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Keven May 2018
Why ain't things better yet?
I feel so unispired
Keven May 2018
Oh my god I feel so depressed right now
i ATE weigh too many tacos a few hours ago
It's raining outside...which is cool, I guess
I cna listen to any song on the planet but don't feel like it anymore...which is a big part of the depression
I wAS recently diagnosed with overstimulation or something liek that...seriously.
Keven May 2018
What if ornot was a real word? What would it even mean?
I dare you to moooooooove
I dare you to moooooooove
Oh...sorry, I'm listening to this great song by switchfoot right now
Keven May 2018
Oh god...Is life worth it ornot?
Keven May 2018
Lifehouse is such a great band...never wouldhave thought I'd like Christian rock so much back when I was a "cool" teenager...but these guys are obviously doing the lord's work.
Keven May 2018
I'm still holding...I'm bare lee hold ding on two youuuuuuuu
Keven May 2018
I'm listneing to some lifehouse right now....which makes it really hard to come up with my own, original poems.
I see that I misspelled listening up there and I don't care...I'm not going to bother correcting the mistake because I honestly don't care much at all
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