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245 · Jun 2015
Why I Like To Write
The Broken Poet Jun 2015
You have gone to another world
Nirvana some might say
Heaven some believe
Or maybe you became another person
You could just be a pile of dirt
But when I write about you
I smell beer and dirt
I taste your salty lips
I feel your soft curly hair
Even now I feel your rough hands all over me
I tremble with a longing
If only you wouldn't of gone
My darling, I'm trying to hang on
But I have no rope
I write to keep the memory of you alive
I write to hear your laughter
I write to see your toothy grin
I write to feel your body warmth lying next to me
But I know that when I stop writing
Your presence will leave
I will miss you
Farewell, until my next writing.
243 · Sep 2015
Dear Future Me
The Broken Poet Sep 2015
I just want you to be happy.
242 · Jun 2015
Never Close Enough
The Broken Poet Jun 2015
I could feel your hot breath on me
But it wouldn't be enough to ignite a fire
I could feel your intertwining hands weaving in mine
But it wouldn't be enough to feel your soft, hard hands
I could feel your heart beat against mine
But it woudn't be enough to feel your soul
I could feel your shaggy hair on my face
But it wouldn't be enough to feel like a million bugs
I could feel your lips against mine
But it wouldn't feel like the sun's endearing coolness
I could be feeling your whole body against mine
But it wouldn't be enough to feel like a jigsaw puzzle
I could never be close enough
With you, there is no such thing as too much love
Even now, I could feel your spirit intertwining our hands
Telling me to not shed a tear
I am enveloped in a cloud storm full of sweet sorrowful memories of us.
Why did you have to fight the war?
238 · Jun 2015
Wishing You Were Here
The Broken Poet Jun 2015
236 · Jun 2015
Why I Believe
The Broken Poet Jun 2015
There is smoke in the air
Buildings are tumbling down
Little girls getting *****
Men getting abused
People hanging themselves
"Can't you see the world is full of madness?
Yet you still choose to believe?"
It's easy,
When I die I will be forever happy floating amongst the clouds
Nothing but a pure innocent soul
But when you die you have nothing to look forward to
You don't believe in an after life
You question my faith
I question your lack of faith
You say, "What kind of a God will allow this?"
Missing your sweet loved one
He took your most precious love and you started to hate Him
The death of my uncle opened my heart to Him
You say you don't believe in a God that it is unthinkable
But when you fall who catches you?
My God does
Whether there is a God or not
I like to believe in something magical rather than nothing at all
I have to have a reason to hang on to
It's much like breathing
You can't see it but you can't live without it.
233 · Jun 2015
The Boy Whose Eye I Caught
The Broken Poet Jun 2015
But you sit right affront of me
Not knowing that this poem is about you
I catch you staring at me
I stare back
But you bow your head down
I think I have a crush on your smile
On your boyish grin.
233 · Jun 2015
A Love Song
The Broken Poet Jun 2015
When I read a poem
I feel like I'm listening to a song
I feel like I'm dreaming another's dream
Sometimes I like to sing the poem as if it were meant to be a song
If only poets were singers
Then there would be heartfelt songs
There would be world peace on earth
And everybody can learn to cherish every second
A poet's poem is the closest you'll get
To the watery depths of their mind, heart, and soul
A poet's poem is a love song
Listen to the words
And you'll hear the wind whispering in your ears
You'll feel the sea tickling your toes
You'll feel the sun burning your heart inside out
A poet's poem is a rainbow after the thunderstorm
A poet's poem is the greatest love song.
229 · Oct 2015
The Broken Poet Oct 2015
Life taught me
That nothing is forever
My love stories taught me
That one will always love deeper.
227 · Sep 2015
The War
The Broken Poet Sep 2015
He was a handsome young fellow
Smiled with his whole heart
Then he went on overseas
Came back like a mine
All ***** and filthy with the day's mission
He never cried again, that boy
He once was so sweet and sensitive
His hands bare the blood of humans
He no longer smiles
His head is always bowed down
A bottle always clutched to his side
His rifle slung around him
Everyone is an enemy
He ain't the young friendly cowboy you once knew
He drank himself to death
The War threatening his life
The War depriving him of his sleep
Creeping in when he closed his eyes
He would wake up screaming and cursing himself
It shouldn't have been him, it should've been me
He pulled the trigger with an empty Jack nearby
The War took his life.
The Broken Poet Jun 2015
There is a constant string of words
Just waiting to get pieced together
Even as I write
My hand cannot keep up
With my poetic heart
Everything I see has meaning
Everything to me is
A poem just waiting to happen.
226 · Jun 2015
A Love Story
The Broken Poet Jun 2015
I grew up my whole life never knowing what true love was
Until I experienced it myself
I said I hated him before he was born
More responsibility for me
My grades dipped
But with every feeding
He would stare at me
As if I were the most beautiful girl ever
He would laugh and smile
I slowly started to fall in love with him
This is not like every other love story
He has peed on me many times
I've had to clean up his throw up
Nobody said this was going to be sweet
He blows all his boogers on my t-shirt
He burps in my face
But when I hold him
I like to put my hand on his heart
And feel every beat
I like to trace the contours on his face
I like to feel his body heat late at night when I can't sleep
He takes up most of the bed
But he'll wake up at midnight
I take him to ***
I crawl back into my bed
I fall asleep with an angel
I have developed a relationship with my baby brother
He calls me **** nugget
Thought I feel like his proud mommy
He runs to me when I come home
I try and hug him tightly
I want to be able to remember his boyish scent of dirt and salt
Of all people, I couldn't live without him
I now know what love is
Now I pray to God
For my safe return
That my baby brother will grow up free and happy.
221 · Sep 2015
Kiss Me in the Rain
The Broken Poet Sep 2015
When Heaven's waters rain down
I want you to pull me in tight
Our slick bodies moving with the wind
You white cotton tee exposing
Your shaggy hair sticking to the nape of your neck
I want to feel your wet lips on me
The raindrops tickling our skin
I want you to hold me and never let go
Tell me how much you love me
Baby kiss me in the rain.
221 · Jun 2015
Just One More
The Broken Poet Jun 2015
He's at the bar drinking with his buddies
They can barely understand him
His words are slurry
His vision is blurry
He asks for one more beer
They say 'okay last one'
15 beers later it's closing time.
My heart is the true poet
Whatever it wants my body works for it
My cramping hand slowly glides the paper
Quickly being filled with letters
Stringing the paper and filling its empty void
I think to myself, 'just one more'
I am no better than the alcoholic
They have an aching head the next morning
I have an aching hand
I don't know when to stop
I love writing about nothing and everything
Each poem I write sparks a new one
'Just one more,'  every poet says.
218 · Sep 2015
Dear Heart
The Broken Poet Sep 2015
Stop thinking of him.
217 · Jun 2015
Hello Poetry
The Broken Poet Jun 2015
They tell me to get a life
So now I'm here
I'm addicted to sweet words written across a page
From a writer's watery depths
Hello Poetry
Goodbye my life
Now I'm forever cursed
With a long string of letters just waiting
To get put into a poem
Now everything around me is just a poem waiting to happen.
212 · Jun 2015
What Happens After Death
The Broken Poet Jun 2015
The world will still spin on its axis
The sun will rise and set
The moon will come up
The Stars will cover the night sky
The world won't stop for you or me
We're just another person gone
Many more follow us
It's now our time to go back home.
204 · Sep 2015
The Broken Poet Sep 2015
There is no such thing as black or white
We are caged in the center of it all
Our hearts and minds waging a war
In between our parent's barking
Asking which one we love more
We are expected to act like adults
But we get treated like children
Our heart's dreaming dreams that reality cannot sustain
Our souls begging to live forever
In a world full of the unknown
We want answers to unquestionable questions
We want to believe in the beauty of life
So we try and chose the right path
But there are no two paths
They collide and intertwine
Much like the beauty of the rose
Our paths are gray
They will be filled with great despair and love
Tears and cheers
Gray is the new paradox
For our thoughts creep into our hearts
And our hearts creep into our thoughts.
203 · Jun 2015
True Beauty
The Broken Poet Jun 2015
A cloud covers the sun
But the sun still shines forth
Everyone looks for the mysterious sun
Where has it gone?
You can be the most beautiful cloud
But what truly matters is what lies behind it
The heart will always shine forth through every flaw.
195 · Jun 2015
My Innocent Kid Thoughts
The Broken Poet Jun 2015
I used to grow up believing everyone was a Christian
I've never heard of combat
Everyone was always happy
It was world peace on Earth
Everyone was a Republican
But I guess that's just because I'm Texan
I never knew pain existed
I never knew love and hate could be used in the same sentence
I never knew love followed bawling fists
I never knew love could be aborting your unborn baby for the sake of yourself
I never knew love was selfish
I never knew what it mean like to feel dead
Because each day made me feel more alive
I thought everyone would have a gateway into Heaven
I never knew one could ****** to no mercy
Whether it's oneself or another
It is still ******
I used to think it never got stormy
I would always wake up to the birds chirping
And the sun shining
The smell of coffee strong in the house
Breakfast ain't breakfast if you ain't got meat
I never knew bullying existed
I was just always a jolly 'ole girl
And I still try for the sake of humanity
But sometimes my foot falls into the hole on the sidewalk
Oh! My innocent kid thoughts.
184 · Jun 2015
If You Were To Know
The Broken Poet Jun 2015
If you were to know
That I would've broken your heart
Before I mended it
Would you of gave me the key?
                                                            ­                                    If you were to know
                                                                ­                    That I would've said goodbye
                                                                ­                                Sooner than later
                                                                ­                 Would you of have walked on by?
If you were to know
That I had cancer
Would you of still fallen in love with me?

                                                            ­                                     If you were to know
                                                                ­                              that today is your last day
                                                             ­                           Would you lock yourself away
                                                                ­      Or let everyone know how much you love them?
163 · Jun 2015
I Don't Care
The Broken Poet Jun 2015
They tell me I should love myself more
They tell me to be nicer
They tell me to be careful with the heart  
They tell me I should smile more
They complain that I am too loud
They tell me to quit talking
They tell me to quit writing poems
But writing poems is all I'm good at
I have no other way to express what I feel.
157 · Jun 2015
The Fire
The Broken Poet Jun 2015
And there will be a time
When a boy
Ignites a fire
Up and down your soul
But you got to learn how to contain it
Because one day
He will be gone
And so will that fire.

— The End —