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2.1k · Mar 2017
The Programmers Tale
Unperturbed in austere times
Unentangled in a web of complex signs
Unfazed by a vicious complex
I find solace in the face of duress
Configured to righteousness
I am withdrawn from Cross and Crescent mess
Invisible against a tide of boisterous wave
I weave my way and gravitate towards space
The sun a distant memory
Passion and zeal my most valuable armoury
In the heavens i light my stars
In paradise lost i leave my mark
With Noah's design hacked
Not even Jupiter can navigate my ark
Unlike terminator I Am Back
679 · Aug 2016
Unperturbed in austere times

Unfazed by a perplexity complex

An obsession that trumps others, even ***

Entangled in a Web of complex signs

Configured to righteousness

invisible against a boisterous wave

I gravitate towards space

Defying gravity I soar to an unknown place

The sun a distant memory

A place I name mercury

I light my stars, the fumes i inhale in dark

Intoxicated in paradise I leave my mark

Not even the beast can navigate my ark

Masked with an incandescent legion I am illusion.
650 · Aug 2016
Tribute to a Friend
Do not stand at my grave and weep
My friend calls
I am not there, I did not die...
I am not there, I do not sleep.
For God saw me getting tired
Into His warm embrace He called him to rest
In peace
So when tomorrow starts without me, don't think we're far apart, for every time you think of me, I'm right here, in your heart.
I know I'll never see you again.
But the love you gave me
Through all the years
Will take away these tears.
The pain of your absence has caused me.
Death Be Not Proud
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so:
Hide your face in shame
Another King you have taken not
For Wine and Women can make us sleep even better
Than you could ever do in all your evil infamous fame
Sleep well my friend for one day we shall meet again in the Heavens
And Death shall be no more:
Death, thou shalt die!
On chariots of gold my friend, we shall ride.
627 · Jan 2018
This Tricky Cunning Fellow
This Tricky Cunning Fellow

One so young, gone

A companion of all, a lover of none

Like a thief in the night

This tricky cunning fellow will come and ***** out your light

A king’s nightmare, a mother’s worst enemy

This tricky cunning fellow is a respecter of none, trust me
An experience will change your life forever

Nowhere to run, cower or hide when he comes like an uninvited lover

He will dine and wine with you, dropping one or two lies as he whispers to you

Be not deceived, his goal isn’t to tease or please, he is there just to ruin

No number of warriors, magicians or strong towers can keep him back

This tricky cunning fellow is a master in the art of war, he will simply attack

Just when your guard is down and when you least expect, calamity strikes!

Only then would you get the fame and love you so desired via a thousand Facebook likes

Friends and family who never cared for you, yet smiling while baring envious teeth

But it is that tricky cunning fellow who opened your eyes to see the truth, by closing it

For some a time to eat and drink and show their affluence

Instead of reflection and regrets while they mourn in silence

But their time cometh one way or another, whether by man, man-made or natural causes

Everyone must submit to his wit, charm and supernatural forces
A recruitment not even age, class, creed or *** can be exempt from its call

Child, rich, poor, male, female, sick, healthy, black or white, must fall in line, not one, but all

A race where there is no winner or loser, just a referee blowing a whistle to start the run

This tricky cunning fellow is indeed a companion of all, and a lover of none
                                                                                                                                                January 3rd 2018
529 · Jun 2016
Vain ambitions dragging my veins
Blood thickening encapsulating as tis pulsating
Addictive desires drops like rain
As cold as death as sweet as sin
Trapped in a world not my own
Life as a seductress performs on stage
Stealthily i move like a dog seeking its bone
My life her theatre, like an enchanted
i am my own cage,
Her features arresting, i arrest myself.
My executioner, my deliverer i surrender myself
Tick tock tick tock d clock chimes
Time to die, the boat man awaits a dime
She rhymes
Dancing and gyrating she screams
In ecstasy i drink and drown
myself in fantasy
My dreams develops wings
As i leave my dream, i live my dream
I am my dream
491 · Mar 2017
Friendship without borders
That's what you offer me
You are a true gem so special and beautiful even in darkness you elicit light!
In me you will find a friend that is always reliable
A friendship that doesn't fade away with time is what i offer
Hurt and betrayal you will never suffer
Loyalty is my trademark
Royalty is your birthright and it's a privilege to be associated with u
For you are the sweetest sound in paradise
Even in heaven your name is a song that the angels and the celestial beings will always sing out loud.
My love for you will never wane
As a candle the light and fire of my passion will never dim
For eternity and beyond it will wax stronger and stronger until time stops running
Even then my love for you still won't grow cold
An incandescent love is what i breathe for you
It's fire will keep burning
With my crown I paid a ransom

For the most beautiful damsel

The angels gamble to razzle
Not even the stars in all their dazzle

Can compete with the queen of my castle

Beside her i am like a tamed lion muzzled
Her breast and her celestial body I nuzzle

Refreshing and ecstatic 4 eternity I shall hustle

and hassle just to rest in her *****
428 · Oct 2016
Giggle Giggle Little Child
Giggle giggle little child
Never Once her mummy did chide
Like a flower amongst thorn
Never once her pretty dress torn
Make me a rainbow bring me the stars
Never once her tears brought scars
Getting warm from sweet delight this little child her daddy's light
Never once put up a fight
Running wild the playground wide
Never once her mummy did chide
Up above her daddy's shoulder ride
Never once did this little child hide.
422 · Mar 2017
Let Us Move On
Let Us Move On
Turn off the sun
As blinding rays penetrates our gaze
In its wake we are fire, let us move on
It's a high sum but we won't be fazed
Stepping stones filled with fires
In the midst of the heat we are awesome
Fired we are wired to push past earthly desires
Flames burning our souls we ransom

Let us move on, never taking shade we are lost in a phantom maze
The past leads to hades
Secret tunnels envelops us our heads remain raised
As the sunlight fades
Into darkness the midnight wind grips
It suffocates our senses as morale drops deep
Darkness whips our heart it rips
Open wounds the road is narrow the fall is steep

Let us move on, into the city unrelenting in the midst of the storm
Locked out in the face of the shadows there we go
unblinding gaze we shout out for the son
Let us march on and bring down the gates like the walls of Jericho
For the swift is not fit for the race
Current under our wings this is our testimony
Flourishing as palm trees by the river side tis our grace
We have made our way and it is filled with milk and honey
407 · Jun 2016
Another Love story
My love for you is like a story
Where I can
Swing from the trees
Like tarzan hidden in the hills
Peeping frorm a glass
I drink my fill
Of your love
It intoxicates and
Awakes the Lion in me.
For u,
I'm gonna fly where angels tread to enter
for your beauty makes the diamond envious.
It's radiance blinds the sun

U re a rare gem.
For all the beautiful ladies that aren't appreciated every morning
383 · Mar 2017
With a sound of thunder the mist clears from the skies
As with a shout sweats mixed with tears drops from my eyes
Like a chef i do not rest
Because the world expects only the best
As knives and spoons i am making dishes
So with pen and paper i am granting wishes
Hours spent sweats and blood passing through fire and heat
A penny spent on every thought released
Can no man match and even defeat
Cutting and slicing with vigorous slashes
Perfection rises like a phoenix from its ashes
Alas a table I set before for all
A taste lingering has every man drooling in awe
Like a chef I do not rest till the end is revealed
and satisfaction hidden as a treasured chest is unlocked and unveiled
376 · Dec 2016
You got the kind of figure that made Kingsolomon leave a thousand wife for one special one
The Kind that made Kingdavid leave a queen
and Samson cheat on a goddess.
The face that made the angels commit sin by lusting after you
and beauty that made even the gods jealous of their own creation.
You are a star that outshines the sun.
368 · Jan 2018
This Tricky Cunning Fellow
This Tricky Cunning Fellow

One so young, gone
A companion of all, a lover of none
Like a thief in the night
This tricky cunning fellow will come and ***** out your light
A king’s nightmare, a mother’s worst enemy
This tricky cunning fellow is a respecter of none, trust me
An experience will change your life forever
Nowhere to run, cower or hide when he comes like an uninvited lover
He will dine and wine with you, dropping one or two lies as he whispers to you
Be not deceived, his goal isn’t to tease or please, he is there just to ruin
No number of warriors, magicians or strong towers can keep him back
This tricky cunning fellow is a master in the art of war, he will simply attack
Just when your guard is down and when you least expect, calamity strikes!
Only then would you get the fame and love you so desired via a thousand Facebook likes
Friends and family who never cared for you, yet smiling while baring envious teeth
But it is that tricky cunning fellow who opened your eyes to see the truth, by closing it
For some a time to eat and drink and show their affluence
Instead of reflection and regrets while they mourn in silence
But their time cometh one way or another, whether by man, man-made or natural causes
Everyone must submit to his wit, charm and supernatural forces
A recruitment not even age, class, creed or *** can be exempt from its call
Child, rich, poor, male, female, sick, healthy, black or white, must fall in line, not one, but all
A race where there is no winner or loser, just a referee blowing a whistle to start the run
This tricky cunning fellow is indeed a companion of all, and a lover of none
January 3rd 2018
365 · Apr 2017
Fatal Fate
I'm cold she says.........And so my journey began....

In medussa's lair I fought fair
Serpents and scorpions I marched through
In dragons nest I conquered fear
Armies and warlords surrounding you
The stars behind me, the moon beneath me
The sun inside me I played with death
The gods they watched me eating my last meal
I threw my wish in a well as I sought
For a miracle as I realised I'm the oracle
I prayed you
As I realised the battles were worth it
In Lion's den I found something true
In the mouth of the beast I broke teeth
The Lion's mane I cut loose
On my neck like a chain I wore fur
On eagles wings I returned sore
On bended knees I watched in silence
In anothers arms purity In a red dress
In anothers company she accompanies as white teeth he smugly bares
Bruised and broken like a bottle its contents green I drink
Between my fingers a stick I pick
It fumes relaxes my nerves
Even as it reeks of death
Liable to die young it reads
Stretching into the night as i turn corners to take a ****
In the spill of waste i watch wasted and yet in the dark cold night  i find peace
333 · Apr 2017
Move Mountains Move
In my heart there is a world apart
Where dreams are never dreamt
and songs never sung
Alas sinister thoughts lingers long
Like a river with no banks
Intricate desires explodes like fireworks from war tanks
In my heart there is a city made of solid gold
But of late, the heart of man has waxed cold
It's a goldmine indeed
But who dares tread where even angels lose their mind, but the redeemed
And like a mustard seed is sowed
Slowly i return back to be enthroned
Like wheels on a thread
I part a darkness as thick as a web
With a tongue-tied wrong
And a heart torn, hung
I awaken like a volcano erupting from molten rocks
As bold as a ferocious Lion i roar
Like samson with a grown dredlocks
My philistines come crashing down like the walls of jerico
I must be faith
Because I am moving mountains
324 · Mar 2017
Lets Face The Stars
We crave a different kind of lust
Forgotten in ages past and kingdom lost
Clothed and armed with pleasurable passion crust
Hard as a rock nay you can never crack our trust
Blood stains drips from crown to feet as strong as mahogany
Loyalty to duty never falling prey to the sweet embrace of polygamy
Call out the hearts and you won't find us jealous
Better our skulls than heartbreaks to jail us
Lets face the stars and battle till the sun goes down
Then we can *** till jupiter is born at dawn
As daggers drawn and no love lost till the end is cursed
Let us engage in a game of thrones and be at war for eternity with the gods.
321 · Jun 2016
Paralyzed by dissonance
Illusions so vicious exists in continuous resonance
Numb enthusiasm reflecting vain optimism
Murdering all form of reasoning
His mind a theatre
A personal vendetta
A gladiator at heart
Terrorist by art
Imprisoned by self will
This is a fight he must not win
A salvation inspired in brutal conquest
His soul he lost
To a woman he lust
His heart afrost
Covered in dust it cost his life, a rust
All men on a quest
By request, desire they thirst
Drowning in an ocean of passion and lust
Kings return as guests soaked in dirt
Comforted only at night in paradise
Where all men dine, foolish and wise
Located in babatunde street 4th Avenue
With a bottle of ***** or two
Many men come running through
To say a prayer for the player
Imprisoned by self will
In paradise lust she will always win
320 · Aug 2016
The harvester they say,
Never sleeps,
Toiling night and day,
On bended knees,
A missionary by heart,
A farmer by craft,
Like a shepherd leading her cattle,
She is ready for battle,
She is a soldier by mantle,
Her path illuminated,
No path too rough,
For a thousand shall fall by her side,
Ten thousand by her right,
She is too tough.
On bended knees,
Eyes never blinks,
Sweats as rain, drops on cracked lips,
Never a pleasant sight to behold,
Yet no man young or old,
Not even the purest gold,
Ever matched the light of her inner beauty.
No challenges faced she ever lost,
No mountain too high,
Grace as wings she flies,
No path too steep for her to slip,
Armoured with a shield of faith,
The Bible her map,
Always on her lap,
The harvester she is, she sows,
Even on rocky grounds and minefields,
On bended knees,
Like moses she divides seas and strikes gold,
Bountiful harvest of souls she reaps,
For while others lost faith
With a living faith,
She is harvesting possibilities.
303 · Jun 2016
This longing in my heart
Will never stop it will tear me apart,
This pain in my soul
Increases wit each passing day it grows,
Daily, daisy she blooms in d garden amongs weeds and thorns
Daily i cry, often d tears like raindrops
wets d soil
Sorrow in a bottle like a river i drown myself daily
Rivers d color green, often i wake up screaming sounds as silent as death
My tears they pour like sweat
Picture, my companion speaks tales of her features
I smile and have a toast wit memory as i dream of a future
This longing in my heart
Feet first, fist clenched it drives me east
Daisy a pact upon which i must act
Daily i smile my feet racing east.
For Daisy
Waves of lust cuts deep
A cascading embrace of forbidden love
As currents of passion splashes blues
It ripples through
He lets his fingers glide
through her ******* true
Gently feels d rhythm and the sway
Of hips joined together by lips
Immersed deep inside her
Their bodies slip and slide
Into an endless oblivion of pleasuring tide
Waves of passion and desire
Evokes sweats of pride
She was once my messiah.
Salty like sea water
urges quenched with lustful thrusts
Pain and sadness borne
Sense of duty and loyalty gone
A fate I can't outrun,
Halfway to ******  
Is the closest to heaven he'll ever be
On his way down from cloud nine
Like a bullet in the heart
I sent him to hell
A story I'll never tell
How my lover and my best friend fell
from under skirt to paradise lost.
Betrayal of Love
How much do I love thee
Let me count the stars
How well is my love deep
Let us ask my scars
Embedded right in my heart torn
This love, true I left has brought me scorn
A blessing or a curse i cannot yet fathom
Once upon a time, out of the heavens she fell through a hole in the cloud
With the gods as my witness, for her i would have weathered any storm
Inside her I found paradise through a hole and it was round
But alas this is a sad tale
One even the devil i dare say would not pray to tell
In the end even the seas could not drown my tears
As in vainthe rain tried to muzzle my fears
Like a fallen angel she dropped into town
And as a rising phoenix she left at dawn
Down the road tis cold and dark
With a bruised heart and a broken spirit i walk the path never looking back
285 · Apr 2017
A Story Not told
This is not a story
But should be told with guts and glory
Does time await
For the heart who awakens late
Nay, but fate sets a date
For the one diligently seeking their one true mate
But the gods who love to play will always set a bait
In the end everyone loses again and again to the villian called hate
It is told of old
Of a tale as mysterious as the devils tail
There was a ****** who fell in love with a nun, his soul he sold
For a glance at her veil
A love so strong disobeyed the voice of God
And for a time he was a man whole, as his desires poured
Upon her virtues it dropped as a rock
And upon her eminence his love begged release like passion imprisoned in a ****** ****
Bruising her crown that was never to heal
Like Eve he was deceived into a deal
And like Adam they fell from grace
Alas when the devil came calling, they ran back to God's warm embrace
To the wilderness His Grace banished the devil
And in the morning they were both guests in heaven.
Not The End
283 · Dec 2016
From the crown of your head straight down
to your shiny black hair that displays the perfection of your profile
You are an epitome of perfection.
Your skin
Your face
Your razor edged curves
Your opulent, beautifully shaped *******
are all objects of my passion and lusts.
You are the clear and absolute definition of beauty.
The word beautiful won't be complete without you.
I live to please you
275 · Mar 2017
Loving Love
A billion words and a million hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.
Risk & reward go hand in hand
loving you is a risk
You loving me is the reward.
271 · Jun 2016
If u were a Religion
Ur radiance stains eternity with perfection
Your beauty leaves a mark of joy & love in my heart that can never be wiped out.
Chatting wit you will always be seductive and inviting as a woman's smile.
Loving you will always be intoxicating and addictive as sweet wine
My love for you is a ****** love
Never been broken or felt before.
The number to your heart I dial daily
Please answer when I call or
I die daily
Because if you were a religion
i will convert and even die for you.
For a lost love
271 · Jun 2016
Silhouettes of Love
Not one moment passes that I don't long for the taste of your lips against mine.
I'm a slave to luv
governed by passion
you as my partner
I'll take the gold in the Olympics of love.
Like crocodile skin
my feelings for you is stronger than pain.
My love for you is so deep
Not even Moses can divide it
270 · Jun 2016
In the beginning he created
A star so bright was conceived
In envy it was hated
In the midst of love it was deceived
Disguised and cloaked
The very breath in it choked
A gathering formed
They hated the created in unison they waited
In the beginning it was created
In the end violated and downgraded
In the beginning he created the hated
but not the hate
Borne of love and grace
It was made a bait
Behind the clouds it hid its face
Clothed with grace
Even in deceit it was received
In unison they were disgraced
For Jesus!
Part One
Once they were clothed with the stars
As lightening they fell from the clouds
Now they walk the depth
Below the surface of the earth
In a class of their own
They think the world their home
And with the energy of a legion
They move swiftly creating division
Deluded in their illusion masked as a vision

Part Two
In His presence I am unfazed
In the midst of a boisterous wave I waved
Even when fazed wit strife
I exist in a transcedent life
Reinventing my form i am transformed
I refused to be a pawn
Surrounded by forces that threatens reality
In my adoption my faith grows to defy gravity

Part Three
Masked in a depth as dark as death
A feature pictues a future to which I am blind
His presence lights my path and fills my breath
His aura drowns my fears and clouds my mind
In the midst of their delusion
I form my own identity
My confession is my salvation
Even as i stalk eternity with my assumed divine entity
In my adoption I am perfection
256 · Dec 2016
My Enslaver
Your love confronts me
Lust comforts me
I can't resist you
Your touch is sinful
But your voice is my redemption song

I know your voice all too well
It is the shackles on my hands and feet,
It is the bars in this cell
In my mind I was trapped
In this prison called hell
I have been sentenced to
By my darling angel
From Heaven you fell
But I cannot tell

Your sweet sinful harmonious tones
Only heaven knows the power it hones
Only hell sings along in your song
As I sit in this cell trying to right this wrong

To no avail to no avail
I've been sentenced to this madness
And there was posted no bail
No freedom from love
No freedom to love
Even though beautiful as a daisy
This love drives me crazy
250 · Dec 2016
Programmed for expansion
I am made from the rock
I am the sun
As a shepherd with a flock
I follow from dusk till dawn
My delight is in the light
For my salvation is in my service
Grounded in the word is my might
And that is where my heart is

A slave i was
headed to the grave with a curse
Saved by grace
Abundant till date at no cost
shaped in diamond in his chapel i find solace
A pioneer I Am
In the midst of the brethern i run
As the eagle i soar high
spreading in all seasons as the judgment draws nigh

Today I celebrate ME
I am you
In Christ we are new
Christ in us daily we are renewed
Clothed in blues
unified in purity
Designed and structured in our destined roles
We are made from the rock to rejuvenate for infinity
Our Path be guided towards the luminous heights
Believers we spread love into our World with the speed of Light
246 · Feb 2017
Under the watchful stares of the midnight skies
walking down the lonesome road in company of the stars
nOBODY knows my fears like my tears
we share a common bond formed not with loyalty
but we blend through blood and scars
our darkness is our solidarity
The night as our lover intimacy is our cover
my mind my weapon i spill blood like ink on paper
i stain my pain my intoxication is my inhaler
In fantasy i thrive like a commoner
Clothed in passionate desires
i am engaged to obsession my desire is my messaiah
drawn to oblivion i am lost in lust
none of the seraphs
nor the extraterrestrials
is as adavnaced not even technology
to decipher and reveal the unseen
my mind is a weapon and its loaded with beautiful sins
235 · Mar 2017
Green warder
Am a prisoner
Prisoner of my own urges
Stuck in a grave
Dugged by my own cravings
Held in a maze of throbbing fantasises
My mind in a haze running around in circles
There's no escape
Budding roses bud
Humming birds hum
The night's on a break of dawning darkness
My messiah cocked up in seven green bottles
About to hit rock bottom
The stars offer a hand of hope
But I'm beyond salvation
Deep down in the sea of dizziness
I smile diligently as I sip from the lips of seven
I'm a prisoner and there is no escaping tonight.
234 · Jun 2016
As sweet as sin
The ubiquity of your presence around me
as real as tomorrow
Drops of passion so real, so clean
Streaming in, drowning him
Your scent like an arrow
Pierces in
Leaves a scar like a tattoo
Growing thin, killing him
Faithful lust like a river
Drowning him saving me
I place no one above her
Brighter than the sun, my love for her
Shoots rays
Burn strays
This love, my competition
As sweet as sin
I always win
225 · Jul 2016
I see the
stars in ur eyes......
thats why my world is black and white
without you by my side
Light fades
underneath your light i find shade.
223 · Apr 2017
Death Is Not The End
Tis an act of God to behold a loanman as sincere as death
For every man irrespective of race and creed must pay their debt
And even in darkness it doesn't cheat nor lie
One by one, man, woman and child must one day fall and die
But is death the end?
No! For I have seen the end and it is written in a world without end
Do not despair for to attain the new birth
All must surrender and be immersed in a depth
As cold as ice
Only then shall we truly begin to live free in Christ
The one who paid our debts
For in this there is no bargain
Be born again and be reborn again
217 · Aug 2016
Universe in me
Clothed with the stars
Even the sweetest rose stales in comparison
For you the heaven grows hot
Causing hell to sweat
As a glimpse of your beauty
Sends ripples of unimaginable pleasure
Even the universe lusts after it's own kind
Your love is a universal one
U are a universe.
216 · Aug 2016
You got the kind of figure that made King Solomon leave a thousand wives for one special one,

The Kind that made King David leave a Queen,

and Samson cheat on a goddess.

Blessed with a face that made even the angels commit sin by lusting after you,

and a beauty even the gods were made jealous of their own creation.

You are a star that outshines the sun.
195 · Dec 2016
Ur radiance stains eternity with perfection
Ur beauty leaves a mark of joy & love in my heart dat cn never b wiped out.
Chatting wit u will always b seductive and inviting as a woman's smile.
Loving u will always be intoxicating and addictive as sweet wine
My love 4 u is a ****** love
Never been broken or felt b4.
D number 2 ur  heart I dial daily
Pls answer wen I call or
I die daily
195 · Jan 2018
The Player
The Player

I am just a ******
Born in a town just like sleepy hollow
Fought my own demons, became my own hero
A tale no one but me will ever know
I wasn’t the most handsome
If I was ever kidnapped, there would never have been a ransom
The only valuable thing on my head
Wouldn’t even be as expensive as a loaf of bread
I was not also the strongest or brightest
Just a quiet kid who carried every day like an undertaker, survival of the fittest
Call me vain, but I love to admire myself for hours in the mirror
A billionaire by day and a silent killer at night, like the green arrow
Only I don’t shoot at the first villain, I aim for the best opportunity
Mixed amorously with the opposite ***, I was renowned for my congeniality
Not your fairytale prince charming but i had true love’s kiss, ready to use at the slightest chance
My diction, brings down defenses and puts my victims in a state of trance
Not a slave driver, but as a *** God, I consider myself a prison warder
Willing inmates subjecting themselves as prisoners of passion, ready to commit ******
From castles to dungeons I am sought out for ****** ******
No respecter of class, high and low all must satisfy their personal urges
Missionary, ******* and foursome infact I am awesome,
All I need is a place
Whether in castles or bushes, I take them all irrespective of religion or race
With looks and diction I lure into them into a maze
Like medusa, only difference is my heart is the stone as I imprison them with my gaze
Self-taught in the art of romance, with a doctorate degree in ******
A peep at my qualifications, and even nuns and virgins squirt losing their sense of reason
Wasn’t the most ingenious, yet I graduated first class
No license but my *** drive is fast and furious, I don’t stop till we reach ******
To attract the best you need to be that which you hope to attract, attraction is cheap
Intimacy on the other hand is a luxury that unites even the wolves with the sheep
I can go wild in the sack but I believe in playing it safe
Carrying every day like an umbrella, under the shadow of the night as I move fast pace
Not a sailor but no ship I can’t sail, except long term relationship
I prefer it short term under the comfort of clean white sheets
Don’t hate the player or even the game
Blame the rules that’s what gives it such a bad name
What do I know, I am just a ******
But don’t forget my first class, hell, no one will ever know.
194 · Dec 2016
My mind made up you can't bend
My will neither can you mend
There's nothing you can do to change my heart
For like a rat you tore my heart apart
Scurring around day and night like an ant
sweating and dripping off me as you pant
Like an eagle i was spread
pieces of me taken away till nothing was spared
until what was left was misery.
Trapped in a maze of melancholic reasoning
On the eve of despair like a phoenix i arose
From the depths of hell a rose
And  a kiss of death i pledge
as a token of my rage
i have promised to descend
and never rest until the end
Of you is the beginning of me
192 · Aug 2016
Virgin Love
You are a clever hybrid of beauty and perfection
A beauty that stands all men to attention
No woman alive would match you beauty and style
For in a class of stars you are the sun
The gods worship your beauty
your adoration a sense of their duty
For even the angels turn green with envy
and stories of your exploits in paradise it is written.
For you Kings fight to the death
As men fall to unfathomable depth
while the gods protect u from envious angels.
When we don't add up we multiply.
For together we move mountains.
My love for you is supernatural.
191 · Jan 2018
I Am Prime
I Am Prime

You can kick me out of the pack
But you will never see me on my back
You can amass troops from far and wide
But you will never take away my pride
I am Kingdavid, no giant is big enough to make me hide
Like the Lion, I am The King of the wild
Where others go and make noise
I come and make rules
No Galaxy is big enough to hide my shine
Bigger than the stars, even the sun falls in line
They say time waits for no one, but they lied
Tis not attitude, it is pride
Born with no spoon, silver nor gold
Yet I dine with Kings and Lords, we path the same roads
To get to heaven, I went through the gates of hell
But that is another story I can’t wait to tell
I didn’t choose the stars, never was I that fortunate
The stars chose me; they knew I was born great
No kingdom so I made the universe my stardom, this is my legacy
Tis not written in sands nor history, tis up in the sky, plain for all to see
I am in my element, I am my prime
Tis not attitude, It is pride
183 · Feb 2017
My Comfort
Before our eyes met our hearts connected
we were intertwined before we were acquainted
As you heard the beats of my heart overhead
You looked up from your reverie
the glitter in your eyes lit the room
Before your silhouette, stood a winged universe
Ready to take flight at the snap of your fingers shut tight
even cupid shot itself in pleasurably fright
Never before have the gods created a radiance
such gentleness and grace astounded the entire human race
indeed the gods have outdone themselves
As gentle as a dove the midnight breeze freeze as in an alcove
feelings taking flight with wings in droves
Behold you are above
For therein lies the beginning of my hell
trying not to hit rock bottom but staying in the warmth of your *****
but such fantasies who can tell
only possible in the depths of a glass of despair
i fix a shot of comfort and as low as i fall, you are my air
180 · Dec 2016
I talk about what i see
U talk about what you hear
My truth are your tales

— The End —