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76 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
Her boyfriend
He don't know that I'm her girlfriend
I'm a 33 year old male lesbian
Who licks her sweet crevacis all night long
Me so *****!
Me love you long times!!!!!
76 · May 2018
Hurt :-) <3 (-:
Keven May 2018
It does hurt and always has
Other people's pain hurts more than my pain and always has
My mind won't stop showing me faces of sadness and pain on my loved one's faces sometimes
75 · May 2018
Czar Gent Mac Queen In
Keven May 2018
What does the word cannon mean? I’ll have to look it up here in a bit. From the dawn of time we came moving silently down through the centuries.
The few who remain will battle to the last.
Hear we are! Born to be kings! We’re the princess of the universe.
Fighting to survive in a world with the dark cast pow hers.
Hear we belong! Fighting fur survival.
I am immortal.
Whatever the date is doesn’t matter to me.
I love Donald Trump so much; he is one of my many personal heroes.
Fell hen knee charge jazz.
We are THIS close. Alright? I have to come hair.
What do you want? Do you want the truth? ******. If you lied, you would have an easier time getting what you wanted.
I puked in a trash-barrel. Print-screen button...very aweesome!
I’m just not willing to say that everything I’ve ever done is a bad thing. No one can stop me but me. People act like ******* and then wonder why they get treated like a bunch of worthless *******.
It’s so stupid that I’m waiting for an AA meeting to begin when I’m not even a real alcoholic. Vulnerability really freaks people out these days.
Is it real? I think so. You don’t have any cats. No. I like that. Questions and statements.
A distant ship’s smoke on the ***** eyes sin. Zen. Her eyes Zen. I caught a fleeting glimpse outta duh corn hair hove ma eyes. Duh dream iz goine. Eye halve bee *** *** fort tab lee numb.
It’s not exactly a dream-job. My **** is working...overtime. You’re not cracking up, are ya? I’m not ******* surprised. Yer getting reassigned. *** sign duh.
Look...for gotta lay low. What good am I to you if you don’t listen to me?
75 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
Don't let that crap in again cuz none uh that crap is every gonna happen again
We raised ya write
It's yer own **** fault you like plucking that there devi's fiddle, pa
74 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
Sometimes it can be so good
Other times so wrong
When it comes to good I wish it would
Be extra good so long
Me love you long time
Me so *****!!!!!!
74 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
The truth shall set you free, even though honesty can get you killed; the secret is to not fear death
74 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
Even the man who ***** me when I was eleven, I forgive
73 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
No one seems to wanna stay with her but me but anyone can just come along and say that about me and it'd probably be true
I don't know her and she doesn't know me but we do love each other on a spiritual level and I honestly believe her soul is purely dive and pure <3
72 · May 2018
Hold Ding On
Keven May 2018
I'm still holding...I'm bare lee hold ding on two youuuuuuuu
71 · May 2018
Know Won
Keven May 2018
No one can ever save us on time
71 · May 2018
Yer Nay
Keven May 2018
Yer name means ******* in every language
71 · May 2018
Eye Wood Rather
Keven May 2018
It's better to just **** me than allow me to live with your pain in my brain because I'll accidentally smother with kindness trying to make up for it
71 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
Why should I even bother doing things?
I shouldn't because people will not like me no matter what I do.
I just got invited to one of Madonna's famous beach-parties but I don't feel like going because Madonna is old and ugly and has a huge gap in her teeth and I bet her breath stinks really bad
71 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
Your only mom just died, even though she was your only real friend, and now you have nothing and no one?
Sorry about that...I'll be there for soon as I get back from buying more computers at Best Buy.
70 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
What is someone as smart, wise, beautiful and talented as Taylor Swift actually had a crush on me?
I seriously would just play it cool and not blow it, everyone
I just would wanna be whatever her ideal is
69 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
I'm listneing to some lifehouse right now....which makes it really hard to come up with my own, original poems.
I see that I misspelled listening up there and I don't care...I'm not going to bother correcting the mistake because I honestly don't care much at all
69 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
I don't want to be in trouble anymore! I'd rather just ******* die! I'm not afraid of death! I am afraid of life!
Keven May 2018
Duh broke can clock is ugh *** fort
68 · May 2018
Due You Hate
Keven May 2018
Do you hate the new me
Or am I old
Do you feel a sense of glee
When my happiness is sold
68 · May 2018
Money Matterzzzz
Keven May 2018
I just need Gordon Geko to finally realize I exist and acknowledge me within the financial community or I won't ever have enough money to finally impress my dad
It is true that people, including my dad, have informed me that money isn't all that matters but I don't trust people (not even myself) and don't really believe and/or care about the things that they say to me
AT the end of the things matters...and that's money!
67 · May 2018
Eye Don''t
Keven May 2018
I don't choose her pain
She chooses what she needs
I am not the stain of pain
That haunts her when she bleeds
67 · May 2018
Valentine's Day
Keven May 2018
I feel like watching the movie Valentine's Day
Even though it has Ashton Koochair
Because the real Taylor Swift is in the movie
I wish she cared about me enough
67 · May 2018
Keven XIII
Keven May 2018
You don't have to fall
But you can fly
You can fly with God and I
You can really fly!
You don't have to die
But you can dream
You can stay awake and dream or fall asleep
But you can really fly!
66 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
Sometimes, we really do drive off into the endless sunset and you make every simple moment of life worth it.
65 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
Whether we do good or bad, we always have to be ourselves, which is bad when we're bad and good when we're good and I'm not just saying so to be simple-hearted or coy or whatever; it really is that simple. I almost just got thrown back into the hospital but chose to have my parents and siblings just press legal charges against me this time; the trooper said there's not enough hard-evidence to drag me in but did end up writing a citation against me for harassment. This really is a crazy country but I love it.
65 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
You got it backwards if you think I owe you something
I have to take my poemz seriously or no one else will
Just like my life
I have everything except for true romance and I just have to accept that
I always wanted to fall in love with some beautiful and smart, amazing woman, who actually liked me for who I am and everything **** *** just never happened
Not for me, bra
65 · May 2018
Don't bee ugh frayed
Keven May 2018
Don't be afraid
I'm so high above your head
I am above trees
Above every cloud
65 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
They give and take everything to and from you
They **** you and break you down
Just because it happened to them
64 · May 2018
Heart Achez
Keven May 2018
I wish the real Taylor Swift wood fall in love with me and we could get married; she would honestly probably like me and fall head-over-heels in love if she actually took the time to become aware of my existence and actually wanted to get to know the real me.
64 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
We have nothing to fear **** the fear that no one cares about the redundant and simple truth of that anymore
People want to be afraid or something because it's all that's left
I don't know but I do
This is the worst poem yet
I ****
I kiss
Mouths and necks
I blow it all on her
Every her in time
63 · May 2018
Fry Day Night
Keven May 2018
Friday night is gone again and I feel the way I used to then
Take my time to get to bed
Though I wished that you were here instead
But it's all lies tonight and every other night
63 · May 2018
Let Me
Keven May 2018
Let me leave
I don't want to be in your *** penny
It is not worth anything to me
It's disgusting
63 · May 2018
Peep Hole
Keven May 2018
People who think my poemz are dumb are jerkz
Cuz they don't even no how smart eye ham hahahahahaha
62 · May 2018
Eye Fur Give
Keven May 2018
I forgive
I do
I live and forgive all of you
61 · May 2018
Sue Is Sighed
Keven May 2018
I would never actually **** myself on purpose but there's been so many times in my life when I wished I had a gun or cyanide pills so I could just end it all very quickly and I don't think I'm alone in this.
I hate when people ask "are you okay?" because people are the reason people are not okay.
61 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
Here, I bought you a big bag  of computers of all makes and models, new computers and used

I only want the new ones

You don't get to make that decision for this family
61 · May 2018
Brenda VII
Keven May 2018
I realized last night before sleeping that perhaps you were always dead and I am no different
61 · May 2018
You are Discussed sting
Keven May 2018
All you do is think about yourself
Even though you don't think you're selfish
It's disgusting
You make me sick
You are poison that kills
You never heal
60 · May 2018
Fame Ass
Keven May 2018
You are so famous
People read your name
It's written in the human condition
And every hue man is lame
60 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
This family busted its whole **** *** just to give ya what ya deserved, boy!!!!!!!
59 · May 2018
Eye Can Nut
Keven May 2018
I cannot live or go on without you but I do
I create false lives of us in my mind and reside there whenever possible
But people want me to have a life or something
I don't care
I forgive all
57 · May 2018
Can Eye Move On?
Keven May 2018
Can I be the lucky one today
And just move on
With nothing
Nothing to lose or gain
No more confused her
Telling me I choose her pain
56 · May 2018
Grate Mourn In
Keven May 2018
Line after line.
The object is neither to remember or forget.
Good and evil are pretty easy to discern. People are full of **** all the ******* time. Sweet dreams, as opposed to sour or sorrowful or sad.
What does that matter?
Deep ends.
I’m sure you know by now. I am taking life’s processes so seriously. Should I? I need to work on my car. I am having a grea morning.
56 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
Oh, the house is on fire?
Let's buy more computers
55 · May 2018
It Blows
Keven May 2018
I won't
Cuz it don't change a thing
When I hurry
And I can't change the wind
I know
And it blows!
But hey
I'm losing you today
53 · May 2018
Eye No Everything Butt
Keven May 2018
I know everything but what you know or not.
52 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
I am bound to a wheelchair
Okay, that is a lie
But I do drive a Cadillac
It has a wheel and there's a chair I sit behind
It's a wheelchair
I win
50 · May 2018
New Age Pale
Keven May 2018
I am so sick of Gordon Geko acting like I don’t even matter in the financial community; I need him to respect me or I’ll never have enough money to finally impress my dad enough into realizing that I am not a mistake!
50 · May 2018
Keven May 2018
It was always about me until it never was and perhaps that's how it always is
I cannot say with full surety
But I know my pain along the way was real and I often could hardly ever breathe psychologically
Keven May 2018
The computers don't even have any real money inside of them, everyone, even though so many of us dumped so much real time and money into these machines; I think it's funny...funny and sad.
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