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Kelly McManus Dec 2019
Polite tendencies
but in a feeding frenzy
only bones remain

           Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2021
beasts is what you wish to be
prowling your boarders

                        Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Nov 2019
What ever happened
to wisdom instead of this
foolish division

                 Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Mar 2020
Where's equality
in this worlds feudal systems
the worth of the serfs

                          Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2020
You read a few books
and took a few tests now your
better than the rest

                         Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Apr 2021
Were you given life
to be put into their mold
what if you don't fit

               Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Nov 2019
Evil always tries
to ruin happiness but
happiness just laughs

          Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2021
Visualizing you
watching their shows with weapons
violence mind control

                                   Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2019
Where's the common sense
that should exist in the world
down the drain it swirls

                        Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Nov 2021
Prefers not to hunt
rather weave a sticky web
entangling its prey...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2022
Spending my rhyme on
about the  extortion of
us good citizens...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Dec 2021
Nuclear weapons
what's the sense in having bombs
unless you use them...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2019
Division creates
a waste of time and money
look at your country

                  Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2020
Since no one listens
what good is enlightenment
it's good for a laugh

                        Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2020
I've seen mothers cry
because their set of beliefs
didn't believe in life

                   Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Dec 2021
Why they making plagues
Merry Christmas anyway
Happy New Year too...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
Priceless work of art
you must keep away from them
because it's your life
                                     Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2020
Who or what will be
when we've consumed everything
waste naturally

                                  Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
Once was happening
isn't happening anymore
just by happenchance
                                  Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Nov 2019
After slobbering
all over me the puppy
walked away wagging

            Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2020
Want to see beauty
when your reading poetry
then just look around

                   Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2021
Put your mind at ease
now I've got your attention
remain as you were

                    Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2021
Hate hasn't won yet
looks like we're all still alive
though wars are contrived

                      Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2021
Still Neanderthals
grunting to tell everyone
advancements there's none

                    Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Nov 2021
When will we run
into the sun
and burn up into
ashes for all
they've done
just to control
every living soul
you don't know
what we
should do
but abide
with those
who are chosen
to rule
but not by you
and soon
we will run
into the sun
since they have
too cash in
our ashes
that blow away
in a wind
of futility
with nothing
to say...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2021
They won't take the time
to become all of one mind
and advance mankind

                 Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2019
It's time to invent
a new line of boats that float
on a plastic sea
                             Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
It's a small circle
outside looking in around
the academics
                           Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Nov 2020
Worlds ******* in knots
seemingly they just don't care
about our despair

                         Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2021
the gist of society
only ends badly

   Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Feb 2020
Seven deadly sins
list will need to be lengthened
for the government

                            Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2021
Hard pill to swallow
forced to fund doctors lawyers
part of the rigged plan

                          Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2020
Hoarding destruction
and you call that a peace plan
are you all quite mad

                        Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
A bird happily
singing in a tree ask me
I  would say that's free
                                         Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2020
If I was ever
asked to describe a cruise ship
floating petri dish

                           Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2020
As the veil lifts
what was once empty darkness
no longer exists

                           Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2021
Military minds
have brought us to the brink of
extinction and fear

                           Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2019
You have gone astray
following those who would lead
you to death's doorstep
                                         Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2020
All the children cry
their future's passing away
due to climate change

               Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2019
Can you free yourself
from what's designed  to snare minds
the trappings of wealth

                                     Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2021
Let those with small minds
control everybody's fate
we're in a bad state

                   Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2020
Cemeteries where
you see their propaganda
in all its glory

                 Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2020
If theres no recourse
against any entity
what part of thats free

              Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2021
They're not here for us
they're here to protect them from

                              Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2021
Stupidest people
who are hoarding nuclear bombs
and run weapons labs

                              Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2020
Only unity
can bridge the gap between us
and extinction

                          Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2019
Still with the peons
but you have an umbrella
now that's middle class

                                         Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2019
Always hear my host
The Holy Ghost laughing most
at my enemies

                        Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2020
Seems to come in waves
an ocean of emotion
when I hear your name

               Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
Truth about Judas,
go on, follow his footsteps;
kiss your soul goodbye.

                                   Kelly McManus
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