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Dec 2012 · 1.1k
Sunshine Girl Dec 2012
Dearest daddy,
Oh how I mis you!
I miss your hugs,
our secrets.

Daddy dearest,
I miss being just
your baby girl.

I'm something more,
someone older.

Your kisses can't
make the hurt vanish,
mommy's cannot either.

Your hugs don't
make me forget,
mom's either!

Oh dearest daddy.

I love you.
I miss you like crazy.
Just to let you know, my dad's not dead or something..
Dec 2012 · 245
Sunshine Girl Dec 2012
I guess you're gone,
no words, nothing.
I know you've left.
no words, nothing.
**I miss you.
About no one in particular :)
Nov 2012 · 359
Sitting and waiting.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012

All day.
I've waited for a text.
A message.
                                               I can't help
                                               but fear the worst.
Nov 2012 · 541
Angel Boy
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
One Night.
While dreaming,
I met a boy.

Face of an angel.
Voice of one too!
Twas' just a dream though.

One Day.
While awake,
I met a boy.

Face of a demon.
Voice of one too!
It wasn't a dream though.

One Night.
While dreaming,
The demon boy appeared.

His demon face melted away.
His voice became angelic.
Was this real?

One Day.
While awake.
I met the demon boy, again.

I looked into his eyes.
The demon disappeared!
*He became My angel.
Nov 2012 · 1.2k
Good morning.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
Wide awake.
Though it's morning,
When I should be awake,
I don't have you.
You're not awake to talk to me.
You're alseep.
While I'm wide awake.
Nov 2012 · 386
I have a Dream.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
One that includes the simple things.
One that shows the little things I want.
One that tells the world who I am.
One that says that I'm not normal.

In my dreams,
I spend hours wrapped in you,
wrapped in your words.

In those dreams,
I lay for hours talking to you,
lost in your arms.
Nov 2012 · 1.2k
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
I still get Butterflies?
My phone goes off, Butterflies.
I open Hello Poetry, Butterflies.
Read your texts, Butterflies.
Hadn't thought I could still get them, Butterflies.
I thank you for bringing back my,
Dedicated to someone that truly gives me butterflies, he knows who he is :)
Nov 2012 · 447
For you.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
Pounding heart.
Sweating palms.
Nervous shaking.

Racing thoughts.
Mixed up words
Confusing actions.

Thoughts of you.
Smiling at your picture.
My conclusion.
*I like you.
Nov 2012 · 406
How to..
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
How to get through the day.

Breathe In.
How to make it through
            those moments.

Look forward.
Never look back at what
           you thought you wanted
Nov 2012 · 5.3k
Tooth Nerd!
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
Tooth Nerd.
What can I say?
When I look at someone,
I don't see their eyes
or their height all the time,
I see their smile.

I judge their character ,
not by the way they dress,
or talk,
But by the color of their teeth.
Yellow teeth: Bad.
Pearly whites: Good.

This system,
It doesn't always work out.
Nov 2012 · 422
be happy.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
Don't worry, Be happy.*

That's the saying.

Why can't I just live by it?

Everything Sounds better that way.

But why, why?

Why can't I just live by those simple words?
Nov 2012 · 265
my heart.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
My heart stays hidden,
       I don't know where,
       I just know it's hidden.
It hides from my eyes,
        in a box,
        maybe on a shelf.
Wherever I hid it last,
        there it lies.
Nov 2012 · 365
Hidden Blade.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
        unseen by prying eyes,
There's a blade,
        the one that almost ended my life.
That simple razor,
        it hides from prying eyes,
               It hides from your eyes.
Because of that blade,
       I have felt pain,
               the blood draining.
That blade was once,
        my only friend.
Nov 2012 · 476
You, all you my love.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
I want to:
see your 'good morning' smile
wake up to you looking down at me
be able to look up at you

I need to:
hear your voice in the morning
go to sleep listening to your voice
look in to your eyes and know that I'm all you see.

I have to be:
held by you
loved by you
touched only by you.
Nov 2012 · 376
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
Today is a new beginning.
A new beginning for us
Today you showed me the truth.
The truth behind your words
Today, my dear, you assured my future.
*Our Future.
Nov 2012 · 654
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012

Nov 2012 · 1.1k
Why am I waiting?
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
You know what?
I'm just here,
Waiting for the day,
when you make that
You know what I'm
talking about.
The choice that finally says,
"I love her, it was all a lie."
I can feel it coming on,
she's your ex, but
I was once too.
Now though,
I'm your new
You dear, You should be
focused on us.
On our relationship.
It's torn dear,
my family hated you until now.
They're just starting to
warm up to us, you and I.
Don't **** us up,
I love you
In 8th grade, you my dear, you said
     That's how long I'll love you.

You see dear,
I remember that.
I remember the date,
what we were doing.

*I remember it all....
          from our first kisses to the last
Nov 2012 · 1.1k
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
When we have those nights,
the ones where we do nothing,
it makes me happy.

On those nights,
all I want to do is hang out,
that would make me happy.

I love those few nights,
when we're almost all together,
they make me smile.

Nights like tonight,
where we could even hang out
in Subway, and still have fun!

*Nights like these,
They bring me joy!
Nov 2012 · 606
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
I cannot feel, I'm numb                
                                                                                                         I cannot see, I'm blind
I cannot hear, I'm deaf                                                                                                    
                                       I cannot taste, I'm gone.
Nov 2012 · 1.0k
What's it mean?
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
I see your face,
        hear your voice your laugh,
                 feel your joy,
                       smell your smell so clean and crisp
Your eyes, they look sincere, but your voice seems confused,
          Your joy, it's changed, it's different somehow.
                   Your smell, it's different, less innocent in a way.
That sentence, is it true?
         *What's it mean to hang yourself?
Nov 2012 · 1.3k
What you've done.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
Do you know what I think of when I hear your name?
         I think of someone cruel and ugly.
                   The type of person mean enough to kick puppies!
                            Honestly, the one person that even Mother Theresa would hate.
                                    No one can fix you,
                                             No one can put you back together.
                                                    You're just a broken little person.
                                             Who will one day understand,
                                     Understand the reasons for the hatred,
                            The reasons for the sadness!
                  One day you will see,
        You will be no longer blind,
You will see why we hate you,
        You will look into our eyes, and see the pain you caused.
                  Our fear is your fault.
                            Yours, and yours alone.
                                    How could you not know,
                                             *What you've caused?
Nov 2012 · 3.9k
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
Each person that enters my life, gets a box.
Some have their own ,
But most have to share.

The people that touch my heart for just a moment,
They all go  together.

Those people that change my life,
Only if, it's a big impact get their own.
The ones that are my true friends,
Not the sometimes ones,
They each get a box to themselves.

When I meet someone again,
I pull their box off the shelf.
In that moment I live in it,
I remember the good and bad,
I live with those memories playing in my head.

Few have their own boxes in my life,
Those few have huge boxes though.
My sisters, the chosen ones, each have their boxes.
They do share with each other when we're all together,
But they don't seem to mind.

My family, though I love them,
mostly fit into one box.
But it is no small box,
And by no means is it empty.
That box is bursting at the seams!

I love the boxes I have,
I cherish each one.

I'll love them until my day of death.
On that day,
*I'll revel in the memories as I watch them burn,
While I float up to heaven.
Nov 2012 · 849
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
When I lie awake at night, I think of you.
                                                            ­                                                                 ­               I think of you too
When I close my eyes to sleep, I see your face.
                                                           ­                                                                 ­           Your's is all I can see
When I finally dream, you are the main character.
                                                      ­                                                                 ­     You're the princess in mine
When I wake in the morning, I swear I hear your voice.
                                                          ­                                              Your's is the melody that awakens me
You're so much a part of me, that
                                                                ­                                      *I don't know where you end and I begin
Nov 2012 · 4.3k
Friends, No Sisters.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
No one can really tell,
      Where friendship ends and sisterhood begins.
No one really knows,
      How some friendships begin.
Not many understand,
      The reasoning behind the dynamic.

Fate brings them together.
      Just like us.
dedicated to my best friends Dannie and Alexa!
Nov 2012 · 647
4 years.. Not so long.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
High School,

High School,

With a long walk
across a short stage,
with a little book in your hands...
Nov 2012 · 920
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
A summer
      to remember,
The loss of
      our innocence,
The taste of
      a kiss
             beneath the stars,
Just a few simple things
      to make our
             *summer memorable
Nov 2012 · 1.7k
Pink, why pink?
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
I hear the choking sound,
                  turn around
I see the boy, the tree, the pink leash,
                  pink, why pink
I touch the boy, his skin is ice, Why?
                   he's so cold
I feel the fear and tears,
                  do not cry
I speak the words, "Michael? Wake up, you're gonna be in trouble!"
                   *he's gone
As a little girl, 6 to be exact, I learned to despise the color pink, especially hot pink.
Nov 2012 · 507
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
That night,
it plays in my head
like a broken record.

That night,
I see it all again
like it's happening again.

That night,
it's my nightmare.
R.I.P. Michael, haven't forgotten yet. Won't ever, I swear!
Nov 2012 · 301
Didn't think so.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
I need you, but do you need me?
I want you, but do you truly want me?
I see you, but do you honestly see me?
I love you, but do you really love me?

I didn't think so.
Nov 2012 · 960
Allissa Nicole <3
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
Even though you're not gone.
                      I've already lost you.
Even though you're not here,
                      you're in my heart.
Even though I love you so,
                      my hatred grows.
Even though you're dying,
                       in my heart you're still,
           ­                             Striving,
                          ­              Living,
Nov 2012 · 1.2k
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
I'm scared,
I'm afraid,
I'm confused,
I just don't know why.

It's weird,
It's strange,
It's odd,
No, I think that I'm just
*Afraid to fall in love.
Nov 2012 · 305
My dear,
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
You are far,
    But my dear,
       Think of me?

You are near,
    But my dear,
        Don't forget me?

You are gone,
    But my dear,
        You're still here.
Nov 2012 · 900
My future.
Sunshine Girl Nov 2012
No one knows why,
Why I love you,
Listen to your lies,
What I see in your eyes.

Not one person understands,
Why I listen to you,
What that look means,
How I fell.

But I do,
When I look into your eyes,
       I see my future.
When I listen to your voice,
       I hear my future
When I feel your touch,
       I know your arms are where I belong.

For now,
and forever.
I love you, always have always will.. Never giving up.

— The End —