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233 · Jan 2018
Good bye innocence
Makenzie Jan 2018
Good-bye innocence
When I close my eyes I fall into my escape
My only hope my last thread
Is slowly breaking
We are children nothing less
Innocence we are suppose to have
When adults can’t deal
And blame the rest
Our little hearts are the last to be considered
Us little children now are grown
Either are living the way our parents have shown
Or are stranded on our own trying to have the best life possible
But our past has a grip on our heart still
Never to let go
When we beg,plead, and cry grief looks us straight in the eye
When ever we start to escape our hearts are in our past
Left with an empty shell
No feeling,no life
Just a puppet going through the waves of life
Trying to regain hope, innocence, and life
What was once lost has been restored
Because us little children are strong
Us little children don’t allow anything to drag us down
Us little children who are suppose to have innocence has been exposed naked and bear
Little children are strong when you get down to it
Us little children can’t be touched
What once was an empty shell now has life
When I was innocent
When I was a child
I wish my parents were right
I wished they had warned me
I wish they hadn’t exposed me to a life of drugs and horror
I’m one of the lucky ones
I have hope and life
Even when grief looks at me and expects me to fall
I get up with chains strapping me down
I yell and scream and put up a fight
I break away and run for my life
So to my parent all I have to say
I know you aren’t sorry so go away
I have had blows that hurt so much even when you were their you looked away
So go and run back to where you fit in most
Good bye the child like me who had innocence and hope
I’m sorry but I have to grow up now
It’s not that I want to but for my sake
It’s better if you stay locked away
So good bye me the one I desire
And hello the person I am going to be
A shell with some feelings and hope
That will gradually learn to live again

— The End —