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TrueSun Oct 2014
Your friends are low lifes don't act surprised
Where the ******* think they be going at night
parties and kick backs just so they feel alive
copying all these artists tryna be a bad *****
but when it comes to school you ain't know ****
you would throw your life away cause you would wanna get high
but the support of help is there but you just let it ****** pass by
but you still don't understand
havin fun being "turned up" really makes you a man?
following the life of an artists that don't give a **** about your plans
thinking life is boring and so is school
wanna make it out of  trillions of people and you think the world will listen to you?
thugs get mad cause a ***** be mean mugging
but at the end you proved nothing
now you in a jail cell and your guilt is bugging
you don't listen to your mind when its trying to tell you something.
TrueSun Oct 2014
I got emotions that don't make sense
Wondering where has my life went
But I'm not Jr or Matthew
I'm Nathan Carson that's been to jail
Living my life it seems you live in hell
Succeed everything but you seem to fail
But my brian feels like its insane
and my brain cause the emotion of pain
My own birthday
Was the worse days
Don't understand why I was born this way
No understand its not okay to be by yourself
But I'm happy even tho I'm by myself
I got 2 older brothers one ahead one dead
Got a loving mom that tells me to forget the ******* and what they said
But that still doesnt satisfy
The pain the hunts my mind
Hey Carson!!
You got a mind that doesn't understand why your here
Your mind is confused thats why you live in fear
You rather stay in the dark
Where it warms my heart
Don't act stupid because this **** been happening from the start.
TrueSun Oct 2014
All I do is create trouble
making my mothers stress double
even worse from the pain and the struggle
I wish I was simple in the mind
I wish there was a button to rewind
I wish there was a purpose to find
I wish the world would of never left me behind
I feel ALONE
I feel if this place isn't my home
I feel like my life is like my mind, GONE...
All my prayers I pray feel as if they don't work
The wound is deep, my pain, the emotions still hurt
They tell me to get back up but im buried under the dirt
Id rather live in my mind then these confusing earth.
TrueSun Oct 2014
Freedom is not allowed
Serving your country you must be proud
Killing your own kind on the barrier of your own grounds
Blood, flesh, guts being dropped by the pound
It's called war
Where the government spends all the money on instead of the poor
Its weird how me and you was born on earth
Same place before death and birth
But everyone is different
Some smart some just don't listen
Girls think they have everything but everything is what they really missin
Don't understand the true purpose of what God wants me to do
So ill just do me and you just do you
Man this world is so close to end
Don't even think I have much time for family and friends
That I haven't met when the new revolution begins
TrueSun Oct 2014
I got no problems
Can't solve em
So I just let the **** be
Instead of it troubling me
Smoking that ****
Gives a kick of what I need
To my imagination and thoughts is the definition of speed
Because my mind starts to race
Can't catch it or even stay with it in a stead pace
Keeping stress in the mind
Creates it to be blind
Where I'm lost and can't find
The reason I'm on this planet
Still confused and I want to panic
But I can't complain cause I wasn't the one to plan it
To go to school and be called lame
Because my swag is different and isn't the same
From yours?
Nah homie I don't wanna attract ******
I wanna girl who's imaginations is bigger than an inspiration
Of what she wants to be after graduation

— The End —