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Aug 2020 · 149
Wind bending grass
Your love adopts my heart
Like a good matron
An orphan

I dance with all fervour
To your gentle whispering
Of breeze passiy through
The pines of my heart
I march like a crusader
For my stake of Jerusalem

Princess, I am the knight
You anointed with your breath
Of life - the power of your North Pole eyes

I am the sword sworn to your honour
And the service of your love
Now, naked and unsheathed, plunge
Me into your fire

Put me atop your anvil
Let your palms be the hammer
Moulding me to your desired gem

Hold me to your heart
Hot and molten
Wrought me into whatever diadem
Would fit your head
What pendant for your *****

I will never scorch your potter's hands
I will never singe your smith's fingers
I will acquiesce to every whim of your love

Naked and hot therefore
In your hands I will be a refreshing fountain
My water, cool as cucumber
Ready to wash your feet of gazelle
Ready to sate the Sahara of your soul
Aug 2020 · 161
Be you black
Be you white
We are all one

Be you pink
Be you brown
We are all one

Man is man
No matter his colour
No matter his tongue
Aug 2020 · 93
What Magic
What magic could have induced the sky
To look so blue?
What magic could have induced the forest
To look so green?
What magic could have induced the sun
To look so fiery?
What magic could have induced the moon
To look so meek?
What magic could have induced the sea
To look so opulent?
What magic could have induced my heart
To love you so?
Aug 2020 · 81
Every time I think of you
I add a year to my passion
I lift the levers of my joy
You increase the range of my wings
Like the biggest angel in heaven
You fly me to the moon

A lover is a person like me
Whose darkness never endure
He has light fused into his heart
All currents run through his veins

I can live for a thousand years
A thought of you wins me a decade
For daily I take the elixir
That drives death beyond the borders

For every time I think of you
I add a year to my range
And a universe to my wings
Jul 2020 · 98
Looking For You
I shift the papers
I shuffle the bundles
Online and offline
Looking for you
Through cyber nooks and crannies
Where you hide your many faces
In different moods
Scented smiles
Winsome eyes
Jubilant cheeks
Ivory strong teeth
Whiter than egret's wings
Coying dimples
Two curve amber rainbows
Black river of hair
Flowing forever
From Cairo to Congo
Half of the continent enriched
Send more of you
In papers and screens
The thousands here
Are appetizers alone!
The hunger could only be assuaged
Holding you face to face
Breath to breath
Kiss to kiss
And life to life

(C) Kamarudeen Mustapha
Jul 2020 · 159
Be You Black
Be you black
Be you white
We are all one

Be you pink
Be you  brown
We are all one

Man is man
No matter his colour
No matter his tongue

(C) Kamarudeen Mustapha
Jun 2020 · 88
The Hollow In Me
The hollow in me

Yearns for a fill

Like a pipe for a piper

Stick your wonderful lips

And fire my flute

I will then sing the destiny

Of conquerors in me

These arms of mine

Yearn for wings

Like an eagle scaling the heavens

Lend your flight

And the wind

I will reach the Orion

Every poem

Needs a rhythm

To charm

And metaphors

To mint the crowns

For a poet's many dreams

Every man

Needs the strength of your eyes

To conquer the darkness of his prison

And attain

The digits of freedom

On your fingertips
Jun 2020 · 143
Be My Poem
Be my poem

I will be your rhythm

Be my music

I will be your melody

Be my drama

I will be your dialogue

Be my wind

          And let me be your kite

Be my star

I will be your twinkles

Be my sun

I will be your heat

Be my moon

I will be your beams

Be my wind

          And let me be your kite

Be my snail

I will be your shell

Be my bee

I will be your sting

Be my zebra

I will be your stripes

Be my wind

        And let me be your kite

Be my heart

I will be your beats

Be my river

I will be your waters

Be my bones

I will be your marrow

Be my wind

           And let me be your kite

Be my sleep

I will be your dream

Be my arms

I will be your strength

Be my wings

I will be your flight

Be my wind

            And let me be your kite
Jun 2020 · 98
My Love For You
My love for you

Is the crocodile of the deep

Without the prized teeth

A tiger without its fangs

A moon without the silvery lining

A sun without its heat

A question mark without

Its base dot

A petal of thorns in my liver

An inconclusive affair like June

And forever a red burning jigsaw
June 12, refers to a presidential election held in Nigeria on June 12th 1993. The election was declared inconclusive by the then military head of state of Nigeria, despite been free and fair.
Jun 2020 · 76
Let Me Beautify You
Let me hang shining stars
On every strand of your hair
Let me clothe your queenly figure
In a dress woven of surplus rainbows
Let me put on your head
A garland of afternoon suns
Let me wash your dainty feet
With all the waters of Atlantic
Let me cover you in sweet fragrance
Of my unwavering love
Let me beautify you the more

— The End —