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Apr 2015 · 281
Look at my eyes, you will see pride,
Look at my smile, you will see joy,
Look into my heart, you will see warmth,
Look into my soul, you will darkness,
beyond what the world has ever shown.
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
I am a daisy,
Among thousands of roses
Neither the prettiest
Nor the most attractive
I am just different
Their eyes avoid me
Not even as a sight for sore eyes
I glow in the dark
And have no thorns
Only pure white petals
And a gentle heart
She dreams, this little daisy
Her wings spread
High up in the clouds.
This heated soul
She is shy,
But behind this rough appearance
Lies something inside
Something worth more than thousands of roses side by side.
Apr 2015 · 372
All I want is to escape
This horrible place
Where nothing is real
Much less durable.
Give me your passion
It definitely is my salvation
This world full of loneliness
I was flooded with darkness.
Apr 2015 · 328
Life is a magnificent tale,
No doubt about that,
Yet, it is funny little thing isn’t it?
It goes up high and downright low,
But then suddenly hits a stop.
Why? Why? Why?
Why start a journey to experience to end ?
Why birth equates to death?
The burn, the ache, the misery, tribulations, hollowness
Eats us every day,
Waiting for what? The imminent death?
Like an endless train ride, this life is,
The only thing unknown where your last stop is.
You may get off far or a station ahead,
But never sure which one is it.
So why endure this rough ride,
someone calls living
When death assures bliss and release,
from this torturous living.
This journey of life,
Truly what is it really?
Is it the beginning?
Is it the ending?
Or is it an awakening?

— The End —