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Shade Jun 2015
Love is a two sides coin
One side good the other bad
It is bright sun and nice days
But its also dark clouds and cold rain
Its pleasure and pain rolled into one
No one said it was made to be easy
Or that there would be no pain
You have your chest with its key
Only you know where it could be
Doesn't mean I won't look
I will take the dark and cold
you may hold and give light and warmth
You know how you feel
I've been there myself
There is no light
Only pain that hurts you again and again
So you take my light
I'll take your pain
So you may be happy again
Why She allowed me to upload it because my reply
Shade Jun 2015
Love is a word that brings you down,
love is a word in which one could drown.
Love is a theory that make all cry,
love is a word that can make anyone die.
Some times love is a path,
and sometimes it's a wreckless blood bath.
How is love a gentle breeze when all the pollen makes humans sneeze?? Despite sadness and fear, love may listen but does it ever hear?!?
Love is not a smile that lights up a day,
love is a word I truly wish no one would say.
A force to stop the heart!
Love is a force that rips it apart- love is a fire that burns in the soul?
Never melted the souls of the cold. Love has no beginning or end?
You start being love struck and then less than a friend.
Wider than the sea brighter than a star?
Never met someone who would even go that far.
Love is a wilted flower to be drown,
water perks it up but it deserves to be put in the ground.
My heart is a chest which no one will find the key,
who cares where it is it rests inside of me.
Love is a lie and forces one to curl up and die.
But how can this all be true?
Even though I have.. Fallen to you.
You gave me a heart I refuse to keep,
even your poem was so ******* deep...
This is NOT by me a friend wrote it in reply to my what is love poem This is her work not mine She is Allowing me to put it up
Shade Jun 2015
I hear her calling me
The girl from my dreams
From my mind she calls my heart
She takes over with a single thought

Come to me she says
Ill take your pain
Turn your dreams to reality
Come find me I am lost
And can't find the path back

She promises me that she
Will be my friend
With access to my heart
To be my muse
Ill write with no stop

I have nothing for her
All I have is me
I am cracked glass
I am a rusted tool
Only fit to be melted

I don't know her yet
But I will
Everyday I get closer to her
Draw near to where she is lost
This girl of my dreams
Shade Jun 2015
Reaching through the mist
Fighting for my life
Strength in light
Shadows in my heart
Standing tall
Just to fall
Fighting truth
Only to forget my lie
Trying to hate love
Only to want it more
Where are the dreams
They have died
All hope gone
Wishes shattered

When I want to dream
All night I suffer fright
Chained to my own wall
Locked in my heart
Why did I make my heart stone
Why change warmth for cold
I am the voice deep within
Hoping someone will come right in
Free me of my chains of fright
Take me to see the light
Ive been trapped for so long
I fear my heart is gone
I can't express what I truely feel
Until you help my heart heal
Once strong and full of love
Now weak and dryer than sand
All around me its getting dark
Because ive been trapped within my heart
Shade Jun 2015
Rain is falling from the sky
All around the heavens cry
Why do people hate the rain
How does it cause them pain
Is it because the sun is hiding its face
Or because the sky has grayed
Rain its self has done no wrong
Its merely the clouds getting go
Letting go of everything they hold

No rain is not bad
Nor is it in the least sad
It is merely the clouds above
Watering the ground below
Do you see the ocean as evil
When its the same only on earth

No Rain isn't bad
And should never be considered sad
It is merely a reason to let go
To let go of all the hate
Of all the rage and pain
To free the feelings we keep captive
In the cages we keep within

So this is why I smile as I sing in the rain
And let go of all the pain
What comes from the holes
That infect my soul

I Love the Rain
It heals my pain's
Shade May 2015
Who are you?
You are the ying to my yang
My reason to wake up
The moon in the darkness of life
My anchor in the raging sea of life
You're the Apple of my eye

Your my compass in the jungle
My water In the desert
You're the guide in the ruins of me
You are the sunshine in my life
You are the eye of the storm
You are the conquer
Of the fortress of my heart

You are my best friend
And will always be
You're the heart that beats next to mine
You are the catcher of my tears
And the raiser of my spirit

Without you I'm incomplete
I'm paint with no painter
Stone without purpose
A book with no words
A lock with no key
I'm one half of a greater whole

You're the love of my life
You are the missing half of me
You are what I dream about
And what I look for when I wake
Though I don't know what I'm looking for
I'll know you when I find you
When I do I'll love and protect you
And give you all of me for the rest of my life

Who are you?
I don't know
But one day you'll be my wife
Shade May 2015
What is love?
Love is a path widely known
But not truely used
It is a gentle breeze
On a hot summer day
Its the strength to say hi despite fear
And the sadness in goodbye

Love is her smile that brings you to your knees
Its a force to stop the heart
And raise the dead
Love is a fire that starts in the heart
And spreads to the whole body

Love is timeless
It has no beginning or end
It is deeper than the ocean
And wider than the sea
Its more vast than space
And brighter than a star

Love is like a diamond
But it grows slowly in the heart
You don't know how it got there
Or even where it starts
It is a light in the darkest part of me

Love is like a flower
Beautiful yet delicate
My heart is a treasure chest
Where love is the gold
Every days there's more and more
Love is a gift that can only be given
With this truth I'll give it to you
My treasure of the heart

— The End —