No matter how hard things get
This place makes me feel like
Life is a walk in the park
Oct 2024 · 136
An Addicts Awakening
K J McCarthy Oct 2024
For a lot of years, I held on to so much resentment. I let the way I was treated by others define me. The sickness in others infected my self worth, and I let it consume me. Eventually depression and self loathing became my reality. This darkness I carried with me grew into self mutilation, suicide attempts, and landed me in institutions. I was lost, and I didn't want to feel the emotional pain anymore. I found a way out in pills. I had no clue how serious my actions were, and how much worse my pain was going to get. As addiction progresses, boundaries become non existent, and all the 'I would nevers' evolved into normalcy. I justified all of this by giving blame to the way I felt hated by those who were supposed to love me. When I overdosed it didn't even scare me. My mother found me with my lips blue, not breathing, and I laughed about it. When even death isn't enough to wake you up, you know you're in a very low place. This low place was the best thing that ever happened to me. Every bit of my life was necessary, though at the time I didn't see it that way, I didn't understand at the time but one day I would.

It took time, but I've learned valuable lessons, my wisdom was earned in scars only I could heal. I made an effort to stop being so **** selfish, not everything is about me, and the way people treat you is a reflection of how they feel about themselves. This realization was an eye opener, because I was letting my trauma bleed on to everyone around me, just as the pain of others bled on to me. I was becoming those people I despised. This is when I realized I was feeding the cycle. I was another tortured soul passing on pain, and I refused to let that happen. I stopped being a victim and started holding myself accountable. I started looking more at myself and the part I played in my own suffering. I'm responsible for only myself, and the quality of the relationship I share with myself. That's the thing, most people are so distracted and focused on building relationships with others, they forget the most important one. The relationship with the self. We wonder why our relationships fall apart, and its because we don't take the time to create a healthy one within us. I turned my effort inward, and spent months soul searching. At one point in my life, I totally lost all self identity, I was a stranger to myself. Losing myself would eventually show me in vivid detail exactly what I wasnt. The mistakes you make, the trial and errors of life do not define you, what you do with them does. Instead of avoiding by pushing things away, and not addressing the deep rooted trauma, I chose to face them head on instead. I used to be so afraid of being uncomfortable and facing my harsh realities. I had to start acknowledging the pain I caused others. It was time to stop minimizing the hurt I caused and finally own up to it. I was afraid to think about myself in the same light as the people who abused me, but the person I let myself become was no better. It was time to stop justifying the pain my actions have caused. Trauma doesnt excuse your actions. I couldnt point the finger anymore. Ignorance is not bliss, ignoring the elephant in the room doesnt make it go away. Bliss is only temporary when you ignore the facts. The truth never disappears, it is constant, and fear only fuels energy that attracts more fear. Fear does not cancel itself out, it only multiplys until you have no choice but to pay attention. I didn't even fear death but I feared the unknown, I feared what was outside of my comfort zone, I feared change. I knew it was going to be a painfully difficult process facing my fears because I could no longer hide behind excuses and blame. I got sick of this life of lies I created, sick of going in circles doing the same thing, expecting different results. Stuck in a web of woven Insanity. I didnt know where to start, so I just threw myself into the deep end and I noticed my fears were irrational, as I discovered swimming was easier than I thought. This slowly built my confidence, challenging myself to tackle uncomfortable truths. I can do this! I couldn't truly be honest with myself until I stopped accepting the lies I fed myself. I had to be brutally honest with myself if I wanted to make real progress. I couldnt change the past. The things I did will always be there, forgiving myself was the true test. Finding a balance between holding myself accountable and calling myself out on my ******* without hating myself even more wasn't easy to do. If I wanted to heal, I had to look at the positive outcomes aswell. Self loathing and being ******* myself wasn't going to help or change anything. I knew plenty about ******* up that could be used as a blueprint and a compass to help build and guide me towards becoming the best version of myself. I went so far off path, I completely lost touch with myself. I became someone I wasn't, someone I didnt recognize, someone I hated. I had to become that person to truely understand the spectrum of my life, in the many lives I lived within it. I had to see the worst interpretation of myself to fully grasp the potential of my best. I lived through some dark moments, I refused to let it be for nothing. Everything you witness happens for a very important reason. Your perception is one small sliver of the greater reality. Open your mind up to every angle and aspect to see your life experiences in many different lights. The extensive amount of subject matter that exists in every moment, of every experience we endure in our lives, is vast and filled with knowledge and wisdom. You can either use it to your advantage or disadvantage. Just understand whatever you're going through is exactly what you need.

Take it easy on you. You'll never be perfect and that's okay. Your flaws are what make you human. The goal isn't perfection, the goal is to find yourself in a constant state of growth, becoming a better version of you every day. Remaining teachable was something I really had to work on, there's a lot to learn when you aren't busy thinking you know it all. Humility is important for growth. You can learn something from everyone and everything, if you get out of your own way. Finding a way to enjoy the journey despite the redundancy is a must. It's easy to become bored, and dissociated, when you aren't feeling fulfilled in the present. The little things go unnoticed, as we take them for granted, which can lead us back into old habits. Do something you love once in a while. You might not feel inspired as you're grinded down by your daily life, that's normal. This is all apart of the process in gathering life experience, an existance worth expressing. Sit back and let life happen. In the moment it's hard to focus on anything else, besides the ****** way you feel, but eventually time will provide you with alternate perceptions, and other ways to look at things. It's okay to feel negative, it's just as important as positivity. Understand that the way you feel isn't the ultimate conclusion. Try to learn to love you, or nobody will. Don't become the people that have hurt you. Hurt people hurt people, and the only way to unburden yourself is to let go, and forgive. Not for them, but for you. Forgive them because if it wasn't for the pain they caused you, you wouldn't be where you are now. There are positive take aways in everything that happeneds, you just have to look for the good that can be derived from your shortcomings. I learned way more from my pain than I ever have happiness. This is why I wouldn't change one moment of my life. I might not be this person I am today, I might not have the wisdom I have today, if one moment happened differently. I might not love myself today, if I hadn't known hate. That's why I wouldn't change a thing.
Oct 2024 · 136
One Mind
K J McCarthy Oct 2024
The man hes shadowed and thinking
how the rocks go around their stars
He stands and watchs, he links
everything together in existance
His mind he applys to the heavens
Celestial land, man may never see
Of our own universe we find ourselves bound
Blind to all, but three dimensions our eyes wrap around
To see with the mind is the answer to the asking
The very elixur of our escaping the planet
Thriving not just on Earths soil
but of the plains from planets amongst other suns
Extradimensional beings, they manipulate life
Human mind, behind in time
we may as well be in the dark
Agressive organic beings can never get themselves together
and obtain the greater picture as one mind.
Oct 2024 · 255
The Cost of a Breath
K J McCarthy Oct 2024
Money has separated man from his humanity.  Materialistic things are what defines the value of people now, not the quality of their character. Finances take precedence over life itself. Such a shame you can't even die without paying a dime. The significance of existence is neglected for the fabricated actuality built upon the greed of men. The world would rather see it's own end, as the need to free the lost from the hold they have on themselves grows. Vaults lined with emerald papers folded, locked away from the empty souls from which they were stolen. This incessant race only ends in tragedy, as blank stares neglect compassion.
Oct 2024 · 117
Diametric Coalescence
K J McCarthy Oct 2024
A dream without effort is just wishful thinking. Sure, the first step starts in the mind, but action is the true driving force in manifesting your desired reality. The devotion to staying consistent doesn't come easy, your determination will be tested every step of the way. What you draw from your failures will depict either your rise or your fall. Adversity is all apart of the path. Appreciation for the beauty of the destination is realized in the ugliest parts of the journey. Learn to embrace the harshness of the trek the same way you revel in the glory of the summit.
K J McCarthy Oct 2024
Ive built a wall around my heart. Dont mistaken the guard I have up for strength. The confidence to leave yourself exposed and vulnerable is true strength, and what I have grown to become is quite the opposite, shut off and distant. From all the pain Ive witnessed, Ive created a maze to confuse and throw off anyone with intentions of getting to the core of my emotions. Ive let others in too easily in the past, and am not sure if Ive grown weaker or stronger as a result. All I know is Ive become a challange that not many can or are willing to conquer. Maybe Im pushing people away, maybe Im filtering out those who are undeserving, Im not sure. All I know is Ive become intentionally difficult. Maybe its fear of being hurt again, maybe Im wise enough to spot a threat to my mental well being before they breach my thoughts and feelings. Am I strong or am I weak? Again, Im not sure, but all I know is that Im still that child of old, filled with fear and skepticism, through being exposed to great depths of turmoil. These experiences have caused me to take up defenses and bear an armor, for Ive found that most of my distress has been caused by the most trusted, and seemingly sincere. All of this has left me in a state of disarray as I second guess, and over think. Maybe Im the problem, and one day my lack of trust could become over bearing, and push away the one Im meant to be with. My true phobia is that my own fear will imprison me, and Ill be responsible for my own solitude. I would then be the one self harming, by refusing the chance at real love. Ive become my own worst enemy, blind to my own self sabotaging ways, while actively redefining it as precaution, in order to remain in a comfort zone built with overwhelming denial.
Oct 2024 · 106
A Particle in the Vastness
K J McCarthy Oct 2024
Am I human? Alive or
just a speckle in an eternal sky a mere note floating in a bottle on endless ocean,
vast crashing waves, casting shadows of an alien future
thriving for eyes of reciting
words spoken upon amputated ears
just another child of death, swept under the floor, feed for worms, and
bloodstained soil
sound drained and empty, can you hear the sound of previous skin?
shouting and calling like the hungry serpent who's eyes dilate with its stomach, as it sheds its skin
and stands to compfort the clouds
will you love me?
willing as death, not taking!
but giving as birth!!
touch me
my senses quiver with your fingers
love leaves my lips as they grasp yours
as the talons of the hunting hawk
who's thirst for life is forever

— The End —