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They say
Look both ways
You cross a street
But maybe
Just maybe
You should
Look both ways
You cross a new person
So many people are good
But too many
Also bring pain and hurt
So look both ways
They all say
We fall in
In and out
Of love.
We're young
Should want to
(Need to)
Live life.
Love doesn't
It does
Even if
It's forbidden
As mine.
To go back in time
would bring me joy
To see you again
is my only wish
If only I could go back in time

To go back in time
Would give me a chance
to find peace
to find a place in the world
that I hate
If only I could go back in time

To go back in time
Would bring me pain
of all the memories
Of the things we've been through.
Why do I wish so much
To go back in time?
Hope is fragile
It is like the air
The air you breath
You reach out
To grab it
It slips through
Through your
When you
Need it
You can't
Find it
And then you see
A flower
A flower in the distance
In the distance
Hope will
Always be
Justine Meade Feb 16
You said you
were gonna
I was gonna
be with you
But here I am
and your over there
Two worlds a part
Behind a metal wall
There's so much between us
I just want to see you
I miss you
I need you
But you lied
I wont be with you
Not now
not ever
But its all
I want
I want my mom.
Love is supposed
to be
it hurts
Hurts more than
the scrape on my knee
from falling
falling of my bike
Hurts more than a broken
broken bone
it rips your heart
tearing it...
Tearing it
to pieces
and like a
piece of
it cant
be fixed.
The pain I feel now,
Is the pain we all feel
At some point
in our lonely lives.
The peace we all want,
Is what our dreams create
for our minds.
Our false reality.
It twists and turns,
Until we make it
Make it real.
A never-ending cycle.
No matter how hard,
We try.
It never stops.
The possibilities,
Dispersed like the seeds
Of a Dandelion.
As you watch
They disappear,
Before your eyes.
And with them,
Your hope,
For better days,
Is gone.
My name is Death
You'll take your last Breath
With me at your Feet
As you fight for your heart to beat
Killing your friends
Bringing them to violent ends
Trying to make me bend.
With me at your feet
You'll take your last Breath
My name is Death.
Memento Mori (Translation: Remember you Will Die)
Your on my mind
No matter what
I find
All the time
Like a
Wishing I was saying Hi
As I say bye
Staring at the air
Wishing you were
The pain I feel now,
Is the pain we all feel
At some point
in our lonely lives.
The peace we all want,
Is what our dreams create
for our minds.
Our false reality.
It twists and turns,
Until we make it
Make it real.
A never-ending cycle.
No matter how hard,
We try.
It never stops.
The possibilities,
Dispersed like the seeds
Of a Dandelion.
As you watch
They disappear,
Before your eyes.
And with them,
Your hope,
For better days,
Is gone.
Justine Meade Feb 16
These feelings,
there here to stay
Forever and always
Because of you
The hurt that you
put there
will never go away
Instead it gets
harder and harder
to ignore
Forever and ever
on my mind
but I'm never
on yours
And all the times
you said you
it was all a
Your no different
And now its time
to say goodbye.
It's been thirteen
Thirteen years
Since I last saw you
Just a little kid
Only five.
And all I want
More than Anything is
To see you again

To see you again
Is all I want
But its not
Not my

So I hope
More than all
That you want to see me too
Because I don't
Know what I
Would do

If you didn't want to
See me too.

I miss you, my Sister

— The End —