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Kelly McManus Jun 2021
End of everything
just a button push away
but you think your sane

              Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2023
The human races
tour of stupidity
a war on logic
Kelly McManus Dec 2020
Conquering logic
is what your history brings
destroy everything

                    Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2021
The whole human race
who you threaten with your wars
hell is your reward

                               Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2020
Bird in a tree sings
butterfly wings fluttering
flash of light nothing

                    Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Dec 2022
You let fools rule you
and their philosophy is
death is worth the risk...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Apr 2021
Bloodshed misery
they sure love their history
and want more of it

                   Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
I have gone beyond
all the programing meant to
subdue me from truth
                                       Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Apr 2021
Way things are going
who's gonna win in the end
just the Grim Reaper

                     Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Oct 2019
Uncivilized world
with restless natives running
around with their spears
                      Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2020
Sell Sell Sell Sell Out
your fellow man you'll do well
their blood on your hands

                           Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
A puffy cloud with
a light rain seems to be all
I have on my brain

                                   Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Feb 2022
The weather's changing
whether you like it or not
storms are the new norm...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Dec 2020
Just look around you
then it becomes plain to see
a system failure

             Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2020
Give your children games
with guns so when their time comes
they can shoot themselves

                                        Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2020
No it's not a swamp
compliments of the cesspool
they are leading you

                       Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Dec 2020
It's out with the old
and then it's in with the new
there's paperwork too

                      Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2019
So much in this world
we're forced to accept until
there is nothing left

                                  Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2021
If there was one word
you could use to describe life
that word would be rot

                       Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Apr 2021
A Venus fly trap
catching its lunch not as sweet
as a marshmallow

                          Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2019
Time melted away
when you could be all alone
with your ice cream cone

                                           Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2021
Stuck on a world where
irrational behavior
seemingly favored

              Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2020
Edgy poetry
warnings that should be heeded
are simply ignored

                                Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2021
What did they teach you
governments exploit people
and they're proud of it

                     Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
You might disagree,
with portions of my poetry,
that's OK with me.

                             Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Dec 2021
Blood of many lives
they paint a pretty picture
that fades in the light...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Apr 2020
They choose to remain
primitive and violent
in nature so sad

               Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Aug 2021
It's the cost to them
weapons manufacturing
they can't afford Peace

               Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2019
Because you let fools
rule you death has a finger
poised to press Kaboom

               Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2021
Pick forget me nots
and then place them on my grave
as I slowly rot

                               Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Apr 2021
They don't care about
humanity if they did
you wouldn't be doomed

                 Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2021
Staring at your screen
hoping that it will fulfill
all your hopes and dreams

                   Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Apr 2021
They ask for respect
while stockpiling certain death

                           Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jul 2019
The concrete jungle
the deeper you find yourself
the sooner your lost
                                     Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Mar 2020
World's contemplating
the price of hesitating
formulating plans

              Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2020
How can we ever
win with world division and
greed motivation

                      Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Apr 2022
Equal won't be found
with their rank and file systems
hypocrisy will...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Sep 2020
There's one thing this world
has got that will never stop
that one thing is rot

                      Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Feb 2021
Speakers read their scripts
your brain simply accepting

                      Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Apr 2020
This warning was clear
close all the germ warfare labs
or we're all on slabs

                           Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Nov 2021
What does their PHD
tell them other than
they know nothing
yet they will try
to make something
out of nothing
in order to
convince you
that they know
what they're doing
with your ensuing
which they will tell
you comes in the form
of a pill you take
three times a day
and watch your
problems simply
fade away
into oblivion
every time
you refill
your prescription...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus May 2021
by reason of insanity
world in a nutshell

         Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Dec 2019
World shows no logic
not even the logical
fear of extinction

           Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Dec 2020
The sun rose again
only the insects could see
after world war three

                 Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Nov 2021
The way it stands now
only insects will survive
mans stupidity...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jan 2020
A wolfpack attacks
but a quick thinking deer leaps
across a deep creek
                              Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2021
When they put the chip
inside of your brain will you
remember my name

                       Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Nov 2021
World in the mirror
could it be better than here
reflecting on that...Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
The hounds sniffed the ground
the fox ran off in a huff
when the dogs went ruff
                                                 Kelly McManus
Kelly McManus Apr 2021
Spun around the sun
then I found my way back here
orbiting again

                            Kelly McManus
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