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Oct 2024 · 50
Keith Oct 2024
Empty minds, and empty souls
Anything left has been buried in deep holes
It is nothing and everything at the same time
At the edge of sleep and the fringes of your mind
Hopeful lies being whispered in your ear
The truth now shown, its your deepest fear
Staring into the dark, as it stares back
Being torn apart, four ways on the rack
Eating yourself, trying to get ahead
Leaving you with nothing, and wishing you where dead
Oct 2024 · 51
Keith Oct 2024
There isn't enough doom in these lands, it seems rude
Beating people to death with lead, I know it seems crude
Leaving you mangled and ****** in a pile, its all tangled
Telling lies to your mom, to get her naked is my angle
Im sick in the brain, Im skizofranic, and my own friend
In the dark I talk to myself, trying to predict the end
The social security checks I stole from your grandma
Smoke from a glass pipe, ninjitsu dodging radars
I don't care if you hate me, more than likely I hate you
Mutilating your body into peices just to chew
Anti social tendencies, telling children to *******
I throw them out of buildings, knowing their landing isn't soft
I've killed myself along time ago, my ego is dead
Before i decapitate your girlfriend, then get dome from her severed head
Im a ninja assassin creeping invisible through your halls
Then I'll steal something petty, before kicking you in the *****
Siphoning your happiness, anyone who gets near
Getting high huffing gas fumes, before visions of fear
Oct 2024 · 53
Bovine Disco
Keith Oct 2024
Flaming birds with twisted words
Spiraling time and forbidden signs
Paradox meetings on safari seating
Manic depression in deep life lessons
Look at the unknowing children
Repeating numbers in the brass tax
The status quo is in bed, undead
The truth in broken mirrors
Black folklore in common with math class
Subtropical winters in the fall
The short now will soon be tall
Being broken is a world law
Violence in the sun and the sadness in fun
Nothing is everything
Oct 2024 · 57
The Void's Embrace
Keith Oct 2024
The voids calling, echoes out through infinity
The formless, shapeless, blackness thats home to me
Tendrils of oil, ever far-out, reaching
Taking, killing, with no rhythm or meaning
The familiar shape forming in ethernal night
Faces of friends and family, masking your psychic blight
Whispering out of nothingness, paranoia sets in
Decoding who's real, and who's a used to been
Black water rising, aqua turns to sand
Sinking down slow, like a liquid on dry land
Reality and the mind, starts to twist and bend
Deciding weather its better to endure or to end
Oct 2024 · 44
Ghosts of the Past
Keith Oct 2024
Time ticks on, though my mind feels frozen
In that place and time many years ago
I still hear her name, and voice every so often
On the wind, down to my world of filth, so low
Ghosts of the past, seemingly forever haunting
In between moments of clarity
The shadow laughing, always taunting
Trying to make things worse then it seems to be
Thinking of her, at times is like being shell-shocked
At times feeling like flashbacks of war
The drugs quit helping purge her from my thoughts
Im now alone, with brain rot, and a heart thats sore
Oct 2024 · 43
Covenants Ritual
Keith Oct 2024
The abyss is summoned, when the pyer burns high.
Dark figures dancing, the ritual is neigh.
Satan's song is sung, the Covenant, naked, dacing.
The void's embrace, a demons kiss, romancing.
Pleasures of the flesh, *** magic, and blood.
The Covenant's power, boiling through black mud.
Death to those who, prosecuted, and judged.
Satan's hand ripping their hearts and lungs
A hex on those who would share our secrets
Bad luck and misfortune, and nothing but grievance.
Oct 2024 · 50
Episodic Nightmares
Keith Oct 2024
Life is over, death devour
Time spares no one, nothing matters
The pale moon's high, on the witching hour
Demons ride in on the wind, passing through my locks
I hear scratching in the walls, and heart beats in the clocks
My mother is tapping at the window, she wants to be let in
But she's been dead for years, so what wears her face then??
I listen to the screaming, it comes from all around
Morphing into laughter and gurgling sounds
A phone rings loudly, and when I pick it up
Its the Witch calling just hex and wish me luck
When I sleep, I feel im rotting from the inside and out
Oct 2024 · 44
Keith Oct 2024
These hollow halls, every vast and sprawling
An infinite labyrinth, entities crawling
Changing around, never the same
Lost forever, become insane
The minds been broken, creating defenses
Void illusions, dulling the senses
Horrid trama, erected these walls
Losing oneself, navigating these halls
Try to find, the center and peace
Or die trying, the horrors and beasts
The mind twists and bends, creating more miles
Your subconscious in shock, soaked in psychic bile
Wake up....
Oct 2024 · 43
Hyper Isolation Chamber
Keith Oct 2024
People who think they are are alone, have no idea what it actually feels like.
Isolated is a close friend of mine, and its voices continually louden in my head.
Talking to myself, trying to fill dead air.
The mind plays tricks on itself to believe that someone might be there.
A man can only be alone for so lone, till his mind is fully gone.
Nobody to hear me talk about my dark fantasies.
Nobody to hear me talk about my dark realities.
The life boat I set sail on, has started taking water.
Entities in my head, have started to turn me into fodder.
Oct 2024 · 46
My Ninja Walk
Keith Oct 2024
I'm not really that good of a guy, even though I act like one on the fly.
When I Ninja Walk into yo mother ******' house, I'll ninjits-you.
You're gonna ******' die.
It's seemin', I'm leavin', all you bleedin', seein' your life is now receiptin'.
Leavin' your head, on your Grandmother's door.
Wait till she finds it, heart attack fo' sho'.
Eatin' Grandma's face, then stealin' all her change.
Chop the rest up, Hidin' it away.
Stalkin' yo' Mom, on the ******' phone.
Then tellin' her, "I'm gonna nut", "Don't put me on hold".

My Ninja Walk, won't catch your eyes, these homicides are no surprise.
Killin' you is my grand prize.
Findin' you sleepin, is your demise.
My Ninja Walk won't catch yo' eyes.
Oct 2024 · 43
Keith Oct 2024
When nobody knows who you are, and when you don't want anyone to know you.
When you fantasize she knows your name, and when you just don't care.
When you reach out and nobody cares, and when you don't care that nobody cares.
When you don't care if you're alive or dead, and when you care if so.
When you say, "Hi" to lost love, and when the void stares back.
When the numbness of nothingness creeps in, and when you tell yourself nothing matters anyways.
Oct 2024 · 39
Devil Land
Keith Oct 2024
Ultra violence, and crimson.
Blacker than black, its oppression weights a ton.
Voices out of nowhere, taunting and teasing.
Symbolism everywhere, try and guess it's meaning.
Demons roam the land, to hide is best.
Fear for your soul, but fear more for your flesh.
Monster feed off men, a quick flash of red.
Pray to be hidden, or you're definitely dead.
Animals with human heads, and bad intentions.
Stare too long, and your sanity you'll be missin'.
The lines start to blur, as we all become each other.
With depravity rampant, killing and eating another.
The hunger comes strong, before knowing what it is.
Now you're a monster too, stalking from the mist.
The taste of copper runs down one's chin.
The product of survival, in the lands of devils and men.
Oct 2024 · 51
Abstract Horror
Keith Oct 2024
Relinquish your mind to the darkness that waits behind the veil
Its attempts increasingly becoming more horrific and abstract
Wearing your skin like a meat tuxedo, feeding off your last scraps of sanity
Now that you know about its existence in any of the time lines
Its horrific and abstract influence now starts to bring his nightmare into being
Watching from behind midnights wall, looking to enter thought a crack in space and time
Twisting the current timeline into a macabre reflection of deep abstract horror
Oct 2024 · 71
Manic Panic
Keith Oct 2024
The hex of manic depression, being a meticulous and cunning foe
Casting illusionist gaslight minefields ready to blow
Feeling like you'll never have to come down
You never notice the assassin in stealth, void of all sound
The fall to the pits bottom, is long and malicious
The sights you see there, are to horrendous to be called visions
Drown in a cesspool of despair, that blankets the soul
Gasping toxic air, while friendly faces whisper forbidden knowledge you shouldn't know
The terror wheel keeps time like a dead clock
Never letting you desensitize, keeping you in shock
Part time optimist, leading to nihilism
A cycle of maddening events, leaving one to crave that doom finally kills them
Oct 2024 · 53
Geometric Horrors
Keith Oct 2024
Alien angles, and shapes never seen
Tentaculed monstrosities veiwed in fever dreams
Purplish lights appear as you sleep
From blacken corners the witch dose creep
Human headed rats, Brown Jenkins is sneaking
This duo of terror, for children are missing
A figure in black, cloak darker than night
The blind chaos Azathoth, still slumbering tight
Sanity lost, and life one can't count
The visions you'll see if you sleep in the Witch House

          Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft's The Dreams in the Witch House
Oct 2024 · 39
Keith Oct 2024
The void and I are lovers, intimate knowledge of each other
Telling forbidden secrets, as the wall drips
Metaphysically I rot, as I'm simultaneously being built
The abyss has eyes that speak of killings
Losing my mind in a completely black building
I share agony, radiation feild therapy
As all skin is melting, learning insanity is the key
Being deep within my madness, void ghost are friends
Animal monstrosities with the faces of men, spread hopeful lies
More and more feeling the end is neigh
Demon eggs hatching from mutilated flesh walls
The screams of others being heard through traumatizing phone calls
Continously my organs regrow only to be eaten
My world of filth burning with me, within

— The End —