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Karen 10h
A primal love
Raw and Untamed
Passions run deep
Like beautiful flames
Depicted by a ancient red rose
The symbol of love
  13h Karen
in its calm,
feels like breathing,
always there.
Calm love should feel like the early morning light, - soft, steady, and effortless, isn't it???
Karen 1d
Magestic eagles
A mesmerising dance
In the sky's above
Drawn together
They cling to each othet
Twists and turns
In haunting glides
In perfect sync
In fleeting feats of grace
Karen 1d
Jagged peaks carve his path
Like black onyx absorbing light
An amber sun in muted gold
A fading light
Hidden dangers lie ahead
In haunting echos
Where shadows test
He stills his mind
A strength he finds
  2d Karen
It's fascinating
That I keep coming back here.
When my heart breaks
And the darkness seeps in,
When there seems to be
No one to talk to
I come here
And I talk to myself.
I let strangers read the words
That no one can hear.
Even when they spill out of my mouth.
I come back to connect
With my true nature
And to those,
I dont even know their names.
So...I think I'll always be here.
So I can always be free.
My escape
Karen 2d
Painting a scene
Light violet and purple flowers in spring
A hint of lavender mist
Light blue sky's, a touch of serene
Crisp white clouds
A tint of white
Each brushstroke a traquil peace
Karen 4d
A dance on ice
Where light and darkness merge
Takes all her strength
But she glides with ease
In frozen fire
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