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670 · Dec 2015
Temporary Forever
Lia Dec 2015
Looking out unto the sunset as you slowly graze my thighs is like a hypnosis you are performing ,  You are holding my heart and don't even know the power you have obtained. The lust that I am forced to hold back because of the romance you have shown me with your eyes is grater then the fires of heaven and I'm Longing for the moment I can burn your soul into submission of my love. An unspoken meant to be..
493 · Nov 2015
Lia Nov 2015
The moment I realized I didn't like me was when I allowed pain to become my best friend.
See pain was always there right by my side never letting me down.
When my boyfriend just left me alone with no explanation pain was there.
When My best friend betrayed me and broke my trust pain was there.
When my uncle use to sneak in my room at night to play his special game pain was there.
So it was only natural for me to cling to pain.
Holding my hand through it all,
Pain was the only stable thing in my life never changing up on me. Never hitting me with a unwanted surprises. No matter the problem I can always count on pain to help the tears fall  smooth and freely.
Pain knows my heart like no one else inside and out.
Clinging to it the moment it feels peace trying to tear us apart.
Pain will never leave me alone to deal with life.
Pain has been around so long we look identical.
Pain has moved in uninvited of course but I can't put pain out
due to the fear of being alone.
Pain has spoiled me with devotion and dedication.
Pain is my lover
Pain is my Friend
Pain is my teacher
Pain is Me.
436 · Dec 2015
Secret Love
Lia Dec 2015
I watch you while you are lost in your own mind
I try to connect your eyes with a source of peace. I always loose my train of thought when you open your mouth to speak ,mesmerized by the way you lay yourself out with words. Maybe one day I could join you in your mind understanding all the things I can't maybe one day you will know who I am.
425 · Dec 2015
Netflix and Chill
Lia Dec 2015
             He just invited me over to watch some movies and hang out
What to ware?
              I could ware my black tights with the pink sweater my **** looks real good in those....NO
               I could ware my shorts and show off my new shimmer lotion...NO
Ok my sweats and a hoodie is perfect time to go.
               His house is soo nice and it smells good
Why is he looking at me like that.
                 Maybe I'm too close....Okay he slid closer
Let me focus on the movie
                            Morris Chestnut is super cute but not as Cute as what's sitting next to me.
Okay Girl focus girl focus don't look at him focus on the Movie
                              Did he just lick his lips GOD help just look at the movie
"Huh?!? Me?,Yes I'm thirsty "
                  What is this? Taste like a ***** Rainbow He's really trying it.
Wow, those lips tho and if has looks at me one more time I think I'ma faint.
                                    Okay ,Okay hey focus focus look at The movie
"Yea, It's getting cold in here"
                              He moved closer and he smells so good.
I gotta go I cant do this.....Those lips
                              No No you are! strong you are strong!
Oh what the Hell I'm going for it he wont stop me.
                           His Hands are so strong so much for the movie.
322 · Dec 2015
Hopeless Romantic
Lia Dec 2015
I Love you
    The way you look at me
    The way you read me
I want you
    So you will never feel unwanted
    So you will always come home
  I need you
     Like a drug addict needs a fix
   Like a flower needs sunlight
I have you
      Holding on to my every word
309 · Dec 2015
Summer Romance
Lia Dec 2015
My Friend turned Lover overnight,The mixture of our skin still hunts my dreams.
So Beautiful.
So Pleasant.
287 · Dec 2015
He Said
Lia Dec 2015
Give your heart and I will make love to your soul,
Show me your pain and I will sooth it with my hands,
Shed all your tears and I will drink you dry,
Scream as loud as you can and I will take your voice away, Take all of me inside of you and we will be as one,
Feel my Lust,
Feel my need,
Feel my heart and I promise you will never leave.
287 · Dec 2015
Lia Dec 2015
I can see the pain behind each tear that falls.
281 · Dec 2015
F**K ME!
Lia Dec 2015
Lets By pass all the Talking
I rather you not tell me how good I smell or how soft my skin is. I don't care that you made reservations at this very lavish restaurant that has a waiting list three months long. No I do not need you to "set the mood" by playing soft mood , lighting candles and dimming the lights I really couldn't find a care to give about how much you are feeling me and how a woman has never made you feel this way please don't waste my time by telling me all you can do for me. Just close your mouth open my legs and **** Me.
266 · Dec 2015
What could be
Lia Dec 2015
If daddy didn't break my heart....
Hopping from bed to bed would not be a sport
Looking at men as unworthy of love and compassion would not be my sight and allowing myself to be loved would come naturally.
If Grandfather didn't die....
I would have arms to run to when I'm sad
Looking at myself as kind and compassionate would be my sight
and allowing myself to smile would be like breathing.

— The End —