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Kelly McManus Apr 2021
Put them in control  
those who don't care about life
now you live in fear

                          Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Dec 2020
Guess you're not willing
to see the big cheese rotting
right before your eyes

Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Mar 2020
Like to scrape them
off the bottom
of my shoes
those who add more
weaponries to extend
the status quo of war
only defence needed
is from their greed
feeding off us
with continuous
while they tear
the world to pieces
to collect
on a dividend
stepped on it again
their stockpile
of necessary evil
that stinks to
high heaven
time to
flush again

                   Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2020
Developing world
how clear will the picture be
after corporate greed

                      Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2021
It's truly a shame
what humanities become
scrape it off your shoe

                Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Feb 2021
play with things you can't control
keep digging that hole

                                Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
Laying on the lawn
pointing out constellations
see The Big Dipper
                                   Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2019
Obviously the
future of a warrior
species extinction

     Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2021
When the world goes boom
hope you're in your happy place
while being erased

                          Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2022
You'll never find peace
in a military world
nor will you be free...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Mar 2023
World full of people
accept being stifled by
lowlifes with rifles...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2020
Sure keep on asking
why isn't the world montra peace
not war and disease

                               Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2022
Go on and join them
by following their orders
to Armageddon...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2021
Don't bite the apple
bad things will beset you in
twenty twenty two

                     Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2019
A yellow river
flowing into a brown sea
never use to be

               Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Nov 2022
They're stupid enough
already without launching
nuclear weapons...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
The trail of a slug,
reminds me, I should stick with,
the ones that I love.

                                Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2020
Watching their stooges
telling you wouldnt be wise
to live your own lives

                        Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Feb 2020
You let it happen
one day your children will wear
a world uniform

                               Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2020
Our lives are worth less
than all of their interests
so few will protest

               Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2019
Coming to an end
my friend
the direction like
an infection spreads
towards a desolate shore
where people care no more
letting fools wage war
no matter how much
cease and desist
is implored
words of peace
are ignored
but ordering weapons
they say more more more
more 21 gun salutes
burying blood stained boots
while taps is played
folding a rag
for a widow to save
as a mother weeps over
a grave of a child who she
too soon must wave
goodbye to
as she walks away
at the end of another day

             Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2021
I know the haters
as well as those who help them
silver won't save you

                          Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Feb 2020
There's no unity
there's only a vast divide
they sell and you buy

                    Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2021
Nature will survive
so at least that's one good thing
when we say goodbye

                            Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2020
The fortune you seek
is your very lives yet you'll
die for things that shine

                   Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2019
Business in cahoots
with the government pirates
plundering us all

                              Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Dec 2020
My ship has set sail
away from the pirate fleets
that rule the airwaves

                   Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Apr 2021
Your so called hero's
are trying to zero in
on controlling you

         Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2021
The weakest minds have
weapons of mass destruction
because they're thoughtless

                       Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Feb 2021
What do they create
only things meant to destroy
and you think your safe

                      Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Mar 2021
It's velvet pedals
bound inside a bud await
the warmth of the sun

                 Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2020
When I freed my mind
from the years of programing
I found the world wasn't

                         Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Dec 2019
Oop's all anyone
can say when they look back at
mankind's history

                            Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2020
Harshness of nature
set aside but her beauty
cannot be denied

             Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2020
Borders creating
adequate separation
of dominations

           Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2020
Send us a message
of overflowing promise
and hope emphasized

             Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2021
Forgiveness is free
and that's also what it brings
for everybody

                       Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Apr 2021
Ban things that go bang
would it hurt country music
and make the hounds cry

                      Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2019
Julius Caesar
would be pleased that his doctrines
still dictate the world

                                       Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2021
Enemy's a choice
where you are choosing to hate
which reciprocates

                           Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2019
When and if mankind
ever finds a spine guess what
it will be peacetime

                              Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2019
They showed such promise
till separate agenda's
destroyed all progress

                                      Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Mar 2023
Many have implored
cut your umbilical cord
from feeding on greed...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2019
She refused to spray
her new suede shoes and the day
she wore them it rained

                                        Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Mar 2023
All their witchdoctors
incubate new diseases
while rattling snakes...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2019
what is deemed acceptable
                        Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2019
Want less Deficit
and not have to mess with it
take back the check book
                                              Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2020
Who do you elect
someone else to point a gun
at you and say give

                      Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2019
In so much as so
far we don't know who we are
chimpanzee or clay

                                  Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2021
With every new day
there's the hope we can get out
of the primate rut

                          Kelly McManus
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