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The manifestation of matter is divinities cosmic intent
Our Universe is efficient in its means to cultivate life forms
Harnessed by consciousness, and fixed within an organic vessel
Each peculiar anatomical organism has an individual perception, and from a distinct focal point
We experience life subjectively.
You're not a victim
You're an accessory
You're no spectator
You're a participant
You have control
But never really do
You have the power
To forfeit or keep it
What you believe
Will be true
No choice is a choice
Indecision is definitive
Hesitation is costly
Inaction is consequential
Pride can be blinding
Emotions distort decision
Logic is subjective
Perception creates division
We can look at the same image
But see something completely different
Repetition becomes boring
The extraordinary becomes ordinary
Excitement is lost to continued exposure
Reality gets lost on old wives tales
Lies turn into truths
Misinformation gets passed off as facts
Honesty is the most effective way to be deceptive
Reality is often too strange to believe
Being aggressively forthcoming sounds like science fiction
Youre too funny
You must be joking
Transparency is a rarity
Silence speaks loud
Think for yourself
Question your own convictions
Acknowledge your imperfections
Your conclusions may only be your own
The fear of being wrong chases humility away
Without the wisdom to make corrections
Lessons are wasted on deaf students
Taught by tongue tied teachers speaking in riddles, riddled with undiscernible rhythms
Knowledge is wasted on minds on different wavelengths
Even the clearest translations of life changing experiences are like hieroglyphs
The teachings are diminished to empty words, lost on minds not at the right point in their lives required to receive them
Seeing is believing
Description doesn't make the same impact as being a witness
Experience is the only real way to learn
Sense is found by singed fingers tips
With a new appreciation for blistering stove tops who temperature taught a valuable lesson with the sound of crackling skin
Pain is our greatest teacher
It's sting is permanent
A brand burned in our heads
What you make of your pain can either be your greatest accomplishment
Or your ticket to a torture chamber
That has become your mind
Just remember what's inside
Is what will be reflected onto others
Your story makes an impression on everything you touch
Become the person you needed on your darkest days
Love is leading others to the light you went through hell to find
Survival should give you a sense of confidence and strength
Not the anxiety thats giving you those restless legs
K J McCarthy Mar 16
Ill be your landfill, your dump, your wasteland
Unload your baggage and burdens on me
Discard the blame like a sea of crushed cans and garbage
Piled as far as the eye can see
Litter me with the accountability you avoided to sleep soundly
While my pillow holds mountains of hopeless thoughts and shattered dreams
You just needed a villian for your story
A sacrificial goat for your alter of self loathing
You thought that if you made them hate me
It'd be validation to treat me like you treat yourself inside your head.
I will escape your abuse but you will always be stuck with you.
Ill see you at your bedside, when you're paralyzed with regret and remorse
These yellow eyes glow behind the closet door
My presence hangs heavy, fog curls floating over your wooden floor
I'm a haunting force, a creek in the night
An apparition in the shadowed corner
My wounds will heal but you'll live with the torture
We both know the truth
You did this to yourself
You'll be scorched in the end
By the same fire you tried to throw me in.
You're stuck with you, but I no longer am.
K J McCarthy Mar 8
What choices led to this?
I lost track in track marks
Lined arms and veins missed
Addiction happens quick
Cant live without my fix
Infatuation with intravenous bliss
But theres a constant fear of being sick
Restless legs peeling skin from dry lips
Why cant I just overdose and end it?
Better people than I didn't make it
I just can't seem to die my empty life ticks
Rolling back my eyes staring deep inside where I like to hide my bruises
If the good die young then I'm eternal as the sun rise
But I don't shine, my darkness is a blinding solar eclipse
The blood rushes in my syringe the plunger delivers me to the heavens
This feeling feels too good to overcome
I just accepted my life for what it was
Even if this feeling that I love
Makes me lose it
K J McCarthy Mar 8
Squealing breaks halting
Jolt me back to reality
Pulling in the driveway snapped me out of my hypnosis
How did I get home?
Muscle memory must of been driving
Everything was a blur
Highway lines speeding by
Guiding me into my trance
Abundant thoughts are easy to get lost in
Sometimes I tune out of conversations
Especially for those I have no interest in
"Are you okay?" Quickly brings me back
Without any kind of meaningful response
I just agree and try to move along
Is there something wrong with me?
Constantly dissociating from my physicality
I feel my spirit trying to break free
Tethered to the astral plane
The soul desires to explore a higher domain
Is it my consciousness attempting to access an ascended dimensional reality?
Or is dissociation just a product of my ADD
K J McCarthy Feb 22
Strewn about
Pushed and pulled
Kneaded and formed
Torn between fluctuations
Waves of highs and lows
Guided by incessant duality
Indecisive self esteem is a certainty
Inevitable and constant is change
Enjoy your main character moment
It always goes just as sudden as it came
God complex with a hint of self loathing
We dance on the scales of our emotions
Just because the pain is carried well
Doesnt mean it isn't heavy, the weight of it is always felt
Survival is sometimes met with guilt
Youre invincible to everyone except yourself
Stay balanced and level
Integrity above all else
Do whats right when noones looking
Or be tortured by the secrets you can never tell
K J McCarthy Feb 22
You claim to love me
But you wouldn't
If you knew who I really am
I only reveal parts of me that I can accept
But theres skeletons buried inside me
Their stench carries my sick story
Thick is the scent of death and decay
I make me sick sometimes
As I sit with what I let fester within
I only expose what I think you can stomach
I play the part of someone that deserves you
The opposite of who I truly am
You only love what I show you
I'm afraid you'll hate me just like I do
If I let you have a look inside of me
I never been easy to love
It's even hard for me to live with what I see
So I do my best to distract you
From knowing my reality
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