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Jan 2015 · 664
Hug Tight
Ikong Garabiles Jan 2015
I'm thinking again how her night is
At exactly 11:45
Is she comfortable in her sleep?
Or craving over some gentle heat?

I thought again of that same night
The night no doubt I know it right
It seems she sought a wrapping arm
Or something that will give her warmth

So now I think for her one night
With nothing tingling in my mind
That after she turns off her light
I gave her something to hug tight

I thought again of her last night
No trace, no sign, none of her sight
Does she still dream of me in her sleep?
Or crave my hug with gentle heat?

I think again of her this night
Now it's exactly 12:15
In half-an-hour of poetic night
Do you still want to hug me tight?
Dec 2014 · 476
Twist of a Pen
Ikong Garabiles Dec 2014
Coated in white with a cover of pink
She carried it light though it's full of ink
Her two tiny fingers roll it and then
She grin like saying you can't twist this pen

It is so annoying how I make it wrong
While she was laughing at me so strong
I spin and spin and spin even to no avail
Her laugh makes me feel I win though I fail

I keep spinning this pen but it's wagging instead
I thought I'm doing fine ‘til she shook her head
I wag and wag and wag in badly ruffling manner
Just for me to witness her very lovely cackle

I keep twisting this pen like a very stupid lad
Bringing in this silly game all that I had
I twist and twist and twist while she looks disgraced
That look in her eyes made my heart race

I keep on twisting up this pen that I have
Together with the girl that I know I truly love
It is really weird the way she twist her pen
But what is weirder? That made me fall in love again.
Dec 2014 · 326
Ikong Garabiles Dec 2014
We believe there is a demon in an empty room
Resides in coward mind the horrifying gloom
But who you think expect that in this haunted dark
Two souls suddenly lit a very brilliant spark

Together with a crowd but still felt so alone
Every time my mere sense hear terrifying groan
But in a single moment my wholeness turns like rock
Not by fear nor dread but how both our hands lock

I just go with the flow unmindful of the path
Ghosts or untamed spirit, I do not care ‘bout that
We're like walking in underworld but I never felt fear
Coz every time I was to break, she always pulls me near

I might encounter spirits in the corner of my eyes
Or smell scent that is like body in demise
And in the noise of the dark that terrorize
There is a hand I hold, an angel in disguise

We crazily gone hunting in the darkest of zone
In a haunted place that harshly shivers my bone
But ghost hunting while holding each other’s hand?
The haunted place suddenly turns to wonderland
Jun 2014 · 456
Our Wants
Ikong Garabiles Jun 2014
When people talk about desires
They fill their mind with fantasies
A house designed with gorgeous tiles,
Trending clothes or jewelries
We lock ourselves in leash of wants
Forgetting what matters the most
It turns us bleeding from the thorns
To get hold of the awful rose

But I am just a lucky one
I have some worthy thing to like
I mean I’m not that kind of man
Who cry for costly bike
All I want is this one lass
I don't know but I like this lass
She kinda made me want my school
Because she's always in the class

At first all that I want is games
That studying is just so lame
Until she walk in front of me
A new perception came
I'll never been the same
I want her picture in my mind
Intact in picture frame

I always want to feel her skin
To squeeze her nose and hand
Even if her hair was so thin
I still want every strand
All I want is to be good
And be mature at all
But even if she act so rude
She's still adorable

I wanna be her morning thought
To be the one she always sought
I want to be hugged by her tight
After shivering in cold night
I want to be her Christmas wish
And be her valentine
And if she want strawberries
I'll hunt a fruitful vine

I want her to accept a date
Whether or not I ask
To dance her in a promenade
Even from dawn to dusk
To be with her in the horizon
Or walk in garden of rose
I want to kneel in front of her
Be sweet as I propose

I want her wear a gown in white
Walked by her dad inside the door
Accept me though I'm wrong or right
A man who's either rich or poor

I want her amidst of the truth
Even she utter lie
I'll want her from our youth
Until the day we die
Jun 2014 · 430
The Fairytale of love
Ikong Garabiles Jun 2014
Once upon a time there was love
A place filled up with lies and grudge
That is my point of view as an innocent
Until I enter true love's environment

Love as I have learned is hugging every chance
Like snow white and the dwarves enjoyed every dance
Same as Cinderella who wished over her fairy
Like the beast gazing at his rose daily

Love is all about resisting every fear
For me to bravely talk to my princess I dear
For me to walk the forest full of horror and mist
Boldly enter the castle unmindful of the beast

And love really depends always over time
Even though the bell loudly rang a chime
Never wait for that last petal to drop
Not even twisted fate could ever make me stop

Love's not always looking at outer beauty
You love me as a beast with so much fury
No need for you to ask the mirror in the wall
I'll love you even after 12 midnight fall

And love is all about withstanding every risk
To battle my opponent with unrelenting brisk
Bite an enchanted apple no matter what it takes
No matter how they lock me I could still escape

Same in fairytale love rely on theory
What if the rude beast doesn't meet the beauty?
What if snow white doesn't get into the coffin?
What if Cinderella’s glass shoe doesn't fit in?

But love will still prevail if it was really meant
I'll be your prince charming in your highest castle
Not even the last petal decides how it may end
I'll kiss and woke you up and live happy ever after
Jun 2014 · 3.2k
The frog and the swan
Ikong Garabiles Jun 2014
One night as dark as my hair
Shines the moonlight clear
One night I got a nightmare
And woke up full of fear
One dream every time I remember
Gave me river of tear
This dream I wrote in a paper
Recalls the girl I dear

I was awaken in a pond
Standing in a lily pad
I was as green as lively grass
Gets fluffy as I breathe so hard
Definitely I am a frog
A frog disliked by everyone
I am a frog treated like mud
Because nobody wants a frog
And as a frog I also have
No care of what is all around
Unmindful of so many harsh
All I know is insect sound
But then once upon a time
Two birds I saw flew apart
And she calmly swum inside
Then the frog and swan collide
But as a frog I still care none
Even the presence of a swan
Standing still in lily pad
Still think I am just a mud
Suddenly I don't know why
I notice tears in her eyes
I am a frog that doesn't care
But swear I can't resist to stare
My body moves on its own
I hop from lily pads to stones
I play dumb and acts with craze
To see a curve in her face
Then the swan smiles so light
And look far on the other side
I notice how she watches his flight
And then another tear subside

I miss a smile from a bird
That bears a broken-heart
Her circumstance was so absurd
Like a very solemn art
In her back I took a ride
We act like groom and bride
We play even under the sun
Comfortably have so much fun
As frog I only croak
But I still sing a song
I croak I croak I croak
That makes her laugh along
But then the sky roared
As well as rain poured
I stop to sing
She spread her wings
Without a word she flee
The swan left me
A tear in my eye roll
Imitating the rainfall
I looked at the bird afar
That bears a broken-heart
I was like gazing at a star
With a shape of a heart
I’m just a frog in a pond
A tiny frog who knows no fun
But for some reason I sob
The reason might be love

Then I opened my eyes
I felt cold like ice
A tear roll in my cheek
I felt so numb to rise

Before I wrote this on a paper
I hunt for the finest pen
Like how the frog wander
To seek the swan again
Jun 2014 · 469
I'm glad to have you
Ikong Garabiles Jun 2014
I never thought I never knew
God will intersect our road
Where in the middle I met you
And our attachment turns so broad

At first I thought you're never nice
Lass I thought won't break the ice
Until she got me caught her eyes
When I knew her I’m mesmerized

Closest strangers at the start
Unmindful if I’m dumb or smart
We act like we can't be apart
Comfortably talks heart to heart

The girl I knew for me's the one
You make a love story begun
All things was slow even you run
The one I want to call my Hon

Every time you're in my sight
We compliment and cuddle fight
If I’m in darkness you're my light
You're my good morning and good night

Even you're moody I’m still there
Who pinch your cheeks and touch your hair
You thought me to be fair and square
You gave me so much love and care

I think we have so much in common
And never felt such difference
For her I'll bet my bottom dollar
We came to be best bestfriends

In every way you're all I knew
All day I wanna peekaboo
If our love is just déjà vu
I'll swear I have loved you

But then I got formidable
That losing you's inevitable
I've been afraid to roll the dice
That being just friends would make things nice

Regretful not to risk the chance
I love you and you love me too
I want again to hold your hands
Now I was left out of the blue

Neither our goal had turn to gold
Nor to have you I could still do
I'll still wait though I’m doomed or cold
What matters is that I love you

Our love story unleashes a good poet in me
Who will love you forever unconditionally
We might not be together in heaven or in hell
But I’m still glad we have collided so well
To my bestfriend
Jun 2014 · 396
She love me or not?
Ikong Garabiles Jun 2014
Along the way my ocular hit
A blooming rose with thorns in it
Without a thought I got it picked
And that girl who I somehow think

I handle the rose so caring so gentle
So calmly I pluck one of its petals
Yeah she loves me I whispered gracefully
As hope tickled me that we're meant to be

But animosity was just around the corner
As she loves me not was the next word I utter
With just this single petal I lost my amor
But fortunately chances are still more

It flatters me to pick every single petal
As it excites my being and my mere verbal
Picking every no is not a real deal
Coz she loves me is what I really feel

As the altering routine goes on
The poor thing destroyed without caution
I ruined a flower like man takes dope
Plucked all its petal in search for hope

When the petals dwindles from so much rip
Was then my tears begun to drip
The thought-so last petal reveals she loves me not
That I throw the rose with so much wrath

As I was about to leave I cast my last glance
With hope for a sweet last chance
And that final glimpse makes my smile grew
What I thought last petal there are still two
Jun 2014 · 370
Locked in both love
Ikong Garabiles Jun 2014
I was once locked in love that should never existed
A love for me was bliss but others keep restricted
A blood similitude which I ignored for thee
But my firmness dissolves as she so disagree

It came to hit me up that it was really wrong,
Like a redundant lyric does devastate a song,
To make a better one we need diversity,
Combine distinctive genres that still fruits harmony

And as I go along I was shackled again
In love wherein I felt immense fidelity
Devotedness that turns me oh so formidable
Of what will I then be if she vanishes to me

I came with an agenda to be just alter ego
Remaining just a cover of my beloved pillow
Guess that in this way things would truly last
Until she realized the world was really vast

This mere lady I know for me is the one
Unluckily oh fool my girl is all **** gone
And my adversary? All but wrong insight
To treat her only just like bestfriend for life

I was locked in both loves full of malevolence
One is adversity the other's imprudence
One I know was just a bitter destiny
The other's not dealt well and lost regretfully
Jun 2014 · 452
Love is obscure
Ikong Garabiles Jun 2014
Loves really do talk much hyperbole
It makes us take a walk thousand miles a day
We even act imbecile and so peculiar way,
Just to see a smile that do blow us away

Do anticipate in every open door,
A lovely being that you would madly adore,
Who'll shift your atmosphere like never before,
A girl that does deserve your sweetest endeavor

That lady who will woke up your very sense,
Is she who's worthy of your sweet benevolence,
She who'll charmingly put smile up in your face,
Is she who'll surely turn your world a better place

The enigma of love is its surprising style,
To fall a world by just her astounding smile,
Even the havoc sure would tend to reconcile,
Even the wicked I will still walk her down the aisle

— The End —