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Kelly McManus Nov 2019
Where's the human mind
after we're computerized
give them the boot now

                 Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Mar 2021
Get a subscription
of someone else's vision
how you should live life

               Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Nov 2019
Where can laughter be
found in a world run by clowns
when they all leave town

                             Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2021
Keep playing their games
make violence destruction
your second nature

                  Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2021
Light ends the darkness
cowering in the shadows
clinging to unknowns

                Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
Enlightenment stings
when your eyes are first opened
and the shadows fade
                                         Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2022
They all have their labs
working on human demise
because they're unwise...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2020
What's their top secret
how to exterminate us
but save things with worth

                   Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
My buddha belly
leading the way enlighten
my kitchen again
                               Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Nov 2020
World will never be
civilized lest it becomes

              Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2020
So what happens now
that they've mind controlled the crowd
no thinking out loud

                                         Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2021
We'll all be machines
inevitable it seems
so please pass the oil

         Kelly McManus
Thanks to industry
we'll go back to the stone age
turn another page
Kelly McManus Apr 2021
That's the irony
won't live long enough to see
world without countries

                       Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2021
Two snakes intertwined
government and big business
constricting progress

                        Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2019
Should I wait and see
how things would be after a
cryogenic freeze

                            Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2021
I don't need but would prefer
having privacy

                       Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Feb 2020
Yellow butterfly
fluttered to a flower blue
red ladybug too

                 Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2021
things that lead to our demise
first lack of trust sign

                         Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2019
Mind if they borrow
your life and then give it back
to you for a fee

                          Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2020
Those that you admire
will dissipate as this place
just evaporates

                    Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2021
What becomes of them
those who let others decide
more fertilizer

                    Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2021
Dreams are imagined
just like what your striving for
a dream nothing more

                          Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
After love, life is the most precious thing to live,
and live it well you should, and live it right,
every day and every night, and know how lucky
you are, to be given a life to live.
  Once the realization, finally sinks in, that you have
a duty to survive this life you've been given, and how
precious it is, then you must look at the world around
you, and see all the other precious things
called the living.
   Knowing the living, like you needs help to survive,
put out your hand, and help with thier lives, so, they can
help with yours;
if you argue, forgive, if you agree, be happy, but help
each other reach the next plateau of existence because
it's a living.
   God only knows, how long it will take to evolve,
to the point, of a true appreciation of creation;
So instead of swatting that fly, you just say, Hi!

                                                                Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2019
In the Beginning
there was a big bang nine months
later there was you

                                  Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
Summertime again
kids on bicycles chasing
their jingling ice cream
                                       Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2020
What do I vote for
that the death that they offer
will come while I sleep

                      Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
The accepted norm
if you are expecting more
                         Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2019
The length of your hair
the tie that you wear

                                  Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2020
Where you use to be
really shouldn't look the same
why haven't you changed

                         Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Mar 2021
Where do dreams come from
will they turn into nightmares
when you wake again

                         Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Mar 2020
Lower your weapons
raise your standard of living
or remain senseless

                         Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2021
Where they go from here
looks like back to where they where
making more mistakes

                                    Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2022
No don't need nations
their misappropriations
or indignation...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2021
One day we'll become
advanced civilization
if we don't let them

            Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2022
that creatures given a brain
would destroy themselves...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2021
Harsh reality
in a world of savages
tomorrow's fleeting

          Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Mar 2021
As they snap and growl
at anyone who gets near
the bone in their bowl

               Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2019
You have no control
so what's your expectation
of remaining whole
                                    Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2021
Do they frighten you
with what they threaten to do
lest you agree to

                         Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2020
Be open minded
makes things so much easier
to implant a chip

                   Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2021
Never lose your faith
to the wickedness of state
nor corporate flunkies

                 Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Nov 2021
Your children are going
to places unknown
on a need to know basis
they'll never return home
so mothers and fathers
teach them how to march
so in a few years
they can depart
after kissing
their sweethearts
they'll be off to fight
to keep the gas
pumps ringing and
diamonds on fingers
blinging while they're
wondering why their
leaders don't get
the electric chair
for what goes on
over; over there...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2022
Oinking for more worth
on this pig pen planet earth
rolling in the dirt...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Feb 2022
Wind is in the trees
ocean waves are on the beach
and freedom is free...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2021
Think psychology's
anything more than theory
then you are crazy

                   Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Nov 2021
Playing with matter
thinking disaster won't come
mankind your so dumb

                       Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
Empty your pockets
we need to build more rockets
the clock is ticking
                                    Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2021
Warriors of peace
what bigger contradiction
than that affliction

                  Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2019
When you think of home
is the vision that you see
a geiger reading

                            Kelly McManus
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