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396 · Dec 2012
the game.
Sunshine Girl Dec 2012
If you fall for a player,
      you better be tough.
They’ll not pick you up
      once you’ve fallen,
nor will they stop
      to check if you’re
            still breathing.
Players are players.
They’re in it for the game.
If that is so, then
       *am I just a pawn?
390 · Jun 2014
Sunshine Girl Jun 2014
I feel as if i have left behind my passions.
Dropped them at the door.
This house makes me forget my plans,
Our plans.

I've got no clue why.
They all just run away.
When you make me forget, it's different.
It's needed.

The days just blur together while trapped.
This house, is not a home.
I, as mother pointed out, just sleep here.
Tis' not where I belong.

One day, we'll leave this place.
You'll save me from my tear filled nights.
She won't be there whispering doubt into my ear.
Just ask silly, I'll say yes.
388 · Apr 2013
Your new Bff.
Sunshine Girl Apr 2013
Do you not see the pain?
You think I left because of the baby?
Did you not see the posts about your "best friend"?

I did.
You replaced me.
I was having troubles, and you left me in the dust.

All I have to say is,
This one kinda goes with Loss of a friend, in a way. A mean way... I hope you like it. I'm going back to love poetry soon :)
386 · Nov 2012
I have a Dream.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
One that includes the simple things.
One that shows the little things I want.
One that tells the world who I am.
One that says that I'm not normal.

In my dreams,
I spend hours wrapped in you,
wrapped in your words.

In those dreams,
I lay for hours talking to you,
lost in your arms.
376 · Nov 2012
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
Today is a new beginning.
A new beginning for us
Today you showed me the truth.
The truth behind your words
Today, my dear, you assured my future.
*Our Future.
374 · Mar 2013
A year.
Sunshine Girl Mar 2013
A year has passed,
one year without your smile.

Three hundred and sixty-five days,
of not hearing your simple laugh.

Too long Bre,
too young to be taken from us.

I miss you, your smiles and laughs,
your sayings and our jokes,
but most of all,
*I miss you
Rest in peace Breanna Kay (I know cliché, but you know me.)
372 · Feb 2013
never mine.
Sunshine Girl Feb 2013
You were never mine,
yet, I feel my heart breaking.
You were never mine,
yet, I can't let you go.
You were never mine.
If you figure out who this is about, you'll be able to see into my heart.
365 · Nov 2012
Hidden Blade.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
        unseen by prying eyes,
There's a blade,
        the one that almost ended my life.
That simple razor,
        it hides from prying eyes,
               It hides from your eyes.
Because of that blade,
       I have felt pain,
               the blood draining.
That blade was once,
        my only friend.
362 · Aug 2016
Passing us by
Sunshine Girl Aug 2016
Yet again it's suddenly August, the 8th month of the year.
Where did the rest of the year go?
It's almost gone.
This year has been amazing though!
Velcro and Matt have come into my life.
(Two adorable kittens)
I got engaged, I've started to feel more adult like.
Yet the year is still flying by!
I just want it all to slow down!
Well kind of, I want March to be here.
March 20, 2017 I change my name.
359 · Nov 2012
Sitting and waiting.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012

All day.
I've waited for a text.
A message.
                                               I can't help
                                               but fear the worst.
350 · Dec 2012
Sunshine Girl Dec 2012
You think it's over,
then it hits you.
It has only just begun.
The running,
the yelling,
the fighting.
Dear lord,
It has only begun.
I'll try to get out,
doubt I'll have much luck.
Running won't help,
Yelling either,
Fighting will just make it worse.
But how,
how can I get out?
How would I do this?
Why, why me?
I'm nice.
I'm good.
But still this happens, to me.
Me only.
338 · Mar 2014
Little girl
Sunshine Girl Mar 2014
Little girl, little girl.
Why do you cry so?
Small child, small child.
Those tears should cease to flow.
Kind sir, kind sir.
Why do you question me so?
Tall sir, tall sir.
If you must know, I'm missing someone dear.
Tis' all you need to know.
334 · Jan 2014
Suikui, dear.
Sunshine Girl Jan 2014
Just a short time ago,
we first spoke.
Not too long ago,
we exchanged names
A week or so after that,
numbers too.
Only 5 months ago,
I became yours,
you became mine.
My dearest,
*I love you. With all of my heart!
328 · Jan 2014
Sunshine Girl Jan 2014
Have you ever,
fallen so hard,
that getting up seems
The day I met you,
that's what happened.
If you'd stopped,
walked away,
I'm not sure how,
but I would have fallen apart.
When you find the one,
you should never let them go!
*I'm happy you're my one
I love you with all of my heart!!
313 · Feb 2013
Miss you.
Sunshine Girl Feb 2013
Nights like these.
Nights like these when I miss you.

Days like these.
Days like these when I feel you close.

Mornings like these.
Mornings like these when I long to be in your arms.

*It's times like these that I love you so
312 · Jan 2013
a child.
Sunshine Girl Jan 2013
A child,
         my child.
With eyes like mine,
         maybe hair too.
A sweet little thing,
         whether boy or girl.
Half me,
          half you too!
They’d be darling.
311 · Oct 2017
My World
Sunshine Girl Oct 2017
Wake up
Walk dog
Get dressed
Brush teeth
Go to work
Clock in
Put on a smile
Deal with people
Scream internally
Make drinks
Make mocha
Clock out
Go home
Walk dog
Eat food
Watch T.V.
Play games
Go to sleep

Start again tomorrow
308 · Apr 2014
Sunshine Girl Apr 2014
Some joys are unknown,
most sadness' also.
My joy is silly,
my sadness is deep.

Our love is strong,
but the tears are bitter.
It honestly doesn't mean anything of worth :P
305 · Nov 2012
My dear,
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
You are far,
    But my dear,
       Think of me?

You are near,
    But my dear,
        Don't forget me?

You are gone,
    But my dear,
        You're still here.
301 · Nov 2012
Didn't think so.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
I need you, but do you need me?
I want you, but do you truly want me?
I see you, but do you honestly see me?
I love you, but do you really love me?

I didn't think so.
293 · Nov 2014
My days
Sunshine Girl Nov 2014
... They feel so short.
I feel as if time is passing me up!
... It's running away! I just know it..
from me, the explosion waiting to happen.
284 · Jul 2014
it's been awhile (18w)
Sunshine Girl Jul 2014
Since I spilled my guts!
Since I opened up!!
Since I told you my life story!

Hi there :)
265 · Nov 2012
my heart.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
My heart stays hidden,
       I don't know where,
       I just know it's hidden.
It hides from my eyes,
        in a box,
        maybe on a shelf.
Wherever I hid it last,
        there it lies.
245 · Dec 2012
Sunshine Girl Dec 2012
I guess you're gone,
no words, nothing.
I know you've left.
no words, nothing.
**I miss you.
About no one in particular :)
211 · Nov 2019
Sunshine Girl Nov 2019
Anger and frustration
Pushed me,
It stole my passion.
I look at it in a different light.

I fell apart a little,
We picked up the pieces.

I wouldn't change it, at all.

My dearest, thank you.
You helped me, more than anything.
I love you.
I am no longer who I once was, if that makes sense. I think I'm going ti start posting again a bit more.
175 · Dec 2019
Sunshine Girl Dec 2019
We want you to see,
To show you our secrets.

This is a safe place.
I feel vulnerable,
Yet safe here.

Be gentle.
Jen, Gwen. You have my permission to read them all. <3
141 · Dec 2019
Just one minute.
Sunshine Girl Dec 2019
That's all I need.
One minute.
You don't have to speak.
Just listen?

I know,
It's my fault.
Maggie, I miss you and I can't fix what happened. I doubt you'd listen. But I am sorry.
130 · Dec 2020
Hold on.
Sunshine Girl Dec 2020
I've moved away, yet you still have hold of me.
I've left you behind, but you've sunk your claws into me.
No matter what you always find some way to burrow back into my thoughts.
******* though.
I am my own person.
129 · Feb 2020
Do you?
Sunshine Girl Feb 2020
Do you know that I'm hurting?
Do you know that I'm in pain?
Do you know that I wish I could just leave and never come back?

They say you do.. but it's not like you show it.

Some may say that it's my fault, that I'm the problem.
But I don't think that's the case.
Just speak to me.
Just tell me what you need.

I've explained myself over and over.
You know what's wrong.
You know what I need.
Just listen for once.
I need communication.
I need help.
126 · Dec 2019
Sunshine Girl Dec 2019
Take me as yours,

I'll be a good girl,
Maybe a bit bratty at times,
But I'll be good for you.

Pretty, pretty please?
Anything you ask,
Your wish is my command.
I'm happy I have this space of my own.
Maybe someone will find it fully one day.
118 · Dec 2020
Sunshine Girl Dec 2020
My darling,
you came out of nowhere,
but you were always there.
You helped me,
you saved me.

My dearest,
you've made me stronger.
My Kamori, I love you with all of my heart and I'm so happy that I have you. - Kiu
93 · Jul 2020
Sunshine Girl Jul 2020
Everyday brings new choices,
Decisions that I must make.

Life's been kind of spinning,
Looking to see where it will break.

Being just one person,
One body,
It's been hard.
We've been through alot.
No one knows what those things are.

The ones that do,
We hold close to our hearts.

The hardest decision?
That they're not worth the pain.
That they don't care about the pain,
The pain they've caused.
They don't even know that it exists.
One day they will.
And we don't have to be there.
8 · Sep 2021
Sunshine Girl Sep 2021



that's all I want to do..
just want to carve myself into ribbons and go away.. I feel that if I was gone that everything would be okay.. if I didn't exist that

— The End —