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Apr 2019 · 176
Junior Apr 2019
Am I selfish or are you?
Cant you see that I handle things different than you do?
Why do you conspire to do things the way I dont want to?
You bring up things just because they do not suit you
Just cause I dont see things the way you do
You and I are different and Im fine with it but are you?
Maybe thats how you dont see it but I do
Maybe I dont understand but you dont either
Not the way I do.
Everytime I feel like something is right you bring up old wounds
Wounds that make me feel like I was the one who did it to you.
And maybe to you its true.
I am the monster thats scarred you
If so why are you with me?
Why am I with you?
Why am I the monster?
If im the monster who are you?
My hostage? My lover?
How am I to live with the things I do?
Knowing that whatever I do Ill hurt you
You say that the good times are much more than the bad
And yet why are the bad times that are so true?
And just maybe it isnt all that comes to your mind but for me its not true
They haunt my thoughts
Give me nightmares
Everytime you bring them up
It makes me believe that I am the monster thats scarred you.
Ive come to believe that I am the monster to you
And maybe its really true
Am I safe enough to be with you?
Jul 2018 · 204
Junior Jul 2018
Hey, are you there?
I'm looking at you from the corner
From across the room
Almost stalking
can you see me?
May 2018 · 342
Junior May 2018
Love is acceptance. Him melding into her and her melding into him. Love is opening up to each other and not being embarrased about the fact that they're in love.
Love is affection. Holding hands and cuddling with each other. Lookin into each other and saying "I love you".
Love is knowing. Knowing that he will be there for her and she for him. Knowing that they'll be together even in death.
Love is letting go. Letting go of fear and showing who you are; knowing that you'll be loved none the less.
Apr 2018 · 177
Beauty of Death
Junior Apr 2018
She caresses my face with her soft arm. Her cool touch on my face, I fail to notice my shriveled bony hands tracing up her caressing arm as she brings her beautiful expressionless face close to mine, her cool breath on my lips. Her crimson lips, pale snow white skin, her sharp pointed nose. The last thing I see is my reflection on her pitch black eyes, still as water. My hollow sunken eyes, protruding cheekbones greet me as my vision darkens and feel myself slipping away. My consciousness fades as I stare into those still light less eyes. I breathe my last as I stare into her eyes; into death's eyes.
Apr 2018 · 177
Junior Apr 2018
Heartbeats echoing
In the blanket of silence
A spark in the chambers
Shrouded by darkness

Whispers of your name
Lingering in the wind
Bringing me warmth
Amongst the hazy tint

The breaking of dawn
The first breath of life
The twinkling tear drops
Replacing the starry sky

Hints of your presence
Lurking in the shadows
Guiding me home
Away from my sorrows
Apr 2018 · 151
Junior Apr 2018
Though maybe this may be no one’s fault
I can’t help but blame myself
Because I know an equation is never really the same
When another variable comes in
Apr 2018 · 222
Memories of You
Junior Apr 2018
Memories of you
Come barging in like flood waters
Every day when I walk that lane,
One which I’ll never walk with you

Passing the trees that grow by the side
That change every season
How we used to wonder about them,
Now will never be the same, not without you

The brown leaves in autumn that magically
Covered the way like carpet for you
Will never be seen, only dead leaves
For the carpet was there, only for you

The branches that reached out
To cover you from the falling snow
Look all sad and cold,
Now that they will never see you

Your melodious laughter
That used to blend with the singing birds
Are now filled with silence
Like the times I call out to you

The flowers in the spring,
Those were colourful and full of life
Are now bleached and faded
Like me, they miss the presence of you

I remember fooling around in the summer
Under the shade of the trees
But now they’redark and held by ghosts of my soul,
For you aren’t here to be the light

All these memories will never come true
And this lane I’ll never walk with you
That which was lovely, now so dark and cold
These lanes, they miss the light
They miss you...
I miss you
Apr 2018 · 160
Junior Apr 2018
I thought myself strong in isolation
I believed this way to be fine
But you proved I was living a lie
You shattered this illusion of mine
Apr 2018 · 218
Junior Apr 2018
Is there something wrong in wanting to hold hands but you don’t want to?
The way you fling your hands away from mine
The way you wipe it off like it’s been made filthy with grime

How bad I wanna talk to you, but you don’t want to
How I hope you’ll see me next to you, but you don’t seem to
…The way you choose not to

You’re like a beautiful touch me not
Closing away at the slightest touch…my touch
I only wish I could describe it as shying away, but I know you’re not
Apr 2018 · 141
Junior's Strange Memory
Junior Apr 2018
As I sat on the toilet thinking about the stars
As the **** longingly came out of my ****
It reminded me of something that happened long ago
A memory so strange that it disrupted my flow

What was stranger was the reason for the nostalgia
To come from a action too unusual to be an Idea
What I wonder was the reason for this memory
Was it the smell or the feeling of ecstasy?

Now I try and look deeper into this memory
But it tries to run from me, seeking to be free
I try to get near and grasp it real hard
But it got away surprised by a ****

I think of ways to fulfill my cause
To win this game and end this curse
As I stay there listening to the splash underneath
An Idea enters as the slush leaves from beneath

In idea so strong that the memory was soon in my hands
A feeling of elation and of successful plans
But alas the memory faded, disappeared from my pulse
Because it was time to clean up and in the end flush
All this cause I forgot to take my phone with me to the bathroom
Apr 2018 · 148
Junior Apr 2018
If she were to ask
What love is to me
I'd look her in the eye
and tell her
She's standing right in front of me
Apr 2018 · 128
Junior Apr 2018
She thought she found love
For a moment a spark flickered in her heart
But it was just a passing wind, a dying candle
For it wasn't enough
To light the cold embers in her heart
Apr 2018 · 157
Junior Apr 2018
There is nothing for me to see
Nothing in life I want to be
So I'll hold my breath till I suffocate
Just to feel the need to live

— The End —