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Karen Mar 4
Purple crocuses 
In the light,
Striking to the eyes .
The first to bloom ,
Petals of hope ,
Rebirth ,
Sweet nature.
Karen Mar 4
When the heart sings,
I listen,
I know love is near .
Karen Mar 3
A blood red rose in one hand,
A silver dagger in the other ,
Which one will she choose ?
Could either seal her fate ,
An inner vioce says ,
"Take neither  my dear ".
Karen Mar 3
In her solitude,
She finds tranquil peace,
A loving heart ,
A kind word ,
A fresh start .
Karen Mar 2
In the realm of dreams,
Pretty poetry,
Words crystal clear,
She read them so perfectly,
When she awakes ,
The Memories fade
A distant whisper remains,
And her search begins .
Karen Feb 28
A delicate crystal elephant,
Fleeting in the mind ,
Reminds me of an enchanting lucky charm.
A red heart came befour it .
Softly embedded in the heart.
A beautiful gift from the past .
Karen Feb 27
Many beautiful words describe
The devine love .
Do we hold the key .
Or is it etched in the heart or soul ?
I do not know .
But we our given the beautiful gift of words .
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